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61. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Bands For the marching bands that are selected to appear in the Parade, being invited to perform is only the beginning. The work begins http://www.nyctourist.com/macys_bands.htm | |
62. Home Specializes in obtaining custom arrangement licenses for marching bands and drum corps. http://www.copycatlicensing.com | |
63. MarchMaker Show Concepts Professional drill design, quality music arrangements, and dynamic drill instruction for marching bands. http://www.marchmaker.com | |
64. S&S ELITE Customized Marching Band Services S S ELITE works with talented writers and designers from the nations finest drum corps and high school marching bands to develop to meet all your customized marching show needs. http://www.sselite.com | |
65. Purdue University Bands of the most high profile drum major positions in college bands, says Wilkinson, an education major who selected Purdue because of its marching band program. http://www.purdue.edu/BANDS/ | |
66. Home Page The marching Panthers, under the direction of Cedric V. Youngm, includes performance schedules, audition information, and picture gallery. http://www.geocities.com/caubands |
67. Yale University Bands Includes information on concert and marching band, jazz ensemble and officers. http://www.cis.yale.edu/yaleband/ | |
68. All American Music Festival Of Orlando Orlando annual musical event for student concert, marching and jazz bands, orchestras, drill teams, choral and dance groups to compete at the country's most well respected adjudicated festivals. http://www.bandfest.com | |
69. Band Edge Focusing on various band and marching activities including drum crops and winterguard with an emphasis on bands. Site features include articles, scores, discussion groups, and multimedia. http://bandedge.com |
70. Minnesota Marching Band School of Music, College of Liberal Arts. News Information. History Traditions. Sights Sounds. Staff Sections. Athletic Pep bands. Links. Join the Band. http://www.music.umn.edu/marchingband/ |
71. Marching Show Bands Presentazione del campionato mondiale delle bande da parata e da spettacolo che si tiene a Monza. Modulo di partecipazione, informazioni per la logistica, regolamento, storico delle edizioni precedenti corredato da una galleria fotografica. http://www.showbandsmonza2003.org/ |
72. US Air Force Bands Program Program information; links, addresses, phones for all active duty Air Force bands; AFwide openings listing and audition information (central point for all USAF band recruiting); 11 RealAudio Air Force and marching tunes. http://www.af.mil/band/ |
73. Welcome | Prattville Bands Student concert and marching groups. Includes photos, news, current events and programs. http://www.prattvillebands.com | |
74. University Of Arkansas Bands Concert, marching, and Hogwild band information, photos, and schedule of performances. Faculty contact information available. http://www.uark.edu/~razrband/ |
75. Morton High School Marching Band Morton High School, Morton, Illinois has earned a spot as one of the finest bandsin-class in the midwest. http://members.tripod.com/mhsband1/ | |
76. Bonsal Blues Bands Provides details of concert, marching, dance, and youth bands, including sound clips, and contact information. http://www.bonsalblues.org/ |
77. The Auburn University Bands Online Whether it s the Auburn University marching Band stepping down the field, or the Symphonic Band giving another masterful performance, Auburn continues its rich http://www.auburn.edu/auband/ | |
78. University Of Kentucky : Bands Concert, drum line, alumni and pep bands. Also features song lyrics and information on how to join. http://www.uky.edu/FineArts/Music/Bands/ |
79. Montana State University Athletic Bands: Spirit Of The West Marching Band & Bobc Official site of the MSU Spirit of the West marching Band and Bobcat PepBand. Includes newsmedia, pictures, latest news, audio clips. http://marching.montana.edu/ | |
80. Jacksonville High School Bands Features wind ensemble plus the marching, symphonic, jazz, and freshman bands. Includes calendar, newsletter, photo gallery, and fundraisers. http://www.cardinalbands.com |
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