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81. University Of Washington Libraries : Fisheries-oceanography Library : Endangered endangered Cichlid Fishes from Lake Victoria. endangered marine life from endangeredSpecie.com. Sea turtles (endangered marine Species). http://www.lib.washington.edu/fish/subjects/endangered.html | |
82. Office Of Protected Resources-Provides Information On Protected And Endangered M Office of Protected Resources Provides information on protected and endangered marine life More information is available at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/prot_res http://www.scitechresources.gov/Results/show_result.php?rec=940 |
83. Aquariums In UK Directory: Lifestyle & Auto: Zoos & Aquariums WWF marine Wildlife WWF works to protect endangered species and their habitats, and addresses global MarLIN - marine life Information Network Data Access. http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705473,705567,675275,670742,708533 |
84. Mediterranean Sea - A Source Of Life home about the Kit Background information MEDITERRANEAN AN endangered SEA The Mediterranean sea belongs to its marine life as well as to humans. http://tofino.ex.ac.uk/euroturtle/medas/kit/bg.htm | |
85. Home Page classroom on The Circle of life Virtual Voyager the Riverhead Foundation are cetaceans (marine mammals such Turtle species are either endangered or threatened http://www.herrickses.org/searingtown/circleoflife/ | |
86. Oceana Welcomes You have on other issues such restricting the environmental impact of fishery management plans or the protection of marine life under the endangered Species Act. http://www.oceana.org/index.cfm?sectionID=10&fuseaction=41.detail&pageID=695 |
87. Oceana Welcomes You In addition to our habitat concerns, we are suing NMFS for failing to protect threatened and endangered sea turtles and other marine life from being caught http://www.oceana.org/index.cfm?sectionID=13&fuseaction=20.detail&pressreleaseID |
88. Marine Life Fact Sheets population and therefore would not be listed as Âendangered under the endangered Species Act. BeachcomberÂs guide to marine life of the Pacific Northwest http://www.whatcom-mrc.wsu.edu/Fact_Sheets/orca_whale.htm | |
89. TOPICSTAMPS.COM -- Stamps From All Over The World 1204, 1914 (NK) - Sheet 3 marine life,, 5.20 $, image, Scott) - Sheet 4 Turtle shape, marine turtles,, 8.30 03-03, 623a (Scott) - Sheet 16 endangered Species, Wombat http://topicstamps.com/newcontent.php?categ_id=181 |
90. TORPEDO 54 News Bulletin (British Marine Life Study Society) December 2000 The great scallop an endangered species by Richard P Briggs (Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development for Northern Ireland). BMLSS marine life Articles in http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/BMLSS/Torped54.html | |
91. Marine Realms Information Bank: Search Pilot Census of marine life in the Gulf of Maine Illustrated Taxonomy references about the sei whale, _Balaenoptera borealis_, an endangered species which http://mrib.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/search?mrib.hot_topics=Resources.Food&mrib.hot_topi |
92. Office Of Protected Resources Welcome to the Office of Protected Resources. The Office of Protected Resources of NOAA Fisheries manages programs and policies for one of the nation's most precious natural resources its marine life. http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/prot_res.html | |
93. Marine Jewelry Of Sea Life marine jewelry index page for sea life, mammals, sport fish, whales, shells mermaids and all of the creatures of the seas. marine sea life jewelry sea creatures and mammals of all the oceans http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.seawear.com/index-marine-jewelry.htm |
94. NOAA - Office Of Protected Resources - Endangered Species Conservation The NMFS Office of Protected Resources (OPR) is charged with the implementation of the endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) for marine and anadromous species. http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/overview/es.html | |
95. Fish Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com Whale shark Whale Shark The largest fish and a filter feeder that eats tiny marine organisms and small You can learn about the butterfly life cycle at each meal http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/fish/printouts/ | |
96. The Pew Charitable Trusts: Advancing Policy Solutions: Protecting Ocean Life The continued alteration and destruction of the global marine environment is likely to have a profound impact on almost all aspects of life on earth, extending http://www.pewtrusts.com/ideas/index.cfm?issue=16 |
97. A Guide To Migrating Marine Life - All Info About Science For Families marine life Migration Did you know that millions of marine animals migrate every year? marine life These animals live in or near water. http://scienceforfamilies.allinfo-about.com/features/marinemigration.htm | |
98. WWF | Oceans Our planet s oceans are in trouble and the plant and animal life they sustain are being threatened. WWF calls its marine initiative Ocean Rescue. http://www.worldwildlife.org/oceans/index.cfm | |
99. NRDC: California's Marine Life Protection Act legislation. Why Establish marine life Reserves? On reserve design. The marine life Protection Act. What the marine life Protection Act Will Do. http://www.nrdc.org/wildlife/fish/acaleg.asp | |
100. International Marine Mammal Project The International marine Mammal Project (IMMP), a project of Earth Island Institute, is a nonprofit conservation and education organization with active, cuttingedge campaigns to protect marine http://www.earthisland.org/immp |
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