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41. Welcome To 5th Kuching City Scout Group This troop is based in Kuching High. Exclusive photos of marching bands. http://members.tripod.com/scoutnet/ | |
42. Marching Band Supplies - Peacock's Marching World WELCOME! We have been serving marching bands, colorguards, dance/drill teams, and drum majors for over 30 years. We are the manufacturer http://www.marchingworld.com/ | |
43. Wedding Photography, Video In Louisville, Cincinnati, Lexington, Nashville, & In Audio CD recording for marching bands. http://www.earcandyproductions.net/ | |
44. Field Band Foundation Development of drum and bugle corps and marching bands for underprivileged communities in South Africa http://www.fieldband.org.za |
45. InterNet Marching Band Award Of WEB Excellence During that time, it was our pleasure and privelege to review some of the finest web sites on the Net, dedicated to marching bands. IUP Marching Band. http://www.enter.net/~craftsman/bandaward.htm | |
46. Maching Band Aids, Audio Services, Music Educators Audio services for marching bands, drum corps, dance and flag teams, indoor percussion, and band directors. http://www.musicair.com/index.html | |
47. K12 Outfitters - Authentic Gear For Schools Offers custom Tshirts, jackets and other sportswear to middle and high school marching bands and music departments. http://www.k12outfitters.com | |
48. De Vivo's Poldervariant van de marching bands van New Orleans. Het is eigenlijk geen dweilorkest, maar toch spelen ze tijdens voetbalevenementen veel voetbalhits en Hollandse meezingers. Inzetbaar op iedere gelegenheid. http://www.devivos.nl | |
49. University Of California Marching Band The University of California Marching Band is one of the oldest college marching bands on the West Coast with over 100 years of tradition http://www.calband.berkeley.edu/calband.html | |
50. Webster High School Marching Band (WHSMB) Home Page How to get to Webster; Weather forecast for our area; Music links (Other marching bands, music organizations, lists ) (200404-15); http://webstermarchingband.org/ | |
51. The 5th Quarter Showcases the talents of marching bands at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU's). Includes sound files, and discussion boards. http://www.the5thquarter.com |
52. DRILLHEAD HOME PAGE Provides custom arranging, visual design, and consultation for marching bands. Samples are available online. http://www.angelfire.com/oh/drillhead98 | |
53. Believe Group - Music Fundraising For Charity, Nonprofit, Schools And Groups. Music fundraising for marching bands, choral programs, and jazz ensembles. http://www.believeproductions.com | |
54. DrillQuest Computerized Charting Software for marching bands, Winter Guards, and Drum Corps. Site includes product demos and design tips. http://www.drillquest.com | |
55. Eclectic Sky Mobile Recording Studios - Orlando Eclectic Sky Studios offers mobile digital audio recording, very reasonable prices. All music types recorded, but we specialize in Jazz, Concert, Performing, Symphonic, and marching bands. Cd's available. http://eclecticsky.com | |
56. Drill Design By Dave's Home Page Drill Design and Instruction for competitive marching bands, Drum Corps and Indoor marching ensembles http://www.geocities.com/d-parsons | |
57. Home.htm The BYU Cougar Marching Band. . . .the Power of the Wasatch . Click here for the homepage of our dynamic BYU DRUMLINE. Links to other College marching bands. http://www.byu.edu/music/bands/CMBand_page.htm | |
58. Marching Band Known as The Ambassadors of the University, the UTA Marching Band is one of the only college marching bands in the nation to exist without a football team. http://www.uta.edu/music/band/marching.htm | |
59. HawaiÂi Music Festivals Performance tours, music festivals, vacation packages, workshops and competitions for marching bands, orchestras and choir groups with a focus on improving technique and achieving better overall musicality. Island and tour information and pictures. http://www.himusicfest.com/ | |
60. PACIFIC GROVE MARCHING BAND FESTIVAL for $200.00! EVENTS PLANNED Military color guards, USMC Detachment Silent Drill Team, college marching bands. ADMISSION PRICE $7.00 http://pw2.netcom.com/~stotzerm/bandfest.html | |
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