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81. Search The Web - Marine Mammal Key Word List killer whale training, manatees, marine biology, marine mammals, marine mammal training,marine mammal careers great place to start homework assignments. http://www.dolphintrainer.com/search_web.htm | |
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83. SpongeBob SquarePants - A Glimpse Of The Undersea World - All Info About The Fam He tries to help his boss who gave someone else the promotion SB SP was hoping FunFact SpongeBob s creator Steve Hillenberg studied marine biology in college http://familyscreenscene.allinfoabout.com/tv/spongebob.html | |
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90. Homework Help--Animals, Insects & Birds--Snakes , distribution, habitat, biologyfacts and marine Snakes  Sea Snakes and Sea Kraits Basic information about...... Crotalus viridis, Western Rattlesnake http://www.kcls.org/hh/snakes.cfm | |
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94. Science.gov Topic Resources For Kids, Parents And Teachers For User Category All Educational resources on general biology compiled by explore how NIST works to helpmake everyoneÃs compiling data from terrestrial, marine, and freshwater http://www.science.gov/browse/w_133A.htm | |
95. Los Gatos Public Library's Kids' Page - Homework Help - Science A great place to start if you need help with science Topics covered include marinebiology, archaeology, genetics, astronomy, biodiversity, palentology, and http://library.losgatosca.gov/kidsscience.html | |
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100. Access Excellence: Resource Center Access Excellence Resource Center. In response to requests from you,our users, we are expanding our Resource Center to include more http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/ | |
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