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1. MSWLogo, An Educational Programming Language Softronics Inc., an Educational Software Company View a MSW Logo screen shot.( 24 KB) a set of printed books on more advanced logo programming techniques by Brian Harvey (bh@cs.berkeley.edu http://www.softronix.com/logo.html | |
2. The Logo Programming Language The logo programming Language. Logo was supposed to be a language for the teachingof mathe matical ideas to children through computer programming. http://www.engin.umd.umich.edu/CIS/course.des/cis400/logo/logo.html | |
3. JHB Web Page : Programming & Source Codes logo programming, tutorial, links. http://pages.intnet.mu/jhbpage/Program/Logo/logo.htm | |
4. HomePage For Brian Harvey (bh@cs.Berkeley.EDU) in the development of the logo programming language. And recently I've been volunteering Symbolic Computing, a logo programming text that concentrates on natural language processing http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh | |
5. Crystal Objects ** LOGO Computer Programming Language For Learners ** Crystal Ob Links. The Logo Users Ring. The Logo Users Ring is a webring of sitesdedicated to the logo programming language. The Logo Foundation http://members.atlantic.net/~caggiano/logo/ | |
6. Navajo Crafts And LOGO Programming, Monument Valley HS,UT What is NDAHOO AAH? It is a project for concurrently developing and linkingthe skills of traditional Navajo crafts and computer programming. http://www.math.utah.edu/~clemens/relearning.html | |
7. Learning LOGO logo programming. In the fall of 1995 I started teaching my son s secondgrade class how to program using the logo programming language. http://mckoss.com/logo/ | |
8. Announcing Logo Programming For Kids - Using MicroWorlds Project Builder - LCSI Please remember to bookmark and come back often! Watch for the Table of Contentsbutton logo programming educational software to help you navigate the site. http://www.kidsandcomputers.com/ | |
9. Learning LOGO logo programming. an introduction to Logo by Mike Koss grade class how to program using the logo programming language. Logo is wonderful because for very little work you http://www.mckoss.com/logo | |
10. Logo Programming For Kids - Using MicroWorlds Project Builder Computer programming for kids, computer lessons, MicroWorlds Project Builderchildrens software based on the Logo language are all on this site. http://www.kidsandcomputers.com/SiteToc.cfm | |
11. Logo Foundation Table of Contents. Logo Foundation Home. What's New? Calendar of Events What is Logo? Logo And Language. Logo Primer. logo programming Language. Logo Foundation Services http://el.www.media.mit.edu/groups/logo-foundation | |
12. The LOGO Programming Language: Hello World! The logo programming Language. Hello world! This program simply demonstrates theprintout of a string from a procedure call, in the logo programming language. http://www.engin.umd.umich.edu/CIS/course.des/cis400/logo/hello.html | |
13. The Logo Programming Language The logo programming Language, a dialect of Lisp, was designed as a toolfor learning. Its features interactivity, modularity, extensibility http://el.media.mit.edu/logo-foundation/logo/programming.html | |
14. LOGO Computer Programming Language For Learners Has Moved Logo is the computer language designed for learning, Here are MicroWorlds projects you can run from your browser, links to other Logo sites, books and other information teachers, parents and kids will find informative and fun. webring of sites dedicated to the logo programming language. The Logo Foundation. If you arrived here by http://www.atlantic.net/~caggiano/logo/logo.html | |
15. The Logo Programming Language Table of Contents. Logo Foundation Home. What's New? Calendar of Events What is Logo? Logo And Language. Logo Primer. logo programming Language. Logo Foundation Services http://el.www.media.mit.edu/logo-foundation/logo/programming.html | |
16. Logo Programming Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia logo programming language. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.The logo programming language of Logo. logo programming. The idea http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_programming_language | |
17. AJLogo- Logo Programming Gallery Welcome to the AJLogo Gallery With AJLogo you can create applets by programmingwith Logo! This Logo program creates a spiral with a mitred pen width. http://www.ajlogo.com/gallery/ | |
18. Resources - Logo Programming Comp 052. logo programming Resources. MSW Logo Lessons Put together by Jim Fuller,this site offers a comprehensive course in programming using MSW Logo. http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/~srudge/comp052/resources.html | |
19. Logo - Introductory Programming Computer programming, computer lessons, MSW logo programming software usingthe Logo language. Comp 052. Introductory Programming Using Logo. http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/~srudge/comp052/ | |
20. LCSI - Links Learn to Program in Logo logo programming instructions. Logo Forum - InternetLogo discussion group. Michael Koss - Introduction to logo programming. http://www.microworlds.com/links/ | |
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