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181. Louise Erdrich Bibliography Bibliography of poetry, novels and other works, compiled by Modern american Poetry. http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/erdrich/bib.htm | |
182. Louise Bogan Biography, works, analysis and links on the american poet. http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/bogan/bogan.htm | |
183. Anthony Hecht Notes on Hecht's work from the Modern american Poetry series. http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/g_l/hecht/hecht.htm | |
184. Map Collections Home Page Searching Map Collections The mission of the Library of Congress is to make itsresources available and useful to Congress and the american people and to http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/gmdhome.html | |
185. Map Collections 1500-1999 Map Collections 15001999 The Library of Congress maintains the online map collection Web site which contains maps from 500 years in seven different categories. The site, entitled Map Collections http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/gmdhome.htm |
186. Archiving Early America Archiving Early America This site provides digitally displayed primary source material from 18th Century America, including original newspapers, maps, and writings. The site also provides video http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.earlyamerica.com/&y=027F7907AFB5 |
187. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection David Rumsey Historical Map Collection The David Rumsey Collection includes 18th and 19th century historical North and South american atlases, globes, school geographies, maritime charts, and http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.davidrumsey.com/&y=0212705787367 |
188. Foundation For Middle East Peace A nonprofit organization dedicated to informing Americans about the IsraeliPalestinian conflict and assisting in a peaceful solution that brings security for both peoples. Includes a profile, photos, reports, articles, expert analyses, and maps. http://www.fmep.org/ | |
189. GO.HRW.COM Select a Resource HRW Online Resources. http://go.hrw.com/ndNSAPI.nd/gohrw_rls1/pKeywordResults?SR9 AH Maps |
190. 301 Redirect Heritage Group Complete Index, Maintainer, George Laughead; Kansas history ResourcesGenealogy, Societies, Libraries and Museums; Interactive Map of Kansas; http://history.cc.ukans.edu/history/WWW_history_main.html |
191. Countries Of The World to school librarians Forbes Magazine. Copyright © 1997-2004 Emulate MeÂAll Rights Reserved under International and Pan-american Conventions. http://www.countryreports.org/ | |
192. Images Of Early Maps On The Web: 7. North America maps (links to a range of individual maps and collections relating to Americanhistory Water Virtual Learning Centre, University of Waterloo) {July, 2002}; http://www.maphistory.info/imagenortham.html | |
193. Facts On File.Com http://www.fofweb.com/IP/ |
194. Geology Department Web Site - Northern Arizona University http://www4.nau.edu/geology/ | |
195. Home Page - The National Atlas Of The United States Of America It delivers easy to use, maplike views of America s natural and socioculturallandscapes. Unlike the previous Atlas, this version is largely digital. http://www.nationalatlas.gov/ | |
196. 13 Originals To prepare for their life in America, they had the area around Cape Cod using themaps they had http://www.timepage.org/spl/13colony.html | |
197. Links To The Past: Historic Parks And Sites http://www.cr.nps.gov/catsig.htm | |
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