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Mamba Snakes: more detail | |||||||
41. Names Of Venemous Snakes Redheaded krait Formosan krait Eastern green mamba Jameson s mamba E African Jameson smamba Black mamba Western green mamba Dwarf garter snake African garter http://www-surgery.ucsd.edu/ent/DAVIDSON/Snake/2NAMES.htm | |
42. Western Green Mamba (Dendroaspis Viridis) In Africa, the Black Mambas are considered to be the most dangerousof snakes, and are highly feared. The Green Mambas are thought http://www-surgery.ucsd.edu/ent/DAVIDSON/Snake/Dendroa4.htm | |
43. Top Ten Most Deadly Snakes - Reptile Gardens® Other snakes that are tied in the 10 position include the Black mamba,both species of Green mambas, and the Mojave Rattlesnake. http://www.reptile-gardens.com/reptile/topten.html | |
44. Which 5 Snakes Are The Worlds Most Venomous? - BESTandWORST.com by mostly_harmless on May 02, 2004. It s Cobra, Corral Snake, Black mamba, Egyptianasps, and adder s you fuckin idiot~! by WinniethePooh on May 11, 2004. http://www.bestandworst.com/pages/vote/vote-29523.html | |
45. EXN.ca Snakes A couple of drops of venom of the Black mamba can kill a human. Some snakes thatlook very impressive on paper are known to be clinically much less. . http://www.exn.ca/snakes/story.asp?id=1999090852 |
46. EXN.ca Snakes mamba; ITIS VERY BUTIFULL! BUT VERY SCARY TOM; this wb site is kewl } kaci; i own snakes and there is nothing evil a snakesrcul; Do you have any http://www.exn.ca/snakes/story.asp?id=1999090855 |
47. Wilderness Survival: Poisonous Snakes And Lizards Asia, the bushmaster and tropical rattlesnake of South America, and the mamba ofAfricasometimes aggressively attack man, but even these snakes do so only http://www.wilderness-survival.net/Appe.php | |
48. Mamba,Reptiles,Amphibians,Mamba Picture Gallery Collection,Mamba Pictures,Encycl can move vigorously and rapidly, can crawl or strike with the head held high, andpossess an extremely potent venom, mambas are the most feared snakes in Africa http://www.4to40.com/earth/geography/htm/reptilesindex.asp?counter=28 |
49. NWF - International Wildlife Magazine - Black Mamba It is death incarnate. . In the late 1970s, Jack twice lived for weeks athis animal park in a small room with black mambas and other snakes. http://www.nwf.org/internationalwildlife/mamba.html | |
50. Black Mamba - Reptiles - Flora And Fauna - Tourism Of Botswana Behaviour These active, terrestrial snakes eat birds and small mammals (eg ratsand The black mamba is territorial, having a favoured home in a termite nest http://www.gov.bw/tourism/flora_and_fauna/black.html | |
51. Surfing The Net With Kids: Venomous Snakes Legends surrounding the black mamba s speed, agility, and ferocity are often exaggerated seriesof articles on how to handle hots (venomous snakes) with stern http://www.surfnetkids.com/venom.htm | |
52. SNAKES In The Kruger National Park The black mamba is one of the few snakes which are instinctivelyaggressive and will not hesitate to strike. Nevertheless, when http://www.krugerpark.com/resources/reptiles/snakes.htm | |
53. Snakes Sssss mamba large 5 - $19.00, R414 mamba 52.5 - $15.00, R214 Hatching mamba 4-1/2 eachassorted, R428 Boas 15 - $1.00 each assorted, R411 Rainforest snakes 6 - $.50 http://www.veghead.com/reptiles/snake.html | |
54. Homework Help--Animals, Insects & Birds--Snakes major families. Boidae (Boas); Colubridae (Common or ÂTypicalÂsnakes); Elapidae (Black mamba, Coral snakes, Cobras Sea snakes); http://www.kcls.org/hh/snakes.cfm | |
55. Animals, Reptiles & Amphibians, Snakes - African Mamba, Dendoaspis Angusticeps - Poster Parlor Your Online Source For Posters Art Prints. Animals, Reptiles Amphibians, snakes African mamba, Dendoaspis Angusticeps - Print. http://www.posterparlor.com/animals/animals0456.html | |
56. BLACK MAMBAS Of all the African snakes the Black mamba is the most feared and is known for beingaggressive when agitated or confronted and will strike with deadly precision http://www.nfi.org.za/herps/snakes/blackmamba.htm | |
57. Venomous Snakes - Black Mamba Black mamba. What kinds of venomous snakes did you have before you got your mamba?You many years had you been working with hot snakes? 05/12/04 940pm, 72882. http://www.repticzone.com/forums/VenomousSnakes/messages/72782.html | |
58. LD50 For Various Snakes. Demansia olivacea, Olive whip snake, 714.2, Dendroaspis angusticeps, Eastern greenmamba, 3.05, 1.3, 0.117, 60.095.0. Dendroaspis jamesoni, Jameson s mamba, 1, 0.72,0.414, http://mzone.mweb.co.za/residents/net12980/ld50tot.html | |
59. Elapidae Elapidae. Coral Snake; Dendroaspis; mamba; Micrurus; Lauticaudinae;Lauticaudus; Coral snakes; mambas; Snake, Coral; snakes, Coral. http://medical.webends.com/kw/Elapidae | |
60. NTI Country Overviews South Africa Biological Capabilities Among the items that appear on the sales list are two snakes and mamba toxin, whichare listed as having been distributed by Immelman to Dr. Botha of the CCB http://www.nti.org/e_research/profiles/SAfrica/Biological/2428_3534.html | |
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