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81. Louisiana Department Of Wildlife And Fisheries FOR COMMISSION MEETING 3/2/2004 2004048 COMMERCIAL FISHING FOR LARGE COASTAL SHARKS CLOSES IN louisiana WATERS 2/27/2004 2004-045 HUNTING regulations AND WMA http://www.wlf.state.la.us/apps/netgear/page13.asp | |
82. LAE - Louisiana Association Of Educators the extension given to rural school districts, said Carol Davis, President of the louisiana Association of Educators. The new regulations allow certain rural http://www.lae.org/newsrelease.htm | |
83. National Home Education Network - on State Homeschool Laws and regulations National Home education Network your source for http://www.nhen.org/leginfo/state_list.asp | |
84. Louisiana Legislature Search Code of Civil Procedure, louisiana Constitution, Senate Rules. education not Charter, This will find citations with the first word in the citation, but not the http://www.legis.state.la.us/tsrs/tsrssearch.htm | |
85. American Petroleum Institute - Energy Professional Site - Industry Training, Edu conferences, worskhops, training courses, and other educational programs are Workshop on US Coast Guard regulations for Facility 2223, New Orleans, louisiana. http://api-ep.api.org/training/ | |
86. Louisiana Residence Regulations - Louisiana State University for classification as a resident student under these regulations. the intent to maintain a louisiana domicile. the state soley for educational purposes without http://alliedhealth.lsuhsc.edu/MHS/ResidencyRegulations.htm |
87. Louisiana Environmental Regulations louisiana Environmental regulations. http://library.lp.findlaw.com/articles/file/00335/002841/title/Subject/topic/Env | |
88. Louisiana Wildlife Rehabilitators Association - LAWRA Online! This course requires the louisiana Wildlife Rehabilitation to use wildlife in educational presentations New Wildlife Rehabilitation regulations Discussion by http://www.louisianawildliferehabilitators.com/index.php?option=displaypage&Item |
89. Environmental Yellow Pages - Training - Environmental Education & Facility Compl Training Environmental education Facility Compliance. (AEO) Advanced Environmental Options, Inc. REGSCAN Inc. OSHA / EPA Compliance regulations. http://www.enviroyellowpages.com/listings/USA/LA/37a583e3a2681df7720e7b6db572ffd | |
90. GLARRC The NSPD currently holds state department of education rules and regulations for Special education. Use the following Searches http://www.glarrc.org/Resources/NSPD.cfm | |
91. Student Residence Regulations and acquire a residence as defined in these regulations. if he has been employed in louisiana and if has not been registered in an educational institution for http://www.nsula.edu/catalog/1998-1999/student residence regulations/Student Res | |
92. Louisiana Colleges College About LC College ProfileThe mission of louisiana College is to prepare students for a changing world by offering an educational program grounded in http://www.supercrawler.com/pages/louisiana_colleges.html | |
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