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         Malaria:     more books (100)
  1. Mosquitoes, malaria, and man: A history of the hostilities since 1880 by Gordon A Harrison, 1978
  2. Rolling Back Malaria: The World Bank Global Strategy & Booster Program
  3. Don't Let them Die: HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and the Healthcare Crisis in Africa by Chinua Akukwe, 2006-03-31
  4. Malaria: Poverty, Race, and Public Health in the United States by Margaret Humphreys, 2001-09-25
  5. Artemisinins in Malaria Therapy
  6. Stop, Malaria, Stop: Science Drama by S. T. Bajah, 2002-04
  7. Cold War, Deadly Fevers: Malaria Eradication in Mexico, 1955--1975 (Woodrow Wilson Center Press) by Marcos Cueto, 2007-05-04
  8. Malaria Parasites: Genomes and Molecular Biology
  9. Malaria in Pregnancy: Deadly Parasite, Susceptible Host by Patrick E.Duffy, Michal Fried, 2007-04-16
  10. Parasites! - The Malaria Parasite (Parasites!) by Sheila Wyborny, 2005-05-12
  11. Malaria: Genetic and Evolutionary Aspects (Emerging Infectious Diseases of the 21st Century)
  12. Disease in the History of Modern Latin America: From Malaria to AIDS
  13. Malaria Control in Complex Emergencies: An Inter Agency Field Handbook
  14. Anglo-European Science and the Rhetoric of Empire: Malaria, Opium, and British Rule in India, 1756-1895 by Paul C. Winther, 2005-07-28

21. CTD Redirect Page
Roll Back malaria A global partnership for halving the burden of malaria by 2010. Medicines for malaria Venture (MMV) MMV and TDR, link to MMV website.

22. - Health - Central Burundi Hit By 'worst' Malaria Epidemic - November 3,
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Central Burundi hit by 'worst' malaria epidemic
BUJUMBURA, Burundi Central Burundi's worst malaria epidemic in living memory has claimed up to 300 lives in the last two weeks and local hospitals have become swamped as the killer disease spreads, doctors in the area said Friday. Medical staff in Mwaro province say they registered 19,288 new cases of malaria in October in two sub-districts alone.

23. Welcome CNM
An institution for the control of vector borne diseases including dengue, filariasis and intestinal parasitic infections. Information on programs, research and objectives.
Contents Welcome to visit web site !!! Information Update Worked Best Internet Explorer 600 x 800
  • A specialized institution set up by the Ministry of Health, to function as the nodal department responsible for the control of vector borne diseases. The functions include basic and operational research, training and supervision of health staff and implementing, monitoring and evaluating disease control programs. CNM co-ordinates four main programmes; malaria, dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), filariasis and schistosomiasis and intestinal parasitic infections.
Major projects currently implemented include partnership with WHO, World Bank, European Commission, USAID, JICA, IFRC and a host of national and international NGOs in addition to Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Education, etc.

24. Malaria
malaria. Approximately 300 million people worldwide are affected by malaria and between 1 and 1.5 million people die from it every year.
BS(IM)2024 : Malaria Updated: September 10, 2003 Search
Some of the information in this document is provided by generous permission of the: World Health Organization
Division of Control of Tropical Diseases
Approximately 300 million people worldwide are affected by malaria and between 1 and 1.5 million people die from it every year. Previously extremely widespread, the malaria is now mainly confined to Africa, Asia and Latin America. The problems of controlling malaria in these countries are aggravated by inadequate health structures and poor socioeconomic conditions. The situation has become even more complex over the last few years with the increase in resistance to the drugs normally used to combat the parasite that causes the disease. Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium Four species of Plasmodium can produce the disease in its various forms:
  • Plasmodium falciparum
  • Plasmodium vivax
  • Plasmodium ovale
  • Plasmodium malaria
P. falciparum is the most widespread and dangerous of the four: untreated it can lead to fatal cerebral malaria.

