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81. Cancer Care lung cancer Home. Cancer Care Support. CancerCare Connect. CancerCare Inform. To get expert information on managing your cancer, click here. lung cancer. http://www.cancercare.org/LungCancer/LungCancermain.cfm |
82. The Village Voice: Nation: Press Clips: Tobacco Row By Cynthia Cotts Explores a connection between $60,000 worth of tobacco ads in Brill's Content and a sixpage article in the magazine that bashes the media for overstating the link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer. http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/9850/cotts.php | |
83. InteliHealth: Lung Cancer Health News, lung cancer Headlines. May 24, 2004. , HIV / AIDS. Â, Infectious Diseases. Â, lung cancer. Â, Medications. Â, Men s Health. Â, Mental Health. http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/333/20783.html | |
84. ASSOCIAZIONE CuLCaSG Il CuLCaSG (Cuneo lung cancer Study Group) raccoglie medici, infermieri, ed altro personale sanitario che si occupa esclusivamente della diagnosi, cura, e del followup dei pazienti con tumore maligno del polmone. http://www.culcasg.org/indexit.html | |
85. Waging War On Lung Cancer lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women, is often difficult to detect in its early stages. Waging War on lung cancer. http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/1999/399_lung.html | |
86. San Jose Cardiac Surgery Group Cardiothoracic Surgical practice in San Jose, CA, specializing in adult cardiac surgery, including offpump operations, valve operations and lung cancer surgery. http://www.sanjosecardiacsurgery.salu.net |
87. Passive Smoking Does Cause Lung Cancer PASSIVE SMOKING DOES CAUSE lung cancer, DO NOT LET THEM FOOL YOU. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been publicly accused of suppressing information. http://www.who.int/inf-pr-1998/en/pr98-29.html | |
88. MayoClinic.com - Lung Cancer lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Yet it s the most preventable of all cancers. lung cancer By Mayo Clinic staff Overview http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=DS00038 |
89. Lungevity - An EPageCity Web Site; Dedicated exclusively to reducing the number of deaths resulting from lung cancer. http://www.lungevity.org/ | |
90. Lung Cancer - Oncologychannel lung cancer is a cancer normally found in smokers, but in areas where there is a lot of air pollution it is also present. Overview, Video on lung cancer. http://www.oncologychannel.com/lungcancer/ | |
91. Lung Cancer, Females Kings County By ZIP Code, NYS State Department of Health statistics for Kings County, 19931997. http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/cancer/sublevel/lungf/kings.htm | |
92. Oncology Oncology of lung cancer for GP s from the recently launched Australian National Tobacco Campaign. Article reproduced with the kind http://www.quitnow.info.au/oncology.html | |
93. NIHSeniorHealth: Lung Cancer - Table Of Contents National Cancer Institute, Site Index. Main Menu. lung cancer Table of Contents lung cancer Defined; Causes and Risk Factors; Symptoms and Diagnosis; http://nihseniorhealth.gov/lungcancer/toc.html | |
94. Ask NOAH About: Lung Cancer Ask NOAH About lung cancer. What is lung cancer? Care and Treatment. Advanced lung cancer Chemotherapy Radiation Therapy Surgery Clinical Trials. http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/cancer/lungcancer.html | |
95. Independent For 20 years, breast cancer fears have been the more dominant among women, but lung cancer is now the bigger killer; this article explains. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/UK/Health/2000-09/lung250900.shtml | |
96. Lung Cancer Provides pertinent information regarding the signs and symptoms of lung cancer. lung cancer. Home Diseases Conditions lung cancer. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/dc/caz/canc/lunc/lungindex.html | |
97. Billingsgazette.com Doctor reports it's just a relentless stream of incurable cancers resulting from a surge in smoking by women during the 1970s. http://www.billingsgazette.com/index.php?id=1&display=rednews/2002/12/13/bui |
98. Higher Death Risk For Women Smokers Women are twice as likely to develop an untreatable form of lung cancer than men, according to the UK's biggest lung cancer study. http://news6.thdo.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/background_briefings/smoking/newsi |
99. British Medical Association On Secondhand Smoke Medical report concludes that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer and heart disease, kills thousands of people in the UK, and there is no safe level of exposure. http://www.bma.org.uk/ap.nsf/Content/Smokefree | |
100. Lung Cancer lung cancer. lung cancer is the second most common malignancy affecting both sexes. The average age of patients with lung cancer is 60 years. http://www.tirgan.com/lung.htm | |
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