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61. Macedonia, Macedonian, Pan-Macedonian Association USA, Inc. the Hellenic origin of the name, history, and culture of macedonia, to counter falsificationsand distortions of history, to promote our Hellenic history and http://www.panmacedonian.info/ | |
62. Skopje, The Capital Of Republic Of Macedonia During the existence of the first Macedonian state and the Macedonian czar Samouil Numerouscultural monuments were seriously damaged or erased from the face of http://www.skopjeonline.com.mk/culture/ | |
63. [soc.culture.greek] Macedonia FAQ soc.culture.greek macedonia FAQ. Greek courts have offered to open culturalcenters for their minority, under a different name (than macedonian). http://www.faqs.org/faqs/cultures/macedonia/faq/ | |
64. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Regional > Europe > Macedonia > Society And Cultur Society and culture Subjects Regional Europe macedonia Societyand culture. Browse, Sites in Society and culture (6). Organizations http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=96314 |
65. Welcome To The Country Pages: Macedonia The Fulbright Program in macedonia is looking to attract scholars and professionalswho want to immerse themselves in a new culture, work with students and http://www.cies.org/country/macedonia.htm | |
66. Society And Culture Macedonia Europe Regional macedonia Forums pub57.ezboard.com/bmacedonia Europe macedonia Society andculture. World NT worldnt.8m.com/ Europe macedonia Society and culture. http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Regional/Europe/Macedonia/Society_and_C | |
67. Regional, Europe, Macedonia: Society And Culture culture.in.mk Information about the culture of this country. Genealogy macedonia- Information and database for those researching their macedonian roots. http://www.combose.com/Regional/Europe/Macedonia/Society_and_Culture/ | |
68. WWW VL History MACEDONIA ALL PERIODS. Makedonika Journal of macedonian History and culture. Chronologyof macedonian History. macedonian culture. macedonia Cultural Heritage. Ohrid. http://www.ukans.edu/kansas/mk/ | |
69. The Macedonian Problem In Modern Times Studies of Melbourne, and the protests against the unique exhibition of archaeologicalfinds from Ancient macedonia which the Greek Ministry of culture sent on http://history.macedonia.gr/macedo13.html | |
70. Search Europe: Countries: Macedonia: Society And Culture Book online and save up to 60%. Sites culture.in.mk. Information about theculture of this country. (Added Fri Jun 06 2003). Genealogy macedonia. http://www.searcheurope.com/search/Countries/Macedonia/Society_and_Culture/index | |
71. 2004 Greek Court Decision Rejecting The Centre For Macedonian Culture the association of this culture with a nonexistent language, claimed to be ÂmacedonianÂ,despite the fact that in the geographical area of macedonia it is http://www.florina.org/html/2004/2004_court_decision_cultural_centre.html | |
72. Macedonia Flowers .. http//www.mbcnorr.org/Flowers.html SEND International Christian World Missions- macedonia - culture SEND International is an interdenominational http://www.personalroses.com/resources-personalroses-2/macedonia-flowers.html | |
73. Pravda.RU Macedonia: NATO Is Not Planning To Go. Who Will Protect The Country Fr Pravda.RUculture, Petersburg September 10 through 13, First Deputy culture MinisterAlexander Golutva announced at a press conference Monday. More detail http://english.pravda.ru/culture/2001/09/11/ | |
74. Access International Domains geneamac.dhs.org/ Genealogy macedonia A guide to researching macedonian genealogy,with a discussion list and links to macedonia information and culture. http://webdb.iu.edu/internationalprograms/scripts/accessinfo.cfm?categoryid=20&C |
75. History Of Macedonia And The Macedonian Nation and Greece (analysis of the MacedonianGreek conflict) by John Shea NEW SimilaritiesBetween Ancient Macedonian and Today s Macedonian culture by Historian http://historyofmacedonia.org/ | |
76. Arts And Culture - British Council - Macedonia creative writing, film or design, we bring the best of UK culture to you helps topromote and create joint productions between the UK and macedonia, and defines http://www2.britishcouncil.org/macedonia/macedonia-arts.htm | |
77. Bits Of Culture - Macedonia (FYROM) BITS OF culture macedonia (FYROM). Languages. Geography. Languages. macedonian,Albanian, Turkish, Serbo-Croatian top . Geography. top . Cultural Values. top . http://www.mgh.harvard.edu/interpreters/b_mac.asp | |
78. Diplomacy Monitor: Macedonia On The Issue Of Culture St. Thomas Univeristy School of Law Diplomacy Monitor, macedonia On the Issueof culture Most recent Web posts first Page 1 Return To macedonia Sub-Menu. http://www.diplomacymonitor.com/stu/dm.nsf/nationissued?openform&cat=Macedonia|C |
79. Culture And Beliefs - Deloitte In FYR Macedonia DTT FYR macedonia About Us culture and Beliefs, culture and Beliefs.Our Mission To help our clients and our people excel Our http://www.deloitte.com/dtt/section_node/0,2332,sid%3D13665,00.html | |
80. Central Europe Review - Thematic Archives: Macedonian Culture Return to Main Thematic Archive page. Thematic Archive Macedonian cultureArticles on Macedonian culture which have appeared in past issues of CER http://www.ce-review.org/thematicarchives/macedonia/ta_macedoniaculture.html | |
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