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41. Fractalized! Java animations of different fractals, including the mandelbrot and Julia sets. http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~dtillber/ | |
42. Fracture : A Fractal Screensaver Fracture is a screensaver for Mac OS X that can generate a wide variety of fractal images, including the mandelbrot Set, Julia sets, SelfSquared Dragons, and Attraction Basin fractals. http://www.sticksoftware.com/software/Fracture.html | |
43. The Fractal Microscope blue. But we can appreciate the beauty of the fractals encompassed in the mandelbrot set without the specific mathematics behind it. http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Edu/Fractal/Fractal_Home.html | |
44. Don Archer Digital Art Traditional fractals, music, fractals combined with verse. Photo of Benoit mandelbrot taken April 6, 2001. http://www.donarcher.com/ | |
45. The Fractal Microscope The mandelbrot Set going to learn to calculate complex number functions and see how these fumctions lead to the creation of fractals such as the Julia set and the mandelbrot set. http://www.shodor.org/master/fractal/software/mandy/ | |
46. Benoit Mandelbrot, Fractals And Astronomy (Part 1) Benoit mandelbrot, fractals and Astronomy (Part 1). by Dave Snyder Printed in Reflections November, 1998. fractals are mathematical http://www.umich.edu/~lowbrows/reflections/1998/dsnyder.3.html | |
47. Mathematics Archives - Topics In Mathematics - Fractals KEYWORDS mandelbrot Set, Quaternionic fractals, Iterated Function Systems, Selfsimilar Structures, Lyapunov Exponents, Period Doubling, Reaction-Diffusion; http://archives.math.utk.edu/topics/fractals.html | |
48. Fractal Gallery: What Is A Fractal? mandelbrot derived the term fractal from the Latin verb frangere, meaning to break or fragment. Basically, a fractal is any pattern http://www.glyphs.com/art/fractals/what_is.html | |
49. Fractals, PHOTOVAULT Graphics: Mandelbrot And Julia Fractals PHOTOVALET (tm) Enter search term. fractals mandelbrot and Julia Sets by Wernher Krutein. Seven years ago my friend Mathemetecian http://www.photovault.com/Link/WordsGraphics/FractalsMandelbrot.html | |
50. Fractal Explorer: Mandelbrot And Julia Sets (by Fabio Cesari) Keywords fractals, mandelbrot set, fractal, julia sets, quaternion, quaternion julia sets, mandelbrot, Julia Your browser doesn t support frames. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/2854/ | |
51. The Mandelbrot Set Area Lower Bound counting (Robert Munafo, sci.fractals, 1993, 1996; web page, 1997). See also Kerry Mitchell s A Statistical Investigation of the Area of the mandelbrot Set; http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/3825/Period-Area-16.html | |
52. Math.com Wonders Of Math Interactive Fractal Sites mandelbrot Set Zoom into a fractal in your browser window. mandelbrot and Julia Set Explorer Zoom into fractals. http://www.math.com/students/wonders/fractals.html | |
53. The Mandelbrot Set Above is the famous mandelbrot set, discovered by Benoit mandelbrot (the discoverer of fractals). But many people created fractals, long before mandelbrot. http://www.jimloy.com/fractals/mandel.htm | |
54. History Of Mandelbrot And Julia Fractals history of the mandelbrot and julia fractals. Fractal is a term coined by Benoit mandelbrot (1924) to describe an object which has partial dimension. http://www.icd.com/tsd/fractals/beginner1.htm | |
55. The Mandelbrot Set a class (1), (2), or (3) Julia set, you get a different fractal sort of Because the detail in the mandelbrot set (there s only one) is an amalgamation of all http://www.icd.com/tsd/fractals/beginner3.htm | |
56. Simply Fractals - Fractal Gallery: Mandelbrot Set below this paragraph are images of a mandelbrot set. The image at the bottom is a java applet. With this applet, you can see exactly why this set is a fractal. http://pages.infinit.net/garrick/fractals/gallery4.html | |
57. Benoit Mandelbrot - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In 1975, mandelbrot published Les objets fractals, forme, hasard et dimension ( The fractal objects, form, randomness and dimension ). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benoit_Mandelbrot | |
58. Fractal - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia fractals such as the mandelbrot set are more loosely selfsimilar they contain small copies of the entire fractal in distorted and degenerate forms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal | |
59. Java Fractals old mandel0 applet, since it has been superceded by the Classic mandelbrot/Julia Set also notice that I have added a section on orbit fractals that contains http://www.daa.com.au/~james/fractals/ | |
60. Fractals And The Mandelbrot Set This Microworld is an interactive introduction to fractals and the mandelbrot set. It steps Microworld fractals and the mandelbrot Set. This http://www.mathwright.com/book_pgs/book660.html | |
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