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61. American Oceans Campaign - Fisheries - Fish Briefs July 2001 species management measures, which apply automatic conservation measures, can be a powerful tool to protect endangered or vulnerable marine life, if widely http://www.americanoceans.org/fish/fbjuly01.htm | |
62. WOW Philippines :: Great Hideaways :: Diving home to the maneating Philippine crocodile and the endangered ÂdugongÂ, or marine life The Tubbataha Reef National marine Park teems with 300 coral species http://www.tourism.gov.ph/great_hideaways/wildlife.asp | |
63. Grist | Main Dish | The Sound And | 23 Oct 2003 meaning the Navy may soon visit earsplitting noises on endangered animals in the recent settlement a major step forward toward protecting marine life and a http://www.gristmagazine.com/maindish/shaw102303.asp | |
64. Endangered Species--How You Are Involved - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site believe that the best solution to the problem of today s endangered species involves marine life will abound, as will reptiles, insects, and a variety of birds http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/1996/8/8/how_you_are_involved.htm | |
65. Coral Communities careers Ecology, Natural resources, lifesustaining, Renewable Sun, Coral communities and endangered reefs Coral Communities, Ocean facts, marine inhabitants and http://www.eco-pros.com/coral.htm | |
66. ECES: Prawn Fishery Kills 150,000 Endangered Sea Turtles Every Year And Is Respo Prawn fishery kills 150,000 endangered sea turtles every year and is responsible for one due to the massive damage done to the seabed and marine life by prawn http://eces.org/articles/000800.php | |
67. ECES - Endangered Species: Marine Mammals who works at the Swire Institute of marine Science birth but fade to pink in later life as the The endangered IndoPacific humpbacked dolphins are known locally http://eces.org/archive/ec/extinction/marinemammals.shtml | |
68. Reviewing The Textbook 'Marine Life And The Sea' (1995; Wadsworth Publishing Co. See also the editorial Protecting endangered Species in the same issue marine life and the Sea is a good book, but Milne can make it even better in its next http://www.textbookleague.org/64sea.htm | |
69. Homework Center - Animals www.nwf.org/wildthornberrys/ Find out about six different endangered animals the marine life Learning Center Kid s Corner http//www.fishid.com/facts.htm Find http://www.multcolib.org/homework/animhc.html | |
70. Marine Debris Fact Sheet The endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal is observed entangled on its haulout and breeding beaches every year. Sea-borne plastic is deadly to marine life. http://www.pacificwhale.org/childrens/fsdebris.html | |
71. NRDC: Protecting Whales From Dangerous Sonar But whales and other marine life are not yet safe US military from core provisions of the marine Mammal Protection Act and the endangered Species Act http://www.nrdc.org/wildlife/marine/nlfa.asp | |
72. Issues In S And T, Fall 1999, Creating Havens For Marine Life Occasionally, marine protected areas established to protect the habitats of a single highly endangered species can play a system that protects all life in the http://www.issues.org/issues/16.1/agardy.htm | |
73. Best Endangered Species And Threatened Plants Websites comprehensive database of extinct, critically endangered and threatened our planet s oceans and the life they contain. The scope includes all marine ecosystems http://www.care2.com/channels/ecoinfo/endangered | |
74. Gulf Of Maine Program (GoM): Census Of Marine Life Portal lobster have flourished at times, but wild Atlantic salmon are endangered, and traditional This program will focus on marine life in the Gulf of Maine, Georges http://www.coml.org/descrip/gom.htm | |
75. Census In The News: Media Resources: Census Of Marine Life Portal Scuba Diving. Searching for new signs of life . New technologies reveal mysteries of marine megafauna . Half of endangered turtles snared each year . http://www.coml.org/medres/medres1.htm | |
76. Galapagos Marine Life The Galapagos marine life is incredible and this is an opportunity not to be missed. Sea Turtles. Green Sea Turtles are an endangered species. http://www.galapagosonline.com/Galapagos_Natural_History/Birds_and_Animals/Marin | |
77. Steller Sea Lion Endangered Species Act (ESA) Waiver - PCFFA Statement The endangered Species Act has played and continues to the longterm sustainability of the marine ecosystems that support our industry and way of life. http://www.pcffa.org/stelerst.htm | |
78. Map & Graph: Countries By Environment: Intl Agreements (signed But Not Ratified) Kyoto Protocol. 55. Ireland, Air PollutionPersistent Organic Pollutants, endangered Species, marine life Conservation. 56. Iceland, http://www.nationmaster.com/graph-T/env_int_agr_sig_but_not_rat | |
79. Singapore Science Centre ScienceNet Life Sciences Marine Biology Question No. 9429 Are dolphins endangered? Why? The However, based on the IUCN Red Data Book, most species are not endangered. Those http://www.science.edu.sg/ssc/detailed.jsp?artid=1247&type=6&root=4&parent=4&cat |
80. Singapore Science Centre ScienceNet Life Sciences Marine Biology Question No. 9548 Are sharks endangered? Sharks are endangered. For further information, please refer to the URLs below http//newsweekinteractive http://www.science.edu.sg/ssc/detailed.jsp?artid=1246&type=6&root=4&parent=4&cat |
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