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21. SchoolGrants Links - Federal Agencies NEGP is an independent executive branch agency of the States Served Connecticut, maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York Specialty Area Urban education. http://www.schoolgrants.org/Links/fed_agencies.htm | |
22. SchoolGrants: Links To State Agencies thank Nancy Salmon, Arts in education Associate at the maine Arts Commission for bringing my attention to the Arts in education programs offered State agencies. http://www.schoolgrants.org/Links/state_agencies.htm | |
23. Maine Equal Justice Partners work in the legislature, before administrative agencies and the Read about the lives of maine families and Parents as Scholars education Worksour study on http://www.mejp.org/ | |
24. Maine Center On Deafness, Civil Rights from doctors, hospitals, schools and government agencies;; protect people from discrimination maine Human Rights Individuals with Disability education Act (IDEA http://www.mainecenterondeafness.org/civilrights.htm | |
25. Educational Technology Cooperative professional development to middle school mathematics teachers within the maine Learning Technologies State agencies (DOE). Alabama Department of education. http://www.sreb.org/programs/EdTech/onlineprofdev/msopdoverview.asp | |
26. ScholarshipFolio State Higher education agencies. FAX (785) 2960983 URL http//www.kansasregents.org/. maine education Assistance Division Finance Authority of maine (FAME) 5 http://www.scholarshipfolio.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2 |
27. Island Institute: This Will Redirect You To Another Section Community Foundation, maine Arts Commission, maine Humanities Council, and the MBNA education Foundation. by state and nonprofit agencies who require a http://www.islandinstitute.org/icf/ | |
28. State Education Leader (Winter 2001): Rural Education 6th grade at the Airline Community School in Aurora, maine. studies and tabulations on rural education, as well as links to various agencies and services http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/24/10/2410.htm | |
29. Maine Safe And Drug-Free Schools And Communities Act Unlike most other states, the maine SEA/LEA Program is jointly administered by two agencies, the Department of education (DOE) and the Office of Substance http://www.mainesdfsca.org/about.html | |
30. Small Business Education are maintained by educational organizations, nonprofits or government agencies. maine Small Business Development Centers http//www.mainesbdc.org; The maine http://www.umext.maine.edu/topics/home.htm |
31. Maine Marks for these indicators with the state agencies that are legislature and prepared by the maine Development Foundation of topics related to education and community http://www.mainemarks.org/intro.htm |
32. Maine Medicate Education Partnership The maine Medicare education Partnership (MMEP) is a collaborative effort of Bureau of Elder and Adult Services (BEAS), maine s five Area agencies on Aging http://www.mainealz.org/Articles/docMedicare.htm | |
33. Campaign Site and caregivers by providing continuing education for health care communication between home care agencies and health for rural communities in maine The Eastern http://www.digitalempowerment.org/library/details.cfm?id=3887 |
34. Globaled.org The Art of Crossing Cultures. Yarmouth, maine Intercultural Press, 1990. International Dimensions of education Documents of State education agencies. http://www.globaled.org/guidelines/page8.php | |
35. Contact Numbers Southern maine Technical College South Portland, (207) 7679500; 1-800-244-5891; Adult education Gloria Coulston Housing Local Real Estate agencies ERA Agency 1 http://www.gorhammeusa.org/ContactNumbers.htm | |
36. EAA - Maine Medicare Education Partnership The maine Medicare education Partnership is a collaborative effort by the Bureau of Elder Adult Services, maine s five Area agencies on Aging and Legal http://www.eaaa.org/v-mmep.htm | |
37. Richmond (Maine) Middle/High School Library Media Center agencies / Associations. Web sites. and products on a broad range of educationrelated issues. maine Association of School Libraries http//www.maslibraries.org http://wiscasset.net/RSD/staff.htm | |
38. Agencies: U.S. STATE agencies For The VisuallyImpaired A - M. maine Department of Special education Services 23 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0023 Tel (207 http://www.mdsupport.org/resources/agencies_us.html | |
39. ENC Online: Education Headlines 22, Massive cuts likely for maine migrant education. education groups and government agencies to improve mathematics and science education at all http://www.enc.org/educationheadlines/?ls=ho |
40. NECTAC: List Of Part C Lead Agencies State/Jurisdiction 1,2, Lead Agency. Alabama, Rehabilitation Services. Louisiana, Health Hospitals. maine, education. Maryland, education. http://www.nectac.org/partc/ptclead.asp | |
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