25. Malaria
This site provides information on history, pathology, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, complications and control of malaria.
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26. Malaria
malaria and Drug Resistance. Titus Bradley MBChB Special Study Module Project Report Department of Microbiology and Immunology University of Leicester.
Malaria and Drug Resistance
Titus Bradley
MBChB Special Study Module Project Report
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Leicester.
  • History and Distribution
  • Biology of Plasmodium Parasites and Anopheles Vectors
  • Pathogenesis, Treatment and Complications
  • Prevention of Malaria Infection ...
  • References
    Stories Photos Full Coverage Help
    Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Leicester
  • 27. Malaria Malariaprophylaxe
    Berichte, Hintergr¼nde und wichtige Telefonnummern rund um malaria und malariaprophlaxe (Medikamente)

    28. Welcome To Malaria Journal
    Welcome to malaria Journal. malaria Journal will accept original Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Click here to enter malaria Journal.

    Welcome to
    Malaria Journal
    Malaria Journal
    will accept original papers on all aspects of malaria, its parasites and vectors, human host, environment, health policies, socio-economic and intersectoral issues. Although the publication of original research articles is the main focus of the journal, technical updates, opinion papers, case reports, study protocols and minireviews will also be considered. Editorial comments will be published including the referee's conclusions and a brief summary explaining the major findings to the non-specialist, thereby placing the research in a wider framework. The broadly based expertise of the international Editorial Board and the policy for peer-reviewing all papers will ensure a high quality of content.
    This electronic journal is published by BioMed Central , in collaboration with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
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    to enter Malaria Journal

    29. Welcome To Our Foundation - Novartis Foundation For Sustainable Development
    At the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD).
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    30. Malaria Journal | Home Page
    More results from MedlinePlus malariaSearch MEDLINE for recent research articles on • malaria. View slideshow on malaria. Health services in Missouri North Carolina
    Home Browse articles Search Weblinks ... About Malaria Journal Editor-in-Chief:
    Marcel Hommel,
    Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine View the editorial board Open access to all articles Comment on published articles using the discussion system Facility to email articles to colleagues View the 10 most read articles RSS feed of latest articles
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    More information
    Malaria Journal is published in collaboration with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
    "Research is hastened when people share results freely"
    Sir John Sulston,
    Nobel laureate
    Start a new Open Access journal with BioMed Central
    BioMed Central works with researchers in biology and medicine to start new online open-access specialist journals. We provide free hosting and technical support, including online submission, and publication. The editorial group has full editorial control. Find out more or contact us Welcome to Malaria Journal An online journal published by BioMed Central CALL FOR PAPERS Malaria Journal is ready to receive papers on all aspects of malaria. Submit your article online Case report Malarone treatment failure not associated with previously described mutations in the cytochrome b gene Wichmann O, Muehlen M, Gruss H, Mockenhaupt FP, Suttorp N, Jelinek T

    31. Malaria Research Centre (ICMR) Delhi
    An autonomous research organization under Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) engaged in basic and applied research in malaria.
    Malaria Research Centre (Indian Council of Medical Research)
    News New Director of MRC ... Prof AP Dash has taken over the charge of the Director with effect from April 30, 2004. Download publications... Malaria Research Centre (ICMR), 22 Sham Nath Marg, DELHI-110054 (India) Web designed and maintained by O.P. Singh , MRC, Delhi (e-mail: You are visitor number since Nov, 2002 Best viewed in Internet Explorer 4.0 or later versions.

    32. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Malaria
    malaria. Alternative names Return to top. Quartan malaria; Falciparum malaria; Biduoterian fever; Blackwater fever; Tertian malaria; Plasmodium
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    Contents of this page:
    Malaria, microscopic view of cellular parasites Mosquito, adult feeding on the skin Mosquito, egg raft Mosquito, larvae ... Digestive system organs Alternative names Return to top Quartan malaria; Falciparum malaria; Biduoterian fever; Blackwater fever; Tertian malaria; Plasmodium Definition Return to top Malaria is a parasitic disease characterized by fever, chills, and anemia. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Return to top Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one human to another by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. In humans, the parasites (called sporozoites) migrate to the liver where they mature and release another form, the merozoites. These enter the bloodstream and infect the red blood cells. The parasites multiply inside the red blood cells, which then rupture within 48 to 72 hours, infecting more red blood cells. The first symptoms usually occur 10 days to 4 weeks after infection, though they can appear as early as 8 days or as long as a year later. Then the symptoms occur in cycles of 48 to 72 hours.

