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21. Ferdinand Magellan ferdinand magellan. Early Years. ferdinand magellan was born in Portugal in 1480. As After magellan. Many continent. Back to explorer Page. http://www.esd.k12.ca.us/Matsumoto/TM30/history/Explorers/fmag.html | |
22. Kids And Teens, People And Society, Biography, Explorers: Magellan, Ferdinand This category lists pages and sites about the Portuguese explorer ferdinand magellan (14801521). magellan led the first expedition http://www.combose.com/Kids_and_Teens/People_and_Society/Biography/Explorers/Mag | |
23. Ferdinand Magellan -- Encyclopædia Britannica , magellan, ferdinand Portuguese navigator and explorer who sailed under the flags of both Portugal (1505Â12) and Spain (1519Â21). http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=51193&tocid=0&query=ferdinand magellan |
24. Ferdinand Magellan he faced, why he should win the explorer of the Century Award, and about myself as an explorer. I hope you have learned a lot about ferdinand magellan. http://shabonee.northbrook27.k12.il.us/Projects/magellan.htm | |
25. Explorer Sites ferdinand magellan explorerMuseum of History http//www.virtualology.com/virtualmuseumofhistory/hallofexplorers/ferdinandmagellan.com/. ÂFrancisco Pizarro. http://shabonee.northbrook27.k12.il.us/explorers/explorersites.htm | |
26. Ferdinand Magellan 4. ferdinand magellan First explorer Around the World (explorers), ferdinand magellan First explorer Around the World (explorers) from Enslow Publishers, Inc. http://www.dropbears.com/amazon/template_history/type_search/mode_books/keyword_ | |
27. Ferdinand Magellan You are in Museum of History Hall of explorers ferdinand magellan. ferdinand magellan. explorer. ferdinand magellan explorer. http://www.virtualology.com/virtualmuseumofhistory/hallofexplorers/ferdinandmage | |
28. IExplore | History's Greatest Explorers A man whose seamanship and endurance were unparalleled in the early 16th century, Portuguese explorer ferdinand magellan (14801521) was the first European http://www.iexplore.com/res/explorer_magellan.jhtml | |
29. »»Reviews For Magellan, Ferdinand«« magellan Still Lives! The best biographical book on this explorer yet! You can actually feel what ferdinand magellan felt during his voyage around the world. http://www.booksunderreview.com/Society/History/By_Topic/Exploration/Explorers/M | |
30. Explorers And Leaders : National Maritime Museum Captain Scott in Antarctica, Captain Scott Antarctic explorer In 1901-04 Captain ferdinand magellan, ferdinand magellan The first to sail around the world The http://www.nmm.ac.uk/site/navId/00500300f005 | |
31. EDUCATION PLANET - 60 Web Sites For Magellan magellan, ferdinand Web Sites (1 10 of 60) 1. magellan Mission to Venus - The magellan spacecraft was the first planetary explorer to be launched by a space http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Social_Studies/Famous_People/Explorers/Mag | |
32. Ferdinand Magellan Explorer Spices The Spice Routes. The Explorers ferdinand magellan. August 1509, magellan and a mighty Portuguese fleet consisting of 5 http://www.geocities.com/~ascole/spices/Magellan.html | |
33. EXPLORER RESOURCES Magalhaes; ferdinand magellan; ferdinand magellan; ferdinand magellan, explorer; ferdinand magellan, the Greatest Voyager of Them All; http://www.geocities.com/janp_us/exp_res.html | |
34. Magellan European rulers gave money and ships to sailors, and explorers. That is how ferdinand magellan got to go with his three captains to sail to the beyond. http://www.d23.org/sullivan/travis/Explorer Book/Magellan.htm | |
35. Ferdinand Magellan: A Who2 Profile ferdinand magellan  explorer. Portuguese name Fernao de Magalhaes magellan was born in Portugal, but it was under the Spanish http://www.who2.com/ferdinandmagellan.html | |
36. Explorers Of North America k12.fl.us/district/bayhistory/bhis6.htm Brief summary of this explorer s 1513 voyage to ferdinand magellan http//www.mariner.org/age/magellan.html The first http://www.socsd.k12.ny.us/explorers.html | |
37. European Explorers - Age Of Exploration ferdinand magellan, explorer from the explorers of the Millennium site; ferdinand magellan, the Greatest Voyager of Them All from the Millersville University http://www.chenowith.k12.or.us/tech/subject/social/explore.html | |
38. Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution On The Web 15101554) Cortes, Hernan (1485-1547) Dampier, William (1652-1715) explorer, sea captain magellan, ferdinand (1480-1521) The first to circumnavigate the globe. http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/enlightenment.html | |
39. Explorers ferdinand magellan ferdinand magellan was the first person to sail all the way around the world. Find out more about this Portuguese explorer and his exploits http://www.funsocialstudies.learninghaven.com/links/explorers.htm | |
40. Ferdinand Magellan.explorer ferdinand magellan. ferdinand magellan was born in 1480 and died in 1521. magellan was the man to name the Pacific Ocean. Go to Map Page. Go to explorer List. | |
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