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Marsupials General: more books (45) | |||
61. AusStats : Feature Article - Marsupials Of Tasmania, The in general, to animals which, after bearing young in an immature state of development,suckle the offspring in a pouch. Thus the young of marsupials, from http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/9536247a6521e9e7ca256ccf0083d51a?OpenD |
62. Entrez PubMed Significantly, it is not always the marsupials and monotremes (usually consideredthe weird mice are the weird mammals that break more general mammalian, or http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?holding=npg&cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed |
63. Pamphlets, M Subjects Markin Tobin of Wyoming Center, Business. Marriage, general. Marshall Islands,Geographical. marsupials, J Vertical File. Martial Arts, J Vertical File. http://www.gateslibrary.org/pamphlets/pamphlets_m.php | |
64. Metatheria From their general morphology and from a few scant fossils, suchotheriids seemto As marsupials, suchotheriids cannot give birth to their young in the water http://www.bowdoin.edu/~dbensen/Spec/Metatheria-SA.html | |
65. Marsupials Are Different a tourist. In only the most general sense is there an internationalconcern to conserve and manage marsupials. Australia and New http://www.newcastle.edu.au/discipline/biology/marsupialcrc/difmars.html | |
66. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results WA Marsupial lion s skull back in homeland AAP general News (Australia); December wellpreservedskeletons from extinct giant marsupials including the lion, a http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
67. CABI - Biocontrol News And Information 21(2) June 2000 News - General News general News. The elephant has few (and only distantly) related species in Africa(the hyraxes), but control of overabundant marsupials in Australia and pest http://pest.cabweb.org/Journals/BNI/Bni21-4/GenNews1.htm | |
68. Research - Biodiversity Subsequent work did the same for New World marsupials (Willig and Gannon,1997) and mammals in general (Kaufman and Willig, 1998). http://www.biol.ttu.edu/faculty/FacPages/willig/MRWilligpage/Research/Interest P |
69. Impact Science - General Information general Information on ISS2003. and electronic systems and high resolution meteorologyfrom the apparently familiar, such as Australian marsupials to the http://www.scienceschool.usyd.edu.au/gen_info.html | |
70. Affinity To A Distinct Group of all Rodents, the bizcacha is most nearly related to marsupials; but in the pointsin which it approaches this order, its relations are general, and not to http://www.science-times.org/chapter13page10.html | |
71. NHBS - For The Best Books On Earth, Worldwide Catalogue Contents MAMMALS general MAMMALS marsupials MAMMALS INSECTIVORES TOUNGULATES general MAMMALS CARNIVORES general MAMMALS WOLVES, DOGS, FOXES http://www.nhbs.com/news/wcb.html | |
72. Australia's Forest Marsupials the Earthwatch Newsroom New Mammal Species Identified in Australia general Lindenmayer,DB in the biology and ecology of arboreal marsupials in southeastern http://www.earthwatch.org/expeditions/lindenmayer/relatedreadings.html | |
73. Marsupials In The Cinema return to Arthouse, World + general Cinema. marsupials in the cinema.Re I thought that terrapins are jonathan barnett. » Posted http://www.mhvf.net/forum/general/posts/4055.html | |
74. DVD Verdict Review - Howling III: The Marsupials frightening subtitle to call a film than The marsupials. Yes, nothing says terrifyingto me like the image of Australian mammals. Anyhow, the general lot of http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/howling3.php | |
75. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Featured Titles in Children s Animalsgeneral Page 11 of 13 next. (Science ofLiving Things) by Bobbie Kalman Synopsis marsupials are the only mammals that http://www.powells.com/subsection/ChildrensAnimalsGeneral.11.html | |
76. Native Vegetation - General Vegetation Management Guidelines In general, areas of remnant vegetation should not be too widely dispersed or especiallyfor less mobile species like small mammals and arboreal marsupials. http://www.lwa.gov.au/nativevegetation/managing.asp | |
77. Action Plan For Australian Marsupials And Monotremes - Recovery Outline - Brush- Pp 1322 in M. Archer (Ed.) Carnivorous marsupials. Range reduced and contractedat both ends of general distribution, and now patchily distributed in most http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/action/marsupials/25.html | |
78. ! Rainforest Carniverous Marsupials ! Tropical Rainforest Queensland Australia Carniverous marsupials Long Nosed Bandicoot, Northern Brown Bandicoot, Giant Whitetailed Uromys, Yellow-footed antechinus. Courtesy of Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodge, Atherton Tableland, Far http://www.rainforest-australia.com/bandicoots.htm | |
79. GeoZoo Marsupials, From Kangaroos To New World Opossums! GeoZoo's safari into the world of marsupials, from kangaroos to New World opossums! If you think marsupials are animals that have pouches and live in Australia, youre wrong Click marsupials http://mammals.geozoo.org/mar/index.php |
80. The Plush Code 2.1 aqu, Aquatics in general, lyn, Lynxes. bad, Badgers, mar, Marsupialsin general. bir, Nonpredatory birds, mee, Meerkats. bun, Bunnies, moo, Moose. http://www.velocity.net/~galen/plushcod.html | |
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