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121. Home Page Offers marching band drills for high school and college bands of all sizes that are easy to teach. http://marchingdrill.com |
122. Untitled Document About Us, How to Join, marching Band, Pep Band, Links, BAND CAMP 8/20-8/26. http://bands.rutgers.edu/ |
123. UNC Bands (University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill) Umbrella organization for the marching band, wind ensemble, concert band, and university band, as well as other faculty and student instrumental ensembles. http://www.unc.edu/depts/music/uncbands/index.html | |
124. Towson Bands Home Page 26, 2004 have been added. (under Audio Files). (03/30/04) NEW 2004 marching/Pep Band scholarship Information (under Audition Information Scholarships). http://wwwnew.towson.edu/bands/ | |
125. Apex Band Home Page Band Program Information, Fundraising, Links, Contact Information, marching Band, and Academic bands. http://www.apexhighband.org/ | |
126. Zips Marching Band History of the Band, Band Staff, Sections of the Band, Join the Band, Schedule/Resources, Links, University of Akron School of Music University bands. http://www3.uakron.edu/bands/marching/ | |
127. Havelock High School Bands & Ensembles Home Page Information on marching band, colorguard, jazz ensemble, symphonic band, concert band, and winterguard. http://www.havelockband.com/ | |
128. Douglas Byrd Band Official Website Fayetteville, NC marching, Symphonic, Jazz, and Concert bands. http://www.dbhs.ccs.k12.nc.us/Band/ | |
129. EIU Department Of Bands Panther marching Band Festival The EIU Department of bands annual marching band contest takes place in O Brien Stadium next fall on Saturday, October 9, 2004. http://www.eiu.edu/~eiuband/ | |
130. UT Rocket Marching Band This is the official site of the Rocket marching Band. Best viewed with a computer. Powered by Electrons. Web counter by http//www.digits.com/. http://www.utoledo.edu/colleges/as/music/bands/ | |
131. Paul Risko | Dayton Ohio Drummer Showcasing Paul's percussive history from marching band to rock bands. http://paulrisko.com | |
132. Caprock Drill Design Customized marching band drill design for high school, drum corp, and university bands. http://www.caprockdrilldesign.com | |
133. Brass Bands Web Ring Although primarily intended for traditional British style brass bands throughout the world, other brass ensembles, wind, military, marching or concert bands are welcome as also are sites covering other aspects of brass playing and banding. http://www.harrogate.co.uk/harrogate-band/webring.htm | |
134. UNC Bands MTH Majorettes marching Tar Heel Majorettes http://www.unc.edu/student/orgs/uncbands/majorette.html |
135. The Ohio State University Marching Band It is now known as The Ohio State University marching Band, or, as our fans refer to us, TBDBITL, The Best Damn Band in The Land. http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/org/osuband/ | |
136. The Michigan Marching Band Clair mstclair at umich.edu Michigan marching Band / Revelli Hall 350 E. Hoover Street / Ann Arbor, MI 481043707 (734) 764-0582. http://mmb.music.umich.edu/ | |
137. Oregon Marching Band Homepage marching Band News. Wednesday, April 28 ÂSignup for the Spring Scrimmage Pick-up Band by sedning an email to Connie Hansen cjhansen http://omb.uoregon.edu/ | |
138. The Atlanta Freedom Marching Band Copyright © 19972003 The Atlanta Freedom marching Band. This page was last updated Hosting provided by http//www.lambda.net/. http://www.lambda.net/~afmb/ | |
139. The LSJUMB S Web Of Sin lsjumb.stanford.edu, your onestop portal to all things relating to The One, The Only, The Truly Incomparable Leland Stanford Junior University marching Band. http://www.stanford.edu/group/lsjumb/ |
140. The Columbia University Marching Band The Columbia University marching Band The Cleverest Band in the World TM If you re not part of the solution, you re part of the Band. http://cumb.org/ | |
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