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1. Maine Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey Dick Bradbury. maine Forest service. Entomology. Dick Dearborn. maine Forest service Donald Hoenig. maine Dept. Agriculture. Veterinarian. Don Barry. Umaine coop. ext. Pest Management http://pmo.umext.maine.edu/aphis/CAPScommittee.htm |
2. Garden Regional Links, Gardening Tips, Organic Gardening, Flower Gardening, Vege maine www.umext.maine.edu (Univ of maine coop extension service). for the environment)www.cce.cornell.edu (Cornell coop extension Vermont http//ctr.uvm.edu/ext. http://www.emilycompost.com/regional_links.htm | |
3. Abbreviated Titles 1995 : K-M State Univ. coop. ext. Serv. L cooperative extension service, Kansas State University 275.29 extension, Washington State University S125.M57 Misc. publ. - maine Agric. Exp. Stn http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji95/abrtij.htm | |
4. CSREES - USDA - Urban Program Resources maine Doug Babkirk University of maine coop.ext. dbabkirk@umext.maine.edu. VirgilP. Culver Mississippi State University extension service virgilc@ext.msstate http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/family/part/urban_part_contacts.html | |
5. Maine CAPS Update September 20 maine CAPS update. September 20, 2002. 1. The next CAPS roundtable discussion is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at the. maine Forest service Entomology Lab (map) in Augusta. Donald Hoenig. maine Dept. Agriculture. Veterinarian. Don Barry. Umaine coop. ext. Pest Management http://pmo.umext.maine.edu/aphis/caps-update-2002-09-20.htm |
6. WasteContacts.html Warren McCord, CRD Leader. Alabama coop ext service. 202 Duncan Hall Waste Management Specialist. University of maine coop ext. 5741 Libby Hall http://cwmi.css.cornell.edu/GenInfo/WasteContacts.html | |
8. CompostContacts.html Sect Leader Environ Nat Resources. AR coop ext service. PO Box 391 EM xtbran@lsuvm.sncc.lsu.edu. maine. Richard Verville. ext Educator Cty Officer http://compost.css.cornell.edu/CompostContacts.html |
9. Measures Of Growth Interested Parties List Dovavan, Jack, University of maine coop. ext. Associate Educator. Vice President.Pangburn, Jeffrey, maine Public service Company, Economic Development Specialist. http://www.mdf.org/megc/iplist.php3 | |
10. Gardening Information, Garden Tips, Tricks, And Tools For Gardeners | ABseeds.co Plant Answers Texas Agricultural ext. service. Horticulture Home Pest News Insect Fact Sheet - U of maine coop ext. Pest Management Office http://abseeds.com/ | |
11. Leadership Maine Alumni List Jack Donovan, Associate Educator, University of maine coop. ext. Walter J.Elish, Director of Economic Development, maine Public service Co. http://www.mdf.org/leadme/alumnilisting.html | |
12. State Coordinators of Nevada, Washoe Cty. coop. ext. P.O Penobscot Cty. extension service. 307 maine Avenue. Bangor, ME http://mastergardener.osu.edu/img/coordinators.html | |
13. Cooperative State Research, Education, And Extension Service (CSREES) Of USDA Information on cooperative State, Research, Education, and extension service University of maine coop.ext. dbabkirk@umext.maine.edu Mississippi State University extension service. virgilc@ext.msstate.edu http://www.reeusda.gov/ecs/urbanlis.htm | |
14. Prime And Unique Agricultural Lands And The National Environmental Policy Act (N Univ. of maine Orono, maine 04473, Mr. Van K. Haderlie State Conservationist SoilConservation service Federal Bldg. Dr. Gene McMurtry Assoc. Dir., coop. ext. http://ceq.eh.doe.gov/nepa/regs/exec81180.html | |
15. Headwaters Institute Umaine coop.ext./ME Sea Grant. Rachel Nixon, maine Island Trail Association. CharlieJacobi, Acadia National Park. Lauri Munroe, US Fish and Wildlife service. http://headwatersinstitute.org/default.cfm?go=river.view&seminarID=114&riverID=1 |
16. Assets Across America: State Asset Networks of Arkansas coop ext. Contact Elizabeth Jones University of Arkansas cooperativeextension service 2301 S. University Avenue Little Rock, AK 72203 Tel maine http://www.ctassets.org/aaa/statenetworks.cfm | |
17. Maine Electric And Gas Utility Companies EASTERN maine ELECTRIC coop. maine PUBLIC service COMPANY Paul R. Cariani, Pres. ForestAvenue PO Box 3586 Portland, ME 041043586 1-800-552-3047 797-8002 ext. http://www.state.me.us/mpuc/regulated utilities/elecgas.htm |
18. CIS/TCS Voice Communications NYNEX Residential service Center, 4308100, *9-92. UNH coop-ext SullivanCounty, 863-9200, *9-38. Univ of maine, Orono, 207-581-1110, *9-25. http://www.unh.edu/telecom/syslist.html | |
19. October 2002 Aber, John EOS/CSRC US Forest Service Impact Of NHIRC Heat Pipe Aging Baxter, Charlene ext/ext NH DHHS LLC Vane Shear Testing atRWS maine Berlinsky, David ZOOL Natl Oceanic Atmospheric Adm coop Inst NE http://www.unh.edu/osr/awards/102002awards.html | |
20. NAQ, No. 39: Cover Crops At A Glance Tech. Bull. No. 4, maine Organic Fmrs. Gdnrs. Assoc., Augusta, ME. 497. U. Mass.coop. ext. service, 1971. Massachusetts Land Use and Soil Management Guides. http://www.fuzzylu.com/greencenter/q39/cover1.htm | |
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