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81. Ancestry.com - Historical Maps Map Center. Ancestry.com features several hundred historical maps from all areas of the world, including helpful jurisdictional maps for every US state. http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/reference/maps/main.asp | |
82. Rand McNally Travel Map Books, Atlases, Travel Maps, Reference mapandglobe.com is the internets complete source for Rand McNally travel atlases, travel maps, reference atlases, wall maps, children s atlases, books, games http://www.mapandglobe.com/randhome.htm |
83. MapQuest: Home maps of almost anywhere in the world for travel, recreation, and reference. http://www.mapstore.com/ | |
84. Census Geography - Reference Maps Geography maps. reference maps show the location of geographic areas for which census data are tabulated and disseminated. The http://geodepot.statcan.ca/Diss/Maps/ReferenceMaps/index_e.cfm | |
85. Census Geography - Reference Maps maps in this series show the boundaries and codes of dissemination areas within one census division. Small urban areas with populations http://geodepot.statcan.ca/Diss/Maps/ReferenceMaps/small_e.cfm | |
86. 27 CFR § 9.61 El Dorado The Wine Institute's definition of this viticultural area, with reference to U.S.G.S. maps. http://wineinstitute.org/fedlaw/regs/27cfr_part09/9_061.htm | |
87. Map Reference World and Foreign. CIA World Factbook with country reference maps. Newsbank reference maps clearly presented basic political maps, US and World. http://www.delamare.unr.edu/Maps/reference.html | |
88. GLOCK Sport Shooting Foundation Provides online reference materials, schedules and maps, as well as searchable GSSF match results for current and past years. http://www.gssfonline.com/ | |
89. Model United Nations: Links - UN Cyberschoolbus Global Issues. Member States. Documents, Speeches, maps, reference Guides. Books and Videos about the UN and Model UN. Model UN Clubs. Model UN Conferences. http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/modelun/links_3.html | |
90. Map Reference A Web bibliography of nonprinted reference material on the history of maps and cartography. http://www.andropov.com/mapref/ | |
91. Richard Nicholson Of Chester - Antique Maps, Charts And Prints Offers both maps and prints. Includes searchable database and reference guides. Located in the UK. http://www.antiquemaps.com/ | |
92. TekMom's Search Tools For Students An easyto-use, one-page reference desk for students. Includes kids' search engines, encyclopedias, biographies, images, dictionaries, and maps. http://www.tekmom.com/search/ | |
93. UCSC Map Room - Reference Resources Geography and Map Division Library of Congress reference Services. InfoMine maps Publications of the US Geological Survey (USGS) Searchable database of http://library.ucsc.edu/maps/reference.html | |
94. National Geographic Maps | NG Maps Products @nationalgeographic.com Publishes reference, topographic, wall, travel, and recreation maps, plus globes, travel guides, and interactive map CDROMs. Complete line available, including product photographs, descriptions, and map scales. http://maps.nationalgeographic.com/ngmaps/products.cfm | |
95. Charts Maps - Reference Related Resources - Education Higher Learning maps and charts, which are two types of reference materials, pertain to representations of geographic data used for either navigating operations or for http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/education-and-higher-learning_reference-and-relat | |
96. Replacementdocs.com - Your Source For Replacement Electronic Software Documentat Repository of documentation (manuals, maps, reference cards)in electronic format. http://www.replacementdocs.com | |
97. Maps--Reference Resources The Blue Skyways reference pages are maintained by Bryan McBride, reference Librarian at Dorothy Bramlage Public Library maps GEOGRAPHIC NAMES INFORMATION http://skyways.lib.ks.us/library/reference/maps.html | |
98. Antique Prints And Maps From The Philadelphia Print Shop Features maps, prints, and related reference works. http://www.philaprintshop.com/ | |
99. Maps - Reference Sources On The Web - Bowling Green State University Libraries A Lycos Road Map MapQuest maps 101 maps on Us US Gazetteer, Libraries and Learning Resources, reference Sources on the Web URL http//www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/bkmk/maps.html | |
100. Streetmap.co.uk Online maps with detailed streetmaps of London. Search by postcode, place name, London streetname or grid reference. http://www.streetmap.co.uk/ | |
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