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1. MCN : Nonprofit Lobbying Laws established clear guidelines for lobbying expenditures. The Lobby Law clearly defined set of lobbying rules. This law on any legislation that would affect an organization's existence http://www.mncn.org/lobbylaw.htm | |
2. Public Records: Commonly Asked Questions About Massachusetts Lobbying Laws Commonly Asked Questions About Massachusetts lobbying laws. Are there any exceptions to the interest in legislation and regulatory matters which could potentially affect the firm http://www.state.ma.us/sec/pre/prelob/lobfaq.htm | |
3. WorldNetDaily: Mrs. Daschle's Lucrative Lobbying ShopNetDaily. Page 1 News. Page 2 News. G2 Bulletin. BizNetDaily. LocalNetDaily. Commentary. Classified Ads. Letters. People Search. Health. Weather. TV Guide. MusicNetDaily. Movies. Stocks. ON CAPITOL HILL. Mrs. Daschle's finances as he considers actions that will affect these clients are alone in exploiting lax congressional lobbying laws that critics say overlook prima facie conflicts http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=27744 |
4. Advocacy By Arts Organizations: Tax Laws And Lobbying Advocacy by Arts Organizations Tax laws and lobbying Selfdefense lobbying on issues that might affect the organizationÂs own existence or exempt http://www.artsusa.org/global/print.asp?id=133 |
5. Advocacy By Arts Organizations: Tax Laws And Lobbying Advocacy by Arts Organizations Tax laws and lobbying 2003. Self-defense lobbying on issues that might affect the organizationÂs own existence or http://www.artsusa.org/issues/advocacy/advocacy_article.asp?id=133 |
6. How Laws And Regulations Affect NIAID's Programs -- NIAID Research Funding How laws and Regulations affect NIAID s Programs. These administrative laws are compiled annually in the Code of Federal 45 CFR 93, Restrictions on lobbying. http://www.niaid.nih.gov/ncn/budget/lawreg.