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161. CultureGrams World Edition: Find fun cultural facts, country flags and symbolism, national anthems, maps, and demographic data for 11 South american countries. http://onlineedition.culturegrams.com/world/world_region.php?contid=7&wmn=So |
162. Lewis And Clark | PBS Provides information on the explorers, expedition journals, trip timeline and maps, interviews with historical experts, an overview of Native american tribes, and classroom lessons. http://www.pbs.org/lewisandclark/ | |
163. *** Austral Spectator *** Offers information about South american production. Includes general overviews of each country, maps, links to wineries, lists of wines produced, and travel diaries. http://www.australspectator.com/ |
164. DoD 101 - An Introduction To The Military Overview, information on the opposition groups, maps and links. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/ops/war/congo.htm | |
165. Maps Of South East Asia - Vietnam, Laos, Thailand And Cambodia 1965 - 1975 maps of areas of operations during the Vietnam war (1965 1975) provided by an american Vietnam war veteran. http://www.nexus.net/~911gfx/sea-ao.html | |
166. San Francisco Paintball Fields,Northern California Paintball Games,Paintball Spo Located in the San Francisco Bay area. Includes prices, directions, group rates and information, FAQS, and field maps. Also sells Jungle tshirts, stickers, and posters for sale. http://www.paintballjungle.com/ | |
167. Ancient Middle America -- University Of Minnesota Duluth Swedish Museum of Natural history; Maya HomePage; HomePage. Novels about AncientMiddle America Peoples; maps from Magellan Geographix The Digital Mapping http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/anth3618/mawww.html | |
168. Theville3 Angeles City Restaurant and bar open 24 hours featuring Thai, american, Mexican and other international dishes. The bar serves a variety of frozen drinks including huge margaritas, has two pool tables and an Internet center with DSL connection. Extensive web site with over 200 pages including local photos, maps and links. http://www.theville.com/ |
169. NACCL-16 2123 May 2004, Iowa City, Iowa, USA. Focuses on all theoretical and research areas (including language acquisition) of Chinese linguistics. Registration, accommodation, program, maps and directions. http://www.uiowa.edu/~asian/naccl/ |
170. NAPhC 3 Web Page Concordia University, Montreal, Canada on April 2628, 2002. Speakers, theme, program, maps, travel and accommodation information, sponsors, organizers and lecture. http://cmll.concordia.ca/linguistics/naphc/ | |
171. History Of The Cherokee Cherokee history Links Other websites with Cherokee historical information.Links to related websites including Native american events websites. http://cherokeehistory.com/ | |
172. Lewis And Clark - Idaho Official Idaho Corps of Discovery Guide traces the expedition through Idaho and Montana. Includes maps, guided trips, package tours, attractions, Sacajawea and Native american information. http://www.lewisandclarkidaho.org/ | |
173. AAA Minnesota/Iowa american Automobile Association. Automotive services, traffic, maps and routing, financial services, insurance online, travel, reservations, and news. http://www.aaa.com/scripts/WebObjects.dll/AAAOnline?association=aaa&club=049 |
174. Latin American Resources Directory of bibliographies, historical resources, maps, media, organizations related to Latin America. Compiled by Professor Volk at Oberlin College. http://www.oberlin.edu/~svolk/latinam.htm | |
175. EBook Search Results For U.S. History (American History) (e-Book, E-Books, EBook history Survey photos America, 19451976, 1996, Html/Graphic, n/c, BrynMawr.american Scenery (1840) Prints, 1840, Html Graphic, n/c, NYPL. american ShoresMaps http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010hstusa.asp | |
176. Brazilian Arts & Music - South American Way Brazilian music, videos, artwork, souvenirs, maps, and hammocks. Includes ecards and calendar of birthdays and historical events. http://www.southamericanway.com | |
177. Birdfinding Guides American Birding Association Instructions for finding birds in North America's birding locations with maps, species lists, annotated checklists, and general travel information. http://americanbirding.org/publications/bfggen.htm | |
178. Welcome To The ASAWA Website Information on romance between american men and Filipinas. Cultural observations, historical perspectives, immigration concerns, views, books, and maps. http://filipinawives.com/ | |
179. Drought: A Paleo Perspective -- Home Page Highlights the importance of paleoclimate research in providing information about past droughts and natural variability. Includes maps that display droughts of the various centuries. http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/drought/ | |
180. Welcome To The ASAWA Website Information on romance between american men and Filipinas. Cultural observations, historical perspectives, immigration concerns, views, books, and maps. http://www.filipinawives.com | |
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