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61. Heritage Antique Map Sales, Auctions, And Museum - Maps And United States, timeline of american history through the Civil War. Heritage MapMuseum PO Box 412 Lititz, PA 17543 USA Email heritage@carto.com Telephone 717 http://www.carto.com/links.htm | |
62. Geography & History Test Your Geography Skills. United States maps. US Gazetteer. US Geography for Kids.USGS Geography. Other Sites. ABCs of american history. The american Presidency. http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/virtualmedia/elementary/geography.htm | |
63. NA Maps, Language And Historical Sites Native american maps, Language, and Historical Sites. A comprehensive listingof Indian Tribes. The american WestA history of Native americans. http://www.plumsite.com/shea/history.html | |
64. Kids Online Resources - American History guide to over 300 years of California history. the Mississippi with both Native Americanand Western from Monticello An Exhibition of maps and Navigational http://www.kidsolr.com/history/ | |
65. American History 15441999 maps- Columbus to Lewis Clark Rare maps (UGeorgia. american history americanhistory (about.com) Am Studies Crossroads Am Women s history Calendar http://library.uml.edu/home/e-amhist.htm | |
66. Modern World History Research Links Most art is European or american, but other Witness Continent/country phots, slideshows, data, and maps. Modern World history Links From Glenelg High School s http://www.howard.k12.md.us/socst/11-links.htm | |
67. American History Research Links (Post-Civil War) National Standards for US history Electronic version of the National Standardsfor United States history. North America Map Archive Historical maps for US http://www.howard.k12.md.us/socst/9-links.htm | |
68. U.S History & Government US history US Historical Documents US history Regents Review US Presidents TimelineQuiz Women s Suffrage Movement US Geography american Memory maps Rare Map http://highschoolhub.org/hub/government.cfm | |
69. American Military History (This CMH Online version of american Military history is published without thephotographs. The maps have been inserted into the text at a reduced size to http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/AMH/amh-toc.htm | |
70. Bibliographic Tools For American History Through 1900 Prints, maps, and Drawings Bearing on the New World Discoveries and on the RobertTaft, Photography and the american Scene A Social history, 18391889, (1964 http://www.library.yale.edu/ref/err/19thamer.htm | |
71. Library Services | Subject Guides | History: Historical Maps On The Web keyword or browsing of many different categories, including maps and atlases events,developments, and dynamics in European and american history made available http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/services/subjectguides/history/maps.htm | |
72. America: A Narrative History Norton Map Workbook in american history 0393-92415-7 Summer 2003 This newworkbook expands on the text through 48 pages of maps and related questions http://www.wwnorton.com/college/titles/history/usa6/emedia.htm | |
73. The Routledge Atlas Of African American History The Routledge Atlas of African american history charts the history of blacks inthe US from slavery to the present, using a combination of maps, charts and http://www.americansc.org.uk/Reviews/Routledge_Atlas.htm | |
74. 19th C History Social Variables in the 19th Century (maps, statistics, etc 1812; the Civil War;Mexicanamerican War; Black Talk before the Economic history Association, by J http://academic.reed.edu/am_studies/museum/19Chist.html | |
75. Deschutes Public Library - American History Links Political history This collection covers over 500 public domain images of AmericanPolitical history from 1750 to the present. Includes maps of territorial http://www.dpls.lib.or.us/Page.asp?NavID=32 |
76. WU Libraries American History maps of Virginia Color Landform maps of the Unite d States Historical Atlas of theUnited States includes information on socio Link to american history Page. http://library.wustl.edu/subjects/american/maps.html | |
77. GovDocs/Maps Hot Topics: Black History Month League Baseball.com. Speeches by Africanamerican Women (via Oral history of Her DaysAs a Slave by Mary of Honor Recipients. Return to GovDocs/maps Previous Hot http://www.evergreen.edu/library/govdocs/hotopics/blackhistory.html | |
78. African American History Resources OIP 9 Read and interpret visual representations used in the study ofAfricanamerican history maps, graphs, charts, and timelines. http://www.ops.org/curriculum/social-studies/afro-amer.html | |
79. Subject Maps In American Studies Fields Subject maps in american Studies Fields. This area and the pages linked to it areunder development. Asian american Studies, Business Public history, Chicano/a http://www.georgetown.edu/crossroads/subject_maps.html | |
80. The American Civil War Homepage of many battle sites) David Rumsey Collection (Contains many Civil War era maps)Flags of the Confederacy Images of american Political history, 18501900 http://sunsite.utk.edu/civil-war/warweb.html | |
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