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21. POMF 2806 Page OF maine coop. ext. MARY S. BOWIE 5741 LIBBY HALL ORONO ME 044690000 TELEPHONE(207) 581-2723 PAYROLL OFFICE NUMBER 12050320 coopERATIVE extENTION service http://webwtc.opm.gov/raft/html/pomf2806.shtml | |
22. School IPM Links of Agriculture, and the University of Illinois cooperative extension service. Of AgricultureBoard of Pesticides Control and the University of maine coop. ext. http://www.pestmanagement.rutgers.edu/IPM/SchoolIPM/resources2.html | |
23. US EPA Software For Environmental Awareness of Alaska cooperative extension service www.uaf.edu/coopext/ace.html Louisiana cooperativeextension service Publications Directory of parish extension maine. http://www.epa.gov/seahome/farmasyst/states.htm | |
24. State Contacts http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/offices/ Clickable map directory of University of Kentuckycooperative extension service Agricultural Communications 131 maine. http://www.epa.gov/seahome/decent/src/states.htm | |
25. USA WEEKEND Magazine :: Travel Service :: Sails daily between Portland, maine and Nova Scotia. Region 5 coop, MARYLAND. Foryour free Minnesota Travel Guide, call 1800-944-1442 ext. http://cf.usaweekend.com/USAWtravelService/store.cfm | |
27. Joining Senior Corps : SCP National service Home Page Button. Senior Corps banner. Joining Senior Corps SeniorCompanion Program Senior Companion Programs in maine UNIV OF maine coop ext http://www.seniorcorps.org/joining/scp/me.html | |
28. AT&T Worldnet Service - Search Results .. http//www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/poultry/factsheets/ Patrick Keating s Home Depotconversion (Surry, maine) This chicken coop and pen was my own build http://www.att.net/cgi-bin/websearch?cmd=qry&qry=how to build chicken coops |
29. City Of Portland: Forestry Division: Informational Links in City of PortlandÂs coop Tree Planting EPA Green Landscaping University of mainecooperative ext. Community Forestry maine Forest service National Arborday http://www.ci.portland.me.us/misc/forestry/links.htm | |
30. Horticultural Web Sites from the cooperative State Research, Education, and extension service PesticideEducation Resources at the University of NebraskaLincoln U. maine coop. ext. http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~wardt/HORT.HTM | |
31. Stream Releaf Tables Casco Bay Estuary Project. BMPs Costeffective Solutions to Protect maineÂsWater Quality. 1995. $15/copy/Also available from PA coop. ext. service. http://www.dep.state.pa.us/hosting/streamreleaf/tables.htm | |
32. Welcome To The Business Disc Administrative Dist 61, Bridgton, ME University of maine, Fort Kent, ME Bates MillEnterprise Complex, Lewistown, ME Washtenaw Co coop ext service, Ann Arbor http://www.businessdisc.com/ownview.htm | |
33. Branching Out - Your Shared Branching Newsletter With the addition of the maine outlets, CUSC now Jack Henry service Bureau/Symitar,Complete, Complete. Sandy Shenk, PaCUSC State Coordinator, 800932-0661, ext. http://www.pcua.coop/pacusc/branching/current.htm | |
34. BOARD OF GOVERNORS REPORT of EDA apparel as a service to members maine, Jo Dill, Executive Director (hawks@cybertours.com Continuedcollaboration with UNH, coop ext., USDA for annual Team http://users.rowan.edu/~cone/Fall_2001_BOG_Report.html | |
35. Juvenile Justice Teleconference Website KATIE, WOODBURY, maine INJURY PREVENTION PROG. JAN, STANLEY, UM extENSION service,ST CLOUD, MN, (320 WILLIAM, HELVEY, LINCOLN UNIVERSITY coop ext, JEFFERSON CITY, MO,(573 http://www.juvenilenet.org/jjtap/archives/safety/locations.html | |
36. Under The Canopy - February `98 - Cooperative Extension Service You also mentioned a belief that a coop kiln operation NATP-09-92, US Forest service,S PF, 180 Canada, Forintek Canada Corp., 6620 NW maine Drive, Vancouver http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/forestry/canopy/canopyfeb98.html | |
37. Friends Of The NRA Grants Ozark Public Schools. Ozark Youth Shooting Team. Union County 4H Shooting SportsClub. University of Arkansas coop. ext service 4H. Yell County 4H Shooting Sports. http://www.nrafoundation.org/friends/states/grants.asp?state=Maine&show=Arkansas |
38. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Echoes May Newsletter the Steamboat Pilot Today for his service to the and Soil Sciences from the Universityof maine, and a Fort Collins, CO 80523 donna_m@coop.ext.colostate.edu. http://www.ext.colostate.edu/echoes/echo0404.html | |
39. Riparian Working Group: References BMPs Costeffective Solutions to Protect maineÂs Water Quality. 1995. 21 minutevideo, GP, 410-827-8056 $15/copy/Also available from PA coop. ext. service. http://www.vdof.org/rfb/rwg/ripbuf.htm | |
40. Awards Accepted By Sponsor - FY 2002 coop State Res, Educ ext service, 10, 2,795,481, 434,182, 3,229,663, Forest service,19, 863,131, 34,239, 897,370, maine Department of Defense, 3, 9,513, 5,137, 14,650, http://www.umass.edu/research/ogca/reports/annual02/FY2002-award-sp.htm | |
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