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81. The Archaeological Site Of Vergina 31.160 Fax 038124.356 E-mail protocol@izepka.culture.gr WWW Address http//alexander.macedonia.culture.gr/2/21/211/21117a/e211qa04.htmlhttp//alexander http://whc.unesco.org/sites/780.htm | |
82. Macedonia Hosts Bulgarian Culture Days Kinoeye macedonia Cultural bodies and the EU foster Eurofilm As in many countries, macedonia s cinemas are dominated by Hollywood fare are nowusing EU money to reverse this trend and build links to European film culture. http://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?r153861761 |
83. Domain Of Culture - Cultural Events More high resolution photos. AZ. macedonian Heritage Online review of the affairs,history and culture of macedonia. Museum of the macedonian Struggle. http://www.cultureguide.gr/events/details.jsp?Event_id=48315&catA=10 |
84. [Projekat Rastko] Slavenko Terzic: The Serbs And The Macedonian Question as it can be seen in the numerous Serbian monuments of culture preserved till of thedestiny of the Serbian and Slav people in Turkey and in macedonia as well. http://www.rastko.org.yu/istorija/srbi-balkan/sterzic-macedonian.html | |
85. Macedonia: The Politics Of Identity And Difference (Anthropology, Culture And So macedonia The Politics of Identity and Difference (Anthropology,culture and Society Series). macedonia The Politics of Identity http://www.history-europe.com/Macedonia_The_Politics_of_Identity_and_Difference_ | |
86. Macedonia News From InsideEurope InsideEurope offers country specific information for a growing number of countries world wide. Also country portal sites and free daily email news. Killed Pakistani Immigrants To Sue macedonia http://www.insidemacedonia.com/ | |
87. MAKEDONIKA Online Journal on Macedonian History and culture. MAKEDONIKA. Web Site.HLA genes in Macedonians and the subSaharan origin of the Greeks. http://www.makedonika.org/ | |
88. Welcome To The Macedonian Cultural And Information Centre Nongovernmental organisation with the main idea of promoting Macedonian cultureand art by means of informing, advertising, publishing, translating. http://www.macedonia.co.uk/mcic/ | |
89. The Cultural History Of Macedonia - Literature The Cultural History of macedonia Literature. The texts of the Thessalonikibrothers Cyril and Methodius, written in the new alphabet http://www.macedonia.co.uk/mcic/cultureandart/literature/ | |
90. MINELRES - Minority Related National Legislation - Macedonia - Culture (2.6) Care for the cultural development and the realization of the culturalrights of the Macedonian minority and emigrant population abroad; http://www.minelres.lv/NationalLegislation/Macedonia/Macedonia_Culture_excerpts_ | |
91. MINELRES - Minority Related National Legislation - Macedonia - Culture The summary for this Macedonian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.minelres.lv/NationalLegislation/Macedonia/Macedonia_Culture_excerpts_ | |
92. Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia Cultural / Education Policy Homepage Country and travel information former Yugoslav Republicof macedonia Cultural / Education policy, former Yugoslav http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/en/laenderinfos/laender/laender_ausgabe_html? |
93. Macedon - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia of Rome (146 BC). Under Roman rule the province of macedonia, itsculture became largely Latinized. When the Emperor Constantine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedon | |
94. Macedonian Heritage - Macedonian Cultural And Scientific Institutions Of Macedon On this page we intend to present the profile of (eventually) all Cultural andScientific Institutions throughout Greek macedonia, including Associations http://www.macedonian-heritage.gr/institutions.html | |
95. Reality Macedonia : Why Exactly The Cultural Monuments? Republic of macedonia. By Ganka SamoilovskaCvetanova, Minister ofCulture of Republic of macedonia Translated by Ognen Spirovski. http://www.realitymacedonia.org.mk/web/news_page.asp?nid=617 |
96. Links - United Macedonians Organization Of Canada Ancient Macedonian culture, Literacy and Language AncientMacedonia.com The DistinctiveEthnicity of the Ancient Macedonians Ancient Macedonians Banitsa - A http://www.unitedmacedonians.org/links.html | |
97. Macedonia News - Media Monitoring Service By EIN News Know a political, historical or cultural fact about macedonia, which took placetoday? Send it in to the Central Europe History Editor. What year was it? http://www.centraleurope.com/macedoniatoday/ | |
98. MACEDONIAN ARTS AND CULTURE Macedonian culture is a mosaic of aesthetics, and its illuminous fluorescence isapparent through its arts, frescoes, icons, mosaics, sculpture, architecture http://www.f1.net.au/users/igortoni/mculture.html | |
99. World In Conflict, Economies In Transition - Essays And Articles About Central A macedonia s Growing Dependence. Zoran against the World. macedonia s Augean Stables.The Freedom of Indices. Political and Cultural Issues. The Books of the Damned. http://samvak.tripod.com/guide.html | |
100. Internet Resources On The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia on macedonian Cinema; macedonia Cultural Heritage; macedonian Culturaland Information Centre, London. History macedonia Through http://www.ssees.ac.uk/macedon.htm | |
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