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81. Pillsbury Winthrop LLP | Publications/Articles | Political Laws: A Trap For The lobbying. Although lobbying laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, their essential components are substantially similar. Generally http://www.pillsburywinthrop.com/topics/sample.asp?id=000057909444 |
82. WRF - Articles - Changes In State Lobbying Laws Changes in State lobbying laws. Election Law News, November 2003. Indiana The Indiana legislature passed amendments to its lobbying laws earlier this year. http://www.wrf.com/publications/publication.asp?id=152941132003 |
83. WRF - Articles - Changes In State Lobbying Laws Back Changes in State lobbying laws. Election Law News, November 2003. Indiana The Indiana legislature passed amendments to its lobbying laws earlier this year. http://www.wrf.com/publications/publication2.asp?id=152941132003 |
84. Reason: Costly Links - Citings - Internet And IRS Anti-lobbying Laws - Brief Art Print friendly Tell a friend Find subscription deals Costly links Citings - Internet and IRS anti-lobbying laws - Brief Article Reason, May, 2001 by Brian http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1568/is_1_33/ai_81827972 | |
85. The Columbia Political Review - April, 2004 - [Lobbying U.] PLACE. RIGHTS VERSUS THE RIGHT. lobbying U. IRAQ THE LIBERAL WAR. communities. Felony disenfranchisement laws disproportionately target minorities. http://www.columbiapoliticalreview.com/article011.asp | |
86. Enjoy The Drive -- Fighting Unfair Inoperable Vehicle Laws considered. SEMA will continue to alert enthusiasts when we learn of proposed laws and regulations which will affect the automotive hobby. http://www.enjoythedrive.com/content/?id=8127 |
88. ALL The Illinois Homeschooling Laws Welcome to our collection of laws and information about Home Education in Illinois! While Illinois is one of the easiest States to homeschool in, we are not completely free of regulation. Here is http://homepage.bushnell.net/~peanuts/illaws.html | |
89. League Of California Cities http://www.westerncity.com/june99landusechoices.htm |
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