    33. PlasmoDB: The Plasmodium Genome Resource
    Provides access to finished sequence for Plasmodium falciparum (strain 3D7), generated by the Sanger Institute, TIGR/NMRC, and Stanford, in addition to a wide range of related genomicscale datasets from other sources.
    Release 4.1
    Genome Release:
    PlasmoDB is the official database of the malaria parasite genome project. This resource provides access to finished sequence for Plasmodium falciparum (strain 3D7), generated by the Sanger Institute, TIGR/NMRC, and Stanford, in addition to a wide range of related genomic-scale datasets from other sources. Publications exploiting PlasmoDB should provide appropriate acknowledgement to the database developers and those scientists who have made their data available on this site (see Acknowledgements and Publications ). Development of PlasmoDB has been supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. Home Downloads Tools Queries ... Help
    Latest News: What's missing from the "finished" genome sequence? Multiple Sequence Retrieval tool added Links to PATS and PlasMit-tools New graphical displays for expression data ... More News ... Quick Links: Browser Settings Tutorials Publications BLAST ... Sequence Retrieval Tool (SRT) Download Sequences Species P. berghei

    34. Medicine-Worldwide: Malaria
    Translate this page malaria. Zusammenfassung. malaria-Erreger. malaria-Erreger. Die malaria ist die häufigste Tropenkrankheit, an der nach Schätzungen
    Sie befinden sich hier: startseite krankheiten infektionskrankheiten Infektionskrankheiten ... Über uns
    Seite: vor Kapitelübersicht: Zusammenfassung Allgemeines Erreger Infektionsweg ... Ratgeber
    Der Begriff der Malaria (auch Sumpf- oder Wechselfieber) umfasst mehrere fieberhafte Erkrankungen, die durch parasitische Einzeller der Gattung Plasmodium verursacht werden. Der Name leitet sich aus dem italienischen ab und steht in Zusammenhang mit der Vorstellung von krankmachender "schlechter Luft" in Sumpfgebieten: "mal aria". Entsprechend dem Erreger unterscheidet man drei Arten der Malaria: Malaria tropica: Malaria tertiana: Malaria quartana: Diese Malariaerkrankung gilt als die mildeste Form der Malaria.
    Erreger Malariaform Plasmodium falciparum Malaria tropica Plasmodium vivax Malaria tertiana Plasmodium ovale Malaria tertiana Plasmodium malariae Malaria quartana
    Entwicklungszyklus der Malariaparasiten
    Ungeschlechtlicher Zyklus im Menschen Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium vivax, ovale und malariae

    35. - Report: Fort Bragg Killings, Malaria Drug Not Linked - Oct. 30, 2002
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    Report: Fort Bragg killings, malaria drug not linked
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    WASHINGTON (CNN) Military investigators have found no evidence that the anti-malarial drug Lariam was a contributing factor in the killings of four Army wives, allegedly by their husbands, U.S. Defense Department sources Wednesday told CNN. The Army plans to release next week results of an investigation of the circumstances surrounding the deaths of the women, whose husbands were based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In three of the deaths, the men accused had recently returned from Afghanistan. Questions had been raised about whether side effects of Lariam, which has been administered to the military for duty in Afghanistan, had contributed to violent behavior. The drug is known chemically as mefloquine hydrochloride. Roche Laboratories, the drug's manufacturer, acknowledges the substance may cause mental disturbances ranging from anxiety to psychotic behavior. A Web site medical brochure warns against the use of the drug by patients "with a recent history of depression, generalized anxiety disorder, psychosis, or schizophrenia or other major psychiatric disorders."

