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1. Mandelbrot Fractals; A Brief History Of Fractal Geometry mandelbrot fractals; a brief history and illustrated explanation of fractal geometry. This page also features an interactive fractal zoom. fractals fractal geometry? Fractal geometry is a relatively new branch of mathematics whose name was coined by Benoit B. Mandelbrot New York, Mandelbrot was experimenting with http://www.sunleitz.com/whatarefractals.html | |
2. Math Forum: Suzanne Alejandre - MandelBrot Activity Studying mandelbrot fractals. Fractals. NOTE What is a fractal? Alan Beck in What Is a Fractal? And who is this guy Mandelbrot? writes http://mathforum.org/alejandre/applet.mandlebrot.html | |
3. Studying Mandelbrot Fractals Studying mandelbrot fractals What is a fractal? A definition and a Java applet to help in exploring the Mandelbrot set, redrawing small areas to fill the fractal screen and noticing how the images http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://mathforum.org/alejandre/applet.mandlebro |
4. ColorAura Networks -- Applets A growing collection of small applets with source code. mandelbrot fractals, Conways Game of Life, and spinning stars are just some of the applets appearing here. http://turquoise.coloraura.com/artwork/ | |
5. Mandelbrot Fractals mandelbrot fractals. HOME. About Us. Site Map. Top Pages. Talk to Us. Link to Us. Recommended Books/Sites  Search web or Kosmoi for mandelbrot fractals . http://kosmoi.com/Science/Mathematics/Fractals/Mandelbrot/ | |
6. An Explanation Of Julia And Mandelbrot Fractals of the Mandelbrot set, see below. At other times the Julia set is one or more continuous fractal lines, usually enclosing an interior set. Julia Fractals http://www.felicite-parmentier.freeserve.co.uk/page3.htm | |
7. Examples Of Julia And Mandelbrot Fractals Drawn By Genfract. Home page. A basic explanation of Julia and mandelbrot fractals. Critical values and compound Mandelbrots. An explanation of Volterra Lotka fractals. http://www.felicite-parmentier.freeserve.co.uk/page2.htm | |
8. Fractals Julia and mandelbrot fractals. There are two main types of fractals, Mandelbrot and Julia- fractals, use the radiobuttons to switch between the two. http://hem.passagen.se/mnomn/fractal.html | |
9. Art And Mandelbrot Fractals fractal picture. Indeed, the dark blue shape has a complicated contour, but we are far from the richness in the details of the most beautiful Mandelbrot http://perso.wanadoo.fr/charles.vassallo/en/art/art_3.html | |
10. Mandelbrot Fractals And Pretty Girls This page shows three attempts of collage of a girl face above a Mandelbrot fractal. Sure, one can always put a pretty girl in http://perso.wanadoo.fr/charles.vassallo/en/art/art_4.html | |
11. WisFaq! Iteratie en Mandelbrot. Julia fractals begrensd en mandelbrot fractals convergent? Julia spiraal. Mandelbrot fractaal. Mandelbrotfractal. Mandelbrotset. http://www.wisfaq.nl/overzicht.asp?categorie=Fractals |
12. Mandelbrot Fractals in Java. To view this page, you must use a Javacompatible browser. Click in the Mandelbrot set to view the corresponding Julia set. http://math.polytechnique.fr/cmat/auroux/java/mand3.html | |
13. Complex Fractals The exponent can be changed to produce different mandelbrot fractals and so can the function, as long as it retains the Z=Z +C format. http://www.ga.k12.pa.us/academics/us/math/geometry/stwk98/ABIDEN/complex.html | |
14. Visual Prolog 6 Examples And Demos: Drawing Mandelbrot Fractals Visual Prolog 6 Examples and Demos. Drawing mandelbrot fractals. Written by Kari Rastas. Over 10 years ago, when Chaos theories and http://www.visual-prolog.com/vip6/Community/userExamples/mandel2.htm | |
15. Fractals - Amazing Seattle Fractals! - Screensavers, Tutorials, Free Software of the Molecular Biology Institute at UCLA, has written an excellent paper complete with illustrations on HIGHER ORDER mandelbrot fractals EXPERIMENTS IN http://www.fractalarts.com/ASF/ | |
16. MuSoft Builders: Mandelbrot Fractals Created With A Musical Generator of the Mandelbrot or Julia set, just select an area with the mouse and the plotter automatically zooms in. Music related to that fractal automatically changes http://www.musoft-builders.com/links/mandelbrot.shtml | |
17. Mandelbrot Fractals PlanetMike.com. Home Fractals mandelbrot fractals. mandelbrot fractals. Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . Fracture 126 (Mandelbrot).tiff, http://www.planetmike.com/fractals/mandelbrot/ | |
18. Mandelbrot Information (3d Delphi Graphics Mandelbrot Pascal Programming ) code. mandelbrot fractals, Conways Game of Life, and spinning stars are just some of the applets appearing here. Alienorganic An http://www.programming-x.com/programming/mandelbrot.html | |
19. MATLAB Central File Exchange - 3D Mandelbrot The code generates the mandelbrot fractals and displays the computed sets in 3D as a graphical image onto your screen. File Details,...... http://www.mathworks.nl/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=3197&obj |
20. Mandelbrot Fractals For Linux/X Issue 10 discovered the Mandelbrot set in 1981. By the mideighties personal computers had evolved to the point that anyone could experiment with various fractals, and http://linuxgazette.net/issue10/xaos.html | |
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