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41. Biology Literature Searching - Marine Biology Reference Resources to the World List of marine, Freshwater and History, Department of Systematic biologyInvertebrate Zoology Department of Genetics, general and Molecular biology http://library.humboldt.edu/~rls/marbiol.htm | |
42. PHY's MARINE BIOLOGY Vents page; Reef Education Network; Prof. Yancey s New DeepSea ResearchPage. For jobs in and general information on marine biology http://people.whitman.edu/~yancey/marine.html | |
43. OIMB - Marine Biology Major qualify for general University of Oregon upper division credit, but can not be appliedto the 44 credit upper division requirement for the marine biology Major http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~oimb/marinebiomajor.html | |
44. OIMB - Marine Biology Major chemistry, mathematics, physics, and general education requirements. Upper divisionbiology ourses are taken at OIMB and the marine biology major requires http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~oimb/marinebiomajorone.html | |
45. Marine Science Careers general Information about marine Careers. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill;Univ of South Carolina Baruch Institute for marine biology Coastal Research; http://www.vims.edu/adv/ed/careers/ | |
46. Bridge - General Marine Life marine biology Learning Center Comprehensive educational information on fishbiology, fish ecology, general ecology, marine ecology, coral reefs, coral http://www.vims.edu/bridge/life.html | |
47. Animal Concerns Community - Marine Biology advanced search. Site Map; Animal Concerns Forum; About Animal Concerns;EnviroLink Network. Suggest a Resource. marine biology general Information. http://www.animalconcerns.org/topics.html?topic=Marine Biology&topicsku=20021191 |
48. Marine Biology marine mammals Encyclopedias Mammals Science Life Sciences biology -marine biology Life Sciences - Zoology - general Reference Nature . http://topics.practical.org/browse/Marine_biology | |
49. Life Sciences - Biology - Marine Biology Science/Mathematics Science Life Sciences Ecology - Ecosystems Life Sciences - biology - marine biology Atlases - general . http://topics.practical.org/browse/Life_Sciences_-_Biology_-_Marine_Biology | |
50. Troy State University Department Of Biological And Environmental Sciences- Marin Studies Spring Semester Genetics lab Organic Chemistry II lab Literature IIgeneral Studies general Studies Summer Semester marine biology Course marine http://www.troyst.edu/artsandsciences/biologicalsciences/marinebiology.html | |
51. Graduate Degree Programs In Marine Biology - The Program Depot Seton Worldwide, Online Degree Programs. Texas A M biology (Evolutionary).biology (general). biology (marine). biology (Microbiology, Immunology) http://www.hirc.pe.ca/degree-programs/graduate-degree-programs-in-marine-biology | |
52. Marine Biology Select a Major Aquaculture general biology Ecology marine biology Molecularbiology PreProf. biology. What is marine biology? marine http://www.fit.edu/biology/UGPrograms/Marine.htm | |
53. Home Page biology 201 and 202 (Experimental biology and Biostatistics) (4hrs). Chemistry101 and 102 (general Chemistry) (8 hrs). BY312 marine biology (4 hrs). http://www.stetson.edu/artsci/biology/amb/ | |
54. Aquatic & Marine Biology Scheduling Recommendations. for FirstSemester Students. Interested in theAquatic marine biology Major. Recommendations general biology ( BY101). http://www.stetson.edu/advising/1stsemester/aquatic_bio.htm | |
55. Area Of Study Marine Biology of Physics general biology Cellular and Molecular biology Ecology Genetics BiochemistryIntroduction to Physiology Introduction to marine biology marine http://www.iseek.org/sv/22030.jsp?id=140900 |
56. UCSC Discover -The Marine Biology Major Alternatively, students can opt for the general biology major and choosea marine biology concentration. Study and Research Opportunities. http://admissions.ucsc.edu/discover/majors/MarineBiology.cfm | |
57. Majors. . . biology major provides students with interests in marine biology, biological oceanography,marine sciences, marine ecology, and the general biology of aquatic http://admissions.ucsc.edu/majorsdev/marinebio/ | |
58. Marine Biology, Oceanography And Fisheries - Job Description general Education Guidelines for marine biology. Ideal preparation for this job involvesan undergraduate degree in biology, marine biology, oceanography, etc. http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~envjobs/job17.html | |
59. B.S. In Marine Biology Graduate work may also be general or follow morphology, physiology, ethology, estuarine,or freshwater biology. by the Moss Landing marine Laboratories and the http://www.sfsu.edu/~biology/pages/marine.html | |
60. SFSU Marine Biology And Limnology Undergraduate Program College students who want to transfer into the marine biology program will find ituseful to have completed courses such as general biology, chemistry, physics http://www.sfsu.edu/~puboff/programs/undergrad/mari_bio.htm | |
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