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1. Endangered And Threatened Marine Life A Partial Listing of Pacific marine life endangered or Threatened plant or animal species can receive protection under the Endangered Species Act, it must first be placed on the http://www.projectpacific.org/endangered_species.html | |
2. Endangered Marine Life Endangered Marine Life. On Sept. 28, 2000, the 2000 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red http://lama.kcc.hawaii.edu/praise/news/redlist.html | |
3. Miscellaneous Subjects #33: All Marine Life In Jeopardy + The US Elections + Ten From Cacilda Casartelli ccasarte@fmrp.usp.br Subject Endangered marine life. Dear Jean Focus on the planet and mainly on the marine life endangered by the http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/MiscelSubjects33.htm | |
4. Marine Debris Estimates of marine life endangered by debris included most of the world s turtle species, 25 percent of marine mammal species, and more than 15 percent of http://www.conservationinstitute.org/marinedebris.htm | |
5. Lists Of Endangered Species: Marine Life - EndangeredSpecie.com endangered marine life. Sealion, Steller (=northern) (Eumetopias jubatus). Seal, Caribbean monk (Monachus tropicalis). Seal, guadalupe http://www.endangeredspecie.com/states/marine.htm | |
6. Books On Endangered Species: Marine Life - EndangeredSpecie.com endangered Species Books marine life. http://www.endangeredspecie.com/sea.htm | |
7. June Swift - Botanist, Photographer, Naturalist Exploring Brier Island, Nova Sco The author and naturalist takes her visitors into remote areas of Brier Island to discover rare and endangered plants, birds and marine life. Offers a book, a gallery of photos by subject, bird and flower logs and educational projects. http://www.juneswift.ca | |
8. Hawaii Artist Ken Charon Ken's fantasy art illustrates a variety of images including Hawaiian landscapes, endangered animals and marine life, delightful portraits and thought provoking dreams in minute and colorful detail. http://www.charon-artfarm.com/ | |
9. LookSmart - Directory - Endangered Marine Life endangered marine life endangered dolphins and whales, salmon and sea turtles all reside here. With conservation news and actions. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us146762/us10206460/us10183088 | |
10. Cross Stitch Designs By Couchman Creations Features original cross stitch designs of marine life, Australian, and endangered species. http://www.couchmancreations.com.au/index.html | |
11. LookSmart - Directory - More Threatened And Endangered Marine Species YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Animals Wildlife Reference Desk endangered Species marine life More marine life. More Threatened http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us146762/us10206460/us10183088 | |
12. Animal Index From Encyberpedia Animals, Plants and marine life. Biodiversity Birds of Prey, Bony Fishes, Bottlenose Dolphins, Clydesdales, Corals and Coral Reefs, endangered Species, Gorillas http://www.encyberpedia.com/animals.htm | |
13. S 768 -- Dire Threat To All Marine Life Try to make others aware of the danger that Senator Gorton and his cronies pose to endangered species, and marine life in general. http://www.turtles.org/s768.htm | |
14. Proposed Section 403, Endangered Species Act Proposed Section 403, endangered Species Act. the legal gobbledygook, you can see how this section in particular dooms all sorts of marine life, and marine http://www.turtles.org/s403.htm | |
15. Endangered Seas Programme WWF endangered Seas Programme, Our work for the marine environment, they dominate the world s weather systems, and support an enormous variety of life, from the http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/marine/index.cfm | |
16. Endangered Seas Programme marine Protected Areas safeguard the oceanÂs rich diversity of life while supporting haven for commercial fish stocks as well as endangered species and http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/marine/solutions/index.cfm | |
17. Ocean.com - Everything Ocean Action organizations The leading organizations involved with protecting endangered marine life include National Audubon Society; Living Oceans Program http http://www.ocean.com/Conservation/EndageredSpecies.asp | |
18. Content Index Your request for life Science /marine life identified the resources below. Expedition team studying the migration and behavior of endangered sea turtles in http://teacher.scholastic.com/ilp/index.asp?SubjectID=4&SubheadID=9&TopicID=118 |
19. US Nuke Reactors Killing Endangered Marine Life -DAWN - International; 24 Februa WASHINGTON The cooling systems of nuclear power plants across the country are killing and harming marine life, including endangered species such as sea turtles http://www.dawn.com/2001/02/24/int16.htm | |
20. Longline Fishing Threatens Sea Birds And Other Marine Life Fishing Threatens Sea Birds and Other marine life. and death ( bycatch ) of many marine animals, including populations of threatened and endangered sea turtles. http://www.hsus.org/ace/15050 | |
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