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21. Marine Life - Vietnam 2003 Group Moves To Save Endangered Turtle http://www.yowiehunters.com/New Crypto/Marine LIfe/Marine Life - Vietnam 2003 Gr | |
22. Animal Protection Institute - Legal Protections For Wildlife And Marine Life Legal Protections for Wildlife and marine life. In its present form, the endangered Species Act (ESA) protects declining species more comprehensively and http://www.api4animals.org/74.htm | |
23. Animal Protection Institute - Marine Life I of the Convention on International Trade in endangered Species (CITES habitat and food sources for sea turtles and other sea life. National marine Sanctuaries. http://www.api4animals.org/57.htm | |
24. Kauai And Hawaii Marine Life Information takes you to our weather page. Here is information on various marine life that we see They were put on the endangered species list, and have since made a fine http://www.holoholocharters.com/dhtml/marine_life.html | |
25. Kids.net.au Marine_Life profile An overview of various endangered sea life. Written by three students. Kids Cruise profile - Pictures and descriptions of marine life in the http://www.kids.net.au/categories/Kids_and_Teens__School_Time__Science__Living_T | |
26. Endangered Wildlife: Whales Garbage kills marine life around the world every year. Disease also kill whales and marine life; sickness could cause a whale to http://www.edu.pe.ca/southernkings/whale.htm | |
27. Endangered Oceans Lesson Plan endangered Oceans Activities. Fish Tales is a wonderful activity about the effects of pollution on marine life. Read books about the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. http://www.geocities.com/sseagraves/endangeredoceans.htm | |
28. Endangered Species ............. marine turtles are endangered due to a loss of nesting habitats to humans. eggs, and not dumping chemicals into the ocean (which also kills other marine life). http://www.geocities.com/thesciencefiles/endangered/endangered.html | |
29. Endangered Plants & Animals Fish and marine life US National marine Fisheries Service, endangered fish, sea turtles, whales, dophins, seals and sea lions. Birds http://www.gti.net/mocolib1/species.html | |
30. Endangered Species, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Caretta Caretta, U.S. Fish & Wildlife life History and Recovery Activities. National Wildlife Refuges established for endangered species. is shared between the National marine Fisheries Service and http://endangered.fws.gov/i/C1T.html | |
31. Marine Life Oceanarium - Exotic Bird Show This species is critically endangered due to the fact that its range much smaller A commonly asked question at marine life is ÂWhy don t the birds fly away http://www.dolphinsrus.com/exoticbirdshow.html | |
32. Marine Life Oceanarium - Reef Tank Reef Tank. The Reef Tank at marine life contains many examples of local marine animals found in the All except the Australian Flatback are endangered. http://www.dolphinsrus.com/reeftank.html | |
33. Curriculum Bridges: Marine Life class. Grade Level Intermediate endangered SPECIES Have the students do a report on endangered marine life species. Encourage http://wings.avkids.com/Curriculums/Marine/marine_links.html | |
34. WWF Canada - World Wildlife Fund Canada - Endangered Species, Nature, Wildlife C is dedicated to saving life on Earth polar bear endangered tiger endangered tigers adopt nature conservation global conservation marine conservation marine http://www.wwf.ca/ | |
35. WWF Canada - Newsroom - Endangered Species, Nature, Wildlife Conservation to resolve the problem and conserve seabirds and other precious marine life in Atlantic and landscape ecology work for WWFCanadaÂs endangered Spaces campaign http://www.wwf.ca/NewsAndFacts/NewsRoom/default.asp?section=archive&page=display |
36. Marine Life Postcards marine life Postcards, Every year scores of these playful but endangered marine mammals are killed by motorboats. Crystal River, Florida. http://www.dal.ca/~ceph/JWoodPhoto/postcard.html | |
37. Monterey Bay Whale Watch - Whales Of Monterey Bay Collective. Blue Whales are endangered with only about 10,000 existing in the world. Back to marine life. marine life Whales. Monterey http://www.montereybaywhalewatch.com/whales.htm | |
38. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Society - Environmentalism - Topics - A great resource for United States New - Library - Society - Environmentalism - Topics - Threatened/endangered Species - Animals - marine life. http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=227634 |
39. Maine.gov: Facts & History: Wildlife & Plant Life Topics Maine Mammals Wildlife marine life Aquariums endangered Species Birds Bird Feeding Insects Wildlife Management Plant life. Maine Mammals Wildlife. http://www.maine.gov/portal/facts_history/wildlife_plant.html | |
40. Marine Life Protection Act, California Department Of Fish And Game protect or restore rare, threatened or endangered native plants, animals or areas master planning process created pursuant to the marine life Protection Act http://www.dfg.ca.gov/mrd/mlpa/defs.html | |
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