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Marine Underwater Archeology: more detail |
81. H.L. Hunley Wreck Protection Agreement All archeological work, including marine survey and underwater data recovery,will be conducted under the direct field supervision of a person or persons http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/org12-9a.htm | |
82. Emanuel Point Project Information various treatments to stabilize their condition after over 400 years underwater sothat which UWF could begin to develop a capability in marine archaeology at http://www.flheritage.com/ep/project_information.html | |
83. Books Of Yesteryear - Subject Listings More details Order - Enquire 19810 BASS, George F. (ed) - A History of Seafaringbased on underwater archeology London, 1972, 4to. Or.cl. 560 Illust. http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/esearch.php3?restrict2=25&type=SUB&search |
84. Marine Archeology The archeology of HMS Vixen, an early ironclad of Nautical Archaeology and UnderwaterExploration, pp. Illustrated marine Encyclopedia, Watford, UK Argus Books http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/NH_Zoo_Magnet/earthwatch/shipwreck_sinclair.html | |
85. San Pedro Underwater Archaeological Preserve San Pedro gives students a unique opprtunity to study underwater archeology and marinebiology while mastering thei r diving and underwater documentation skills http://www.indiana.edu/~scuba/san_pedro/ | |
86. Publications List For Underwater Archaeology At The Wisconsin Historical Society Report on Phase I marine Magnetometer Survey in Death s Door Passage Davidson s GoliathsUnderwater Archeological Investigations of the Steamer Frank O Connor http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/shipwrecks/publications.asp | |
87. VNN World - Underwater Museum In Dwarka Yet To Surface India Abroad News Service BANGALORE Nearly two decades after marine archeologistsfound the on a proposal to establish the world s first underwater museum to http://www.vnn.org/world/WD9902/WD13-3039.html | |
88. Underwater Archaeology A Guide to underwater Archaeology Resources on the Internet. Institutes and Departments of underwater Archaeology. Organizations, universities and degree programs in underwater Archaeology. Museums http://www.pophaus.com/underwater | |
89. Nordic Underwater Archaeology If you like history and scuba diving, this is for you. The Baltic Sea, in Northern Europe, is a cold brackish sea where wood is preserved for centuries. Many sunken ships still wait to be What is http://www.abc.se/~m10354/uwa | |
90. Underwater Archaeology Discovery of shipwrecks and their cargoes in the Mediterranean, the English Channel http://www.culture.fr/culture/archeosm/en |
91. Great Links To The Great Lakes Great Lakes Institute for marine Research, An active Great Lakes underwaterarcheology group based in Canada. Check out their survey work. http://www.ship-wrecks.net/shipwreck/links/browse.asp?cat=orgs |
92. Phase I Remote Sensing Marine Archeological Survey Of The Southwest Pass, Ocean Phase I Remote Sensing marine Archeological Survey of the Southwest Pass,Ocean Dredge Material Disposal Site, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. http://www.stormingmedia.us/68/6883/A688393.html | |
93. L'Archéologie Sous Les Mers Translate this page Découverte des épaves et de leur cargaison gisant sous la Méditerranée ainsi que sous la Manche et l'Atlantique bâteaux antiques, navires du Moyen http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/archeosm/fr/ |
94. FSSS - Liens - Français SUSV/FSSS der Unterwassersportverband fuer alle Taucher/innen. Schweizerischer UnterwasserSportverband, Fédération suisse de sport subaquatiques, http://www.fsss.ch/fsss_d/Liens_index_d.htm | |
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