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61. Stewart Colin Stewart. Colin Stewart is the Greenhouse IPM Specialist with Univ. ofmaine coop. ext. Visit Web site of Colin s Program at University of maine. http://www.nepmc.org/cwg/Goipm/stewart.html |
62. HIA Contacts maine Bob Stilwell maine Bureau of Health Radiation Cntrl 7973845 E-mail leonah@ext.usu.edu, MortonVirgin Islands Cooperative extension service University of http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
63. I-une.com: Education > Cooperative Extension www.umext.maine.edu/. University of Alaska Fairbanks cooperative extension ServiceState outreach educational delivery system with research www.uaf.edu/coopext/. http://dir.i-une.com/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
64. Federal Pest Management Agencies USDA coop. 1 South North Brunswick NJ 089023390, (732) 932 - 9575 ext. 605. Universitiesof Connecticut, maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and http://pronewengland.org/Content/People-NewEngland-Federal.htm |
65. Rhode Island Pest Management Interest Groups Rhode Island Master Gardeners Association, Rosanne Sherry Email, coop. ext. Universitiesof Connecticut, maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and http://pronewengland.org/Content/PROPeopleRI.htm |
66. CPDMP Address List Conner, Chuck, US Senate. Conner, Cynthia, maine Milk Commission. Conover, Carl,Milk Foundation of Indiana. Conway, John, Otsego County coop. ext. Conway, Tom,. http://www.cpdmp.cornell.edu/CPDMP/Pages/Data/Address.html | |
68. Gardening Organizations Directory The Gfhs is dedicated to education and service to the community. coop.ext. http://dir.gardenweb.com/directory/a-73-page83.html | |
69. Updated 1-2004 State Master Gardener Coordinators And Web Site Links 7030 Fax (970) 4917745 E-mail dwhiting@coop.ext.colostate.edu. 32611-0675 Phone(352) 392-1831 ext. maine Frank S. Wertheim (last updated 12-2002) extension http://www.ces.uga.edu/agriculture/horticulture/master gardener/stcoord.html | |
70. CSREES FSNE Web Site Chris Sady, MS, RD maine Nutrition Network Coordinator, 295 Water St. Wilda Wade,Dr. Project Director, PEARL, NC A T State University, coop. ext. Prog. http://www.csrees-fsnep.org/per_list.cfm | |
71. Cooperative Extension Sponsored Or Co-sponsored Volunteer Water Quality Monitori Idaho, Indiana, Bob Simmons (1999) Pacific NW Water Quality MonitoringProgram Washington State University coop. ext. maine, Michigan, http://www.uwex.edu/ces/csreesvolmon/VolunteerMonPrograms/ | |
72. Abbreviated Titles 1996 : M Miscellaneous publication maine Agricultural Experiment Station NAL MP Univ ArkansasCoop ext Serv* MP of Arkansas, Cooperative extension service NAL call no http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji96/abrtim.htm | |
73. VegNet News A Club 500 Initiative B Univ of maine coop ext, New Brunswick Dept of Agr, AgrCanada, McCain Foods Ltd, maine Dept of Agr, PEI Dept of Agr, Fisheries, and http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~vegnet/news/tt200.htm | |
74. Parasitic Diseases and Biology - Univ of maine (US)....... About Controlling Head Lice GR Strother Alabama coop. ext. System(US). Headlice - http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c3.html | |
75. Juvenile Justice Teleconference Website KATIE, WOODBURY, maine INJURY PREVENTION PROG WILLIAM, HELVEY, LINCOLN UNIVERSITYCOOP ext, JEFFERSON CITY, MO, (573 MARILYN, DEBBAN, EDUCATION service UNIT 10, KEARNEY,NE, http://www.juvenilenet.org/jjtap/archives/safety/sites.html | |
76. Managing Demo Debris Contact John Ashman, Telephone 8487551 ext. 227. maine Resource RecoveryAssociation coop. PO Box 1838, Bangor, maine 04402-1838. http://www.hcpcme.org/environment/swcdd.html | |
77. Ruffed Grouse Society - Coverts Program Website. Connecticut, Steve Broderick University of CT coop. ext.Ctr 139Wolf Den Rd. Brooklyn maine, Project currently inactive, Maryland, Jonathan http://www.ruffedgrousesociety.org/covertsprogram.asp | |
78. Past Graduate Students -where Are They Now ? Hogan/MS `03/US Geological Survey/(217) 3440037 ext. Ph.D. `90/Unit Leader, GeorgiaCoop Unit, United Loftin/Ph.D. `99/working at maine Cooperative Fish and http://www.wec.ufl.edu/coop/past.htm | |
79. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Abe's Of Maine Online Store At Epinions.com It shipped 15 April 2004, due by ground service on 22 April Thanks to Mike at ext.267 and Kudos to Abes of maine (Brooklyn) for coming up the short side of the http://www.epinions.com/content_136851328644 | |
80. Directory Of Entomology Departments And Institutes: USA uaa.alaska.edu (Tony Nakazawa, Director) Website http//zorba.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/index.htmlForest Health Protection USDA Forest service 2770 Sherwood http://www.sciref.org/links/EntDept/UA.htm | |
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