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Maryland Education Parent Resources: more books (15) |
21. State/Local Resources Index Page - Maryland NICHCY State resources Over 35 resources for the maryland The parents Place of maryland is a centered organization which provides parent education courses and http://www.childrenwithdisabilities.ncjrs.org/maryland.html |
22. Washington Parents' Bulletin Board: Resources And Workshops For Moms And Dads Therapy Available The Family Service Center at the University of maryland offers low PACE (parent and Community education) Currently registering new http://www.washingtonparent.com/pbb.htm | |
23. Kent State University Parent Resources Delaware parent education Resource Center http//www.childinc.com/DPERC.htm. cte.jhu.edu/dse_eis/eis.cfm maryland Department of education http//www http://fpsrv.dl.kent.edu/ecis/Web/Parent Resources/ParentResource.htm |
24. Parent Resources 2. Join the school systemÂs parent advisory team for gifted education. 4. Join your state gifted organization (marylandÂs organization is called MCGATE http://www.hcps.org/gifted/enrich/parentr.html | |
25. Educational Resources For Teachers And Parents - From About Saltwater Aquariums Freshwater Aquademics from Tetra Aquademics is a parent and teacher s guide from Tetra that maryland National Aquarium in Baltimore education Here is http://saltaquarium.about.com/od/educationaltool1/ | |
26. Maryland - Jon's Homeschool Resources maryland Home education Association. Montgomery Home education Network. Homeschooling parent support meetings, meetings for our children, and an e http://www.midnightbeach.com/hs/Maryland.html | |
27. Resources to their childÂs disability, particularly about special education in maryland. The parent educators support and educate families on their rights in http://www.ppmd.org/resources.html | |
28. National Coalition For Parent Involvement In Education (NCPIE): Resources parent, family, and of education*. Partnership for Family Involvement in education 400 maryland Avenue SW...... in the Middle Grades Price Free http://www.ncpie.org/Resources/resources_by_subject.cfm?resourceTypeID=17 |
29. School Psychology Resources For Parents And Family law located in Potomac, maryland, a suburb of Washington DC Family education Network Family parents, Educators, and Publishers parent Advocacy Coalition http://www-gse.berkeley.edu/program/sp/html/parents_family.html | |
30. Special Education Resources: Special Education Organizations/Parent Organization maryland parents Place of maryland, Inc Pennsylvania - parent education Network (Added Sun Aug 26 2001 Texas - El Valle Community parent Resource Center (Added http://parentpals.com/gossamer/pages/Special_Education_Organizations/Parent_Orga | |
31. State Resources For Gifted Education State G/T parent/Teacher Association North Western State University PO Carolyn Cooper, Specialist maryland State Department of education Gifted and http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html | |
32. Special Olympics Maryland - Inspire Greatness Independent Living Centers, parent Centers, Special They offer disability awareness education programs and ARC of Southern maryland Developmental Disabilities http://www.somd.org/families/resources.html | |
33. Pre-K Parent Resource Center For example, the maryland State Department of education found Other resources on High Quality Early education Programs. for parents What Every parent Needs to http://www.pre-k-parent.org/WhyItMatters/ | |
34. Parent Education and resources for parents, caregivers, and home schoolers who want to help their children excel in school. parent education Listen to University of maryland http://www.kbojibwacc.com/34/parent-education.html | |
35. 11th Wing Internet - IDS Web Links Page in DC; Homeschooling in maryland; Homeschooling in Network a parenting and education Resource; Father Flanagan s Single parent resources; Successful parenting. http://www.bolling.af.mil/orgs/MDG/IDS/ids-links.htm |
36. About The California Parent Center Maine. Maine parent Foundation (207) 5822504. Marshall Islands. RMI PREL (Pacific resources for education and Learning) (808) 441-1300. maryland. http://parent.sdsu.edu/pirc_aboutcpc.htm | |
37. Maryland Education Resources - Sailor by Parents Created by and for parents with children as reading research, MSDE (maryland State Dept of education) reading indicators, motivation techniques, and http://www.sailor.lib.md.us/MD_topics/edu/_res.html | |
38. Information And Support Resources In Maryland For Parents Of Children With Disab Family Works the maryland s Goals 2000 parent Information and strengthens partnerships between parents and their children s educational settings. http://www.linc.org/resparent.html | |
39. Welcome To ACEI! Membership Journals education resources Free resources News Issues nbspLater Childhood resources Who's WhoParent resources A University of maryland HumanComputer Interaction http://www.udel.edu/bateman/acei | |
40. Resources For Parents Of Children With Special Needs www.ppmd.org  Parents Place of maryland. for Children and Youth with Disabilities has many useful publications on special education and disabilities http://www.us.net/mccpta/specialed.html | |
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