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61. Department Of Philosophy Current interests Information flow theory and its applications to philosophy, modal logics and their applications, algebraic and category theoretical http://www.indiana.edu/~phil/grads.html | |
62. Mark Whitsey - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Nottingham philosophy, University of Nottingham, 5th May 2004; Timed Reasoning logics for Modelling Resource Bounded Agents , Foundations of Programming seminar, CsiT http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/philosophy/staff/mark-whitsey.htm | |
63. Philosophy Courses logics as manyvalued and intuitionistic logics, foundations of mathematics, paradoxes, non-truth-functional logics, and issues in the philosophy of language http://camden-www.rutgers.edu/dept-pages/philosophy/philcour.htm | |
64. PPP - Seminars, Conferences And Meetings J. Perzanowski. Tadeusz Czezowski (18891981). The Legacy logics, philosophy and Ethics Torun, 27-28 IV 1999 Org. prof. W. Tyburski and prof. R. Wisniewski. http://www.fmag.unict.it/~polphil/PolPhil/Semin.html | |
65. Variable Content Undergrad Courses - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Al FALL TERM 2003 philosophy 428 LOGIC AND LANGUAGE taught with PHIL 526, A1 A1 present in natural language, and to argue that nonclassical logics should be http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/philosophy/nav04.cfm?nav04=12612&nav03=12338&nav0 |
66. Jon Williamson RESEARCH INTERESTS. philosophy of causality;; Foundations of probability;; logics and reasoning;; The use of causality, probability and logics in AI. WRITING. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/ip/jonwilliamson/ | |
67. Philosophy And Artificial Intelligence Williamson `Recursive Causality in Bayesian Networks and SelfFibring logics , Coming soon Imperial College at Wye, 18-20 September 2002; philosophy.ai report http://www.kcl.ac.uk/philosophy.ai/ | |
68. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY philosophy (90 hours);; Methodology of Scientific Research (30 hours);; Cultural Studies (72 hours);; Esthetics (18 hours);; Religion (18 hours);; logics (18 hours http://www.bseu.minsk.by/english/faculty2/department2.htm | |
69. Staffs In Faculty Of Letters Name, Position, Office, Phone, Degree, Research Topics NAKATOGAWA, Koji, Professor, S203, M.Math., D.Litt., logics, philosophy of logics TAKAHEI, Hidetomo http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/letters/english/staffs_e.html | |
70. PHILOSOPHY philosophy ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS HANAI, Kazunori, M.Litt., Scholastic philosophy NAKATOGAWA, Koji, M.Math., D.Litt., logics and philosophy of logics CHIBA, Kei http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/catalog/00-01/f_g/03_01/03_01_01_029-030.html | |
71. Foundations Of Mathematics -- Encyclopædia Britannica the principle of the excluded third, other logics have also been proposed, though none has had a comparable impact on the , mathematics, philosophy of the http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=118173&tocid=35458&query=foundations of |
72. Consequently.org/writing/ comment ; ÂRelevant and Substructural logics. to appear in the Handbook of the History and philosophy of Logic, edited by Dov Gabbay and John Woods. http://consequently.org/publications/ | |
73. Philosophy indeterminacy of translation, reference, analyticity, theories of truth, logical paradoxes, and deviant and nonstandard logics. Prerequisite philosophy 3 or 6 http://www.dartmouth.edu/~reg/courses/desc/phil.html | |
74. Philosophy Links LogicAL Logic, philosophy, and Artificial Life Resources S. Kritikos s site. of proof assistants and theorem-provers for various logics, the exploitation of http://www.dur.ac.uk/philosophy.department/main.htm | |
75. Academy Fellows - Directory Of Fellows His research interests include inconsistent mathematics, relevant and modal logics, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of physics http://www.humanities.org.au/fellows/listall.asp?id=225 |
76. UBC Philosophy Undergraduate Course 2001/2002.323A Press, 1992; Susan Haack, philosophy of logics, Cambridge, 1978; Susan Haack, Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic, Chicago, 1996; John Horty http://www.philosophy.ubc.ca/faculty/irvine/u0102323.htm | |
77. IWU Philosophy Courses of other systems of logic such as secondorder logics, modal logics, or many-valued logics. Prerequisite Prior completion of philosophy 102 (Elementary http://titan.iwu.edu/~philos/courses/1.htm | |
78. UniFI - Department Of Philosophy - Group In Logic And Philosophy Of Science Andrea Cantini (Professor) Proof theory and computability, modal logics, formal theories of truth, philosophy of logic and mathematics, history of logic and http://www.unifi.it/unifi/philos/ricerca/logica_eng.htm | |
79. The KLI Theory Lab - Epistemology, Philosophy Of Science in particular; philosophy of mathematics; logic, philosophy of logic, and all kinds of philosophical logics; philosophy of language; ontology, metaphysics http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/Areas/EPPS.html | |
80. The KLI Theory Lab - Keywords - Non-monotonic Logics epistemology and philosophy of science Keywords human reasoning  naturalism  nonmonotonic logics  philosophy of science. Dempsey, GT 1996. http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/Keyword/N/NonMonotonLogic.html | |
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