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Marine Underwater Archeology: more detail |
41. Websites-Eco-friendly Links - Suite101.com Wildlife Conservation Society marine Science Program studies coral reefs, fisheries,and coastal zones. NPS underwater archeology The National Park Service s http://www.suite101.com/linkcategory.cfm/1176/1840 | |
42. ROV World - Subsea Information Portal - Technion Engineer Clears Up Underwater P It would be a boon for marine biologists, Schechner said, because be of great assistancein scientific research (biology, underwater archeology, and underwater http://www.rovworld.com/phpnuke/article235.html | |
43. Shipwrecks, Archeology & Antique Pottery From South China Sea INFORMATIONS Nanhai marine Archaeology is a Malaysian based company specializingin the search for historical shipwrecks, underwater archeology and research http://www.mingwrecks.com/shipwrecks.html | |
44. Okinawa underwater archeology. Team Atlantis AN EXPEDITION TO JAPAN S ENIGMATIC, underwaterMONUMENTS 2 KeramaShoto, Video, Diving World Video, marine Kikaku 1990.07 http://www.divejapan.com/okinawainf.htm | |
45. MARINE MUSEUM OF THE GREAT LAKES Kingston.html technology and steamboats, naval history, shipwrecks, naval architecture, shipbuilding,boatbuilding, ocean liners, marine engines, underwater archeology. http://www.naut-res-guild.org/Services/MIS/kingston.html |
46. NPS AEP: Abandoned Shipwreck Act Guidelines shows, videos, and exhibits on shipwrecks, maritime history, underwater archeology,underwater photography, diving, and the marine environment surrounding http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/submerged/interpret.htm | |
47. NPS AEP: Common Ground Online no surprise to anyone involved in public archeology that the The marine parks comeimmediately to mind common little awareness of is the underwater world of http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/cg/vol1_num3-4/unexpected.htm | |
48. Oceanography Careers Overview Related Fields environment; they may analyze uses of marineprotected areas and changes in habitat,ship or airplane track wreckage, map an underwater archeology site, or http://www.enteracked.com/awito/related.html | |
49. Treasure Hunting serving patrons with an interest in diving, marine archaeology, and of this twopartencyclopedia covers all aspects of underwater archeology, treasure hunting http://www.seatalebooks.com/treasure_hunting.htm | |
50. Science, Social Sciences, Archaeology, Topics, Underwater: Institutes Unit Twenty years of underwater archeology in the State Maritime Museum - Activein underwater archaeology, using The Institute for marine Archaeology - An http://www.combose.com/Science/Social_Sciences/Archaeology/Topics/Underwater/Ins | |
51. MASJ English THE JOURNAL OF THE marine ACOUSTIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. of recent advances in underwaterdetection and survey techniques to underwater archeology *Editors Tuncay http://www.masj.jp/English/index_e.html | |
52. Looking Around Activities 2002 underwater archeology underwater archaeology is a nascent discipline, which hasas its Another objective of marine archaeology is to generate data useful for http://www.iisc.ernet.in/looknet/abstracts02.html | |
53. ACUA -- Education Career opportunities in underwater archeology are steadily Indiana University underwater Science and Educational of Maine - Darling marine Centre, Maine. http://www.acuaonline.org/education.html | |
54. Italian Coast Guard - The Official Web Site In English Language A demanding job in a difficult marine environment, especially considering maturatedin tight collaboration with the various underwater Archeological Groups of http://www.guardiacostiera.it/en/archeology.htm | |
55. ARCHEOLOGY State University Nova Scotia Museum underwater archeology page The underwater ArcheologicalSociety of British Columbia The marine Institute s education page http://www.mtsu.edu/~then/Archeology/page17.html |
56. Samples Of RAC status of Mediterranean marine Turtles; Directory of institutions and researchersinvolved in the Mediterranean underwater archeology. marine archeology in the http://www.rac-spa.org.tn/Publier.htm | |
57. Marine Archeology Examples of marine archaeological resources include shipwrecks, prehistoric villagesites that are now underwater, objects placed in the ocean by Native http://www.mms.gov/omm/pacific/kids/marine_archeology.htm | |
58. FAU, Ocean Engineering Major echo sounding, underwater archeology) Sonar/underwater Communications SystemsDesigner Designer of Fixed/Floating Structures marine Construction Manager http://www.fau.edu/student/majors/oceaneng.htm | |
59. Anthro.Net Directory Cultural Resources Unit Twenty years of underwater archeology in the US UniversitiesOffering Graduate Courses in underwater marine Archaeology - List with http://www.anthro.net/cgi-anthro/xdirectory.cgi?dir=/Science/Social_Sciences/Arc |
60. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Social_Sciences/Archaeology/Topics/Underw Disease is increasing among most kinds of marine organisms, according 1999. 3. Books Submerged Adventures of America s Most Elite underwater archeology Team. http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Social_Sciences/Archaeology/Topics | |
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