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61. UL Lafayette: Public Relations: News Release: 137 and 50 completed the alternate certification program. to demonstrate to the publicthat louisianaÂs recentlyredesigned teacher preparation programs http://www.louisiana.edu/Advancement/PRNS/news/2004/137.shtml | |
62. UL Lafayette: Endowed Chairs And Professors: William Rieck Rieck, WA (2001). teacher PRACTITIONER ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM. Funded by the LouisianaBoard of Regents. ALTERNATIVE certification PROGRAM IN SPECIAL EDUCATION. http://www.louisiana.edu/Academic/Endowment/Rieck-William.html | |
63. NCTE - Teacher Certification & Preparation NCTE Annual Business Meeting in New Orleans, louisiana. warranted, the National Councilof Teachers of English system of education and certification in English http://www.ncte.org/about/over/positions/category/cert/107564.htm | |
64. About The MPSA area of Arkansas, louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. The association offers suchservices as school accreditation, teacher certification, student activities http://www.mpsa.org/committees/purpose.html | |
65. PTP Alternative Path To Certification Grades 7-12 - Our Lady Of Holy Cross Colle teacher Program Alternative Path to certification Grades 7 EDU 450 The Professionalteacher (SUMMER ONLY) 9 The louisiana Components of Effective Teaching form http://www.olhcc.edu/academics/academic_programs/ptp7-12.shtml | |
66. PTP Alternative Path To Certification Mild/Moderate - Our Lady Of Holy Cross Col Practitioner teacher Program Alternative Path to certification Mild/Moderate. A mentorprovided by the louisiana teacher Assistance and Assessment Program for http://www.olhcc.edu/academics/academic_programs/ptpMild-Moderate.shtml | |
67. U. S. State Teacher Certification Offices louisiana 3 State Department of Education Bureau of Higher Education, teacher Certificationand Continuing Education 626 North 4th Street PO Box 94064 Baton http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/CTE/cert/State_Teacher_Cert_Off.html | |
68. Presentation Details the issues of efficacy in the Alternative certification programs end, the objectiveof the Xavier University of louisianaÂs Practitioner teacher Program is http://2003.learningconference.com/ProposalSystem/Presentations/P000765 | |
69. Alternative Teacher Certification Procedures And Professional Development Opport proportion of alternatively certified teachers employed in reported that alternativecertification was negatively licensing practices (eg, louisiana and Texas http://www.nccte.org/publications/infosynthesis/r&dreport/Alternative_Teacher_Ce | |
70. NGA Center For Best Practices louisiana complied with the law this year by evaluating each of its teachercolleges as well as alternative teacher certification programs. http://www.nga.org/center/frontAndCenter/1,1188,C_FRONT_CENTER^D_3764,00.html | |
71. The Heartland Institute - Boom In Alternative Teacher Certification - By George for the preparation and certification of individuals degree and want to become teachers. Hawaii,Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=10908 |
72. Teacher Certification In New York State. July 2001. Research And Educational Ser Georgia; Guam; Hawaii; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Kentucky; louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Questionsregarding teacher certification may be directed to the State Education http://www.nysut.org/research/bulletins/teachercertification.html | |
73. Black Issues In Higher Education: Higher Standards Spell Success For Louisiana H year after three of louisiana s historically Black universities were placed on probationfor low passage rates on the national teacher certification exam, they http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0DXK/6_20/101939850/p1/article.jhtml | |
74. SLU News Alternative Teacher Certification Report 5492061 Date 1/18/02 Contact Rene Abadie (25) SOUTHEASTERN RESPONDS TO TEACHERCERTIFICATION REPORT HAMMOND - Southeastern louisiana University officials http://www.selu.edu/NewsEvents/PublicInfoOffice/altteachercertificationrpt.htm | |
75. Louisiana Education Teacher louisiana State Parish Guide Government departments, offices, public facilities, and; corporate private resources for living and learning. Resources louisiana Dept of Education. louisiana http://www.discov.com/education.htm | |
76. State Support And Incentives Over 400 louisiana teachers have received this allocation for the current schoolyear and are actively working toward National Board certification. http://www.nbpts.org/about/stateinfo.cfm?state=Louisiana |
77. UC-GradSch and educational technology. Programs are also offered for initial Louisianateacher certification. The Practitioner teacher Program http://www.xula.edu/uc/UC-GradSch.html | |
78. Teacher provide a structured support system for new teachers and ensure that the alternativecertification teacher understands and embodies the louisiana Components of http://www.ulm.edu/teach/teacher.html | |
79. Faq3 A Practitioner teacher license stipulates that the be enrolled in an alternative certificationprogram, successfully be employed by a louisiana school district http://www.ulm.edu/teach/faq3.html | |
80. Teacher Ed At UD louisiana, Department of Education Higher Education and teacher CertificationPO Box 94064 Baton Rouge, LA 70804, (225) 3423490, Praxis Series. Maine, http://www.udel.edu/teachered/stagen.htm | |
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