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1. Education World® : Education Employment Center : State Certification Requiremen State Department of Education. Teacher Certification Section. Gordon Persons Building 504) 3423499. Websites louisiana teacher certification. Louisiana State Department of Education http://www.education-world.com/jobs/state_certification.shtml | |
2. Links To Other State Teacher Certification Offices Alabama Teacher Certification. Alaska Teacher Certification. Arizona Department of Division of Certification. louisiana teacher certification. Maine Certification. Maryland Certification http://www.epi-center.net/jobs/cert.asp | |
3. Division Of Teacher Certification And Higher Education - Louisiana Department Of Teacher Certification Overview. Application Procedures and Downloadable Forms. PRAXIS/NTE Requirements. Alternate Teacher Certification Programs. Paraprofessionals and Teacher Aides. Highly Qualified http://www.doe.state.la.us/lde/tsac/home.html | |
4. Student Services, College Of Education, LSU attractive. In this program, you earn a Bachelor of Science in Educationand attain louisiana teacher certification. This program http://www.ednet.lsu.edu/data/student/oss.html | |
5. State Certification links to state by state certification sites and resources of Education. Certification and Teacher Certification Dept. Topeka Ave Louisiana. louisiana teacher certification. Louisiana State Department of Education http://www.teacher-access.com/State Certification.htm | |
6. Distance Education Teacher Certification louisiana teacher certification And Education Degrees Teacher Certificationand Master s in Education Programs Is Distance Learning For You? http://www.kbojibwacc.com/10/distance-education-teacher-certification.html | |
7. Coursework In Deaf Education The Department of Special Education at the University of New Orleans offers courseworkleading toward louisiana teacher certification in hearing impairment and http://ed.uno.edu/isi/p2 -coursework_in_deaf_ed |
8. Student Teaching Capital Plaza Tower 500 Mero Street Frankfort 40601 502/5644606 http//www.kde.state.ky.us/otec/cert/default.asplouisiana teacher certification Department of http://www.lhup.edu/student_teaching/cert_require.htm | |
9. 2003-04 Bulletin - Nicholls State University valid for certification in Louisiana. louisiana teacher certificationRequirements. Upon completion of all academic requirements http://www.nicholls.edu/acad/bulletin/bltneduc.html | |
10. Louisiana Department Of Education Division of teacher certification and Higher Education louisiana Janet Reed Director, teacher certification and Higher Education (225) 342-3563Staff Contacts. Special Features. Teach louisiana. louisiana Board of Regents. http://www.doe.state.la.us/DOE/asps/home.asp?I=CERTIFICATION |
11. Teach LA Teach louisiana Home. teacher Preparation. teacher certification Center. RecruitmentCenter. Professional Development Center. Job Posting Information. http://www.teachlouisiana.net/ | |
12. 50 State's Certification Requirements UK College of Education will attempt to collect the teacher certification requirements for the 50 States Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Kentucky. louisiana. Maine. Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan http://www.uky.edu/Education/TEP/usacert.html | |
13. Teach LA Teach louisiana Home. teacher Preparation. teacher certification Center.Public Access Verify Teaching Certificates. Recruitment Center. http://www.teachlouisiana.net/pages.asp?PageName=certification_center |
14. Louisiana Department Of Education teacher certification and Higher Education. Welcome to teacher certification. teacher certification and Higher Education is dedicated to assuring a quality teaching cadre for louisiana. http://www.lcet.doe.state.la.us/doe/asps/home.asp?I=CERTIFICATION |
15. 2003 State Contacts For Alternative Teacher Certification louisiana Department of Education teacher certification Higher Education PO Box44064 Baton Rouge, LA 70804 Attn Mary Helen S. McCoy, Ph.D. (504) 3423490 e http://www.ncei.com/2003/state_contacts.htm | |
16. State Contacts For Alternative Teacher Certification Kentucky. Kentucky Dept. of Education Office of teacher Education/Certification1024 Capital Center Dr. Frankfort, KY 40601 Attn Dr. Susan louisiana. http://www.ncei.com/2002/02_state_contacts.htm | |
17. Louisiana Scholars' College At Northwestern State University Of Louisiana We make it easy for you to enter this profession without giving up yourhonors education! louisiana Scholars College. teacher certification. http://www.nsula.edu/scholars_college/education.html | |
18. NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY the same rigor as other certification routes offered teacher Education, InterstateNew teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, louisiana Components of http://www.nsula.edu/pk16council/alternateUpdate.htm | |
19. State Contacts For Teacher Certification The rules governing teacher certification change regularly, vary greatly across states, and state.ky.us. louisiana Department of Education. teacher certification Higher Education http://www.aip.org/statistics/trends/reports/teacher.htm | |
20. Teacher teacher certification. ULM's TeachNortheast is an accelerated alternative certification the alternative certification teacher understands and embodies the louisiana Components of http://www.nlu.edu/teach/teacher.html | |
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