    36. Medicine-Worldwide: Malaria
    Translate this page malaria ist eine DER Tropenkrankheiten. Die Zahl der jährlichen Erkrankungen wird auf ca. Übertragen wird malaria durch Mückenstiche.
    Sie befinden sich hier: startseite krankheiten tropenkrankheiten Tropenkrankheiten ... Über uns
    Seite: vor Kapitelübersicht: Zusammenfassung Allgemeines Erreger Infektionsweg ... Ratgeber
    Der Begriff der Malaria (auch Sumpf- oder Wechselfieber) umfasst mehrere fieberhafte Erkrankungen, die durch parasitische Einzeller der Gattung Plasmodium verursacht werden. Der Name leitet sich aus dem italienischen ab und steht in Zusammenhang mit der Vorstellung von krankmachender "schlechter Luft" in Sumpfgebieten: "mal aria". Entsprechend dem Erreger unterscheidet man drei Arten der Malaria: Malaria tropica: Malaria tertiana: Malaria quartana: Diese Malariaerkrankung gilt als die mildeste Form der Malaria.
    Erreger Malariaform Plasmodium falciparum Malaria tropica Plasmodium vivax Malaria tertiana Plasmodium ovale Malaria tertiana Plasmodium malariae Malaria quartana
    Entwicklungszyklus der Malariaparasiten
    Ungeschlechtlicher Zyklus im Menschen Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium vivax, ovale und malariae

    37. Sources Marines Who Were In Liberia Contract Malaria

    38. Malaria
    back , malaria Top News, malaria Latest News, more , May 20. Zambia ZIHP, SFH Donate Mosquito Nets to Kasisi Monitor. May 17. Kenya malaria Kills 50 in Nyamira
    Use our pull-down menus to find more stories Regions/Countries Central Africa East Africa North Africa PanAfrica Southern Africa West Africa Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo-Brazzaville Congo-Kinshasa Côte d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Sudan Swaziland São Tomé and Príncipe Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Western Sahara Zambia Zimbabwe Topics AGOA AIDS Aid Arms and Armies Arts Athletics Banking Books Business Capital Flows Children Civil War Climate Commodities Company Conflict Conflict Economics Crime Currencies Debt Ecotourism Editorials Education Energy Environment Food and Agriculture Forests From allAfrica's Reporters Health Human Rights Humanitarian Responses ICT Infrastructure Investment Labour Latest Legal Affairs Malaria Media Mining Music NEPAD Oceans Olympics PANA Peace Talks Peacekeeping Petroleum Pollution Post-Conflict Privatization Refugees Religion Science Soccer Sport Stock Markets Terrorism Trade Transport Travel Tuberculosis Urban Issues Water Wildlife Women Central Africa Business East Africa Business North Africa Business Southern Africa Business West Africa Business Asia, Australia, and Africa

    39. Biedt Uitgebreide Informatie Over Malaria: Wat Is Malaria? Waar Komt
    Uitgebreide informatie over malaria Wat is het? En nog belangrijker, hoe u malaria kan voorkomen met algemene maatregelen en malariatabletten.
    Deze Malaria website biedt uitgebreide informatie over malaria : Wat is malaria? Waar komt malaria voor? En nog belangrijker, hoe kunt u malaria voorkomen met algemene maatregelen en malariatabletten. Want het gaat erom dat u zorgeloos kunt genieten van uw reis naar de tropen! Om deze website te kunnen bezoeken heeft u een browser nodig die frames ondersteunt. U kunt hier een browser downloaden.

    40. - Health - South Africa: DDT Needed To Fight Malaria - December 8, 2000
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    South Africa: DDT needed to fight malaria
    JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (Reuters) South Africa said on Thursday it needed to keep using DDT to fight a growing threat from the lethal, mosquito-borne disease malaria. South Africa is hosting U.N.-sponsored talks aimed at curbing or eliminating 12 persistent organic pollutants (POPs) including DDT, which has been used since World War II to protect people from malaria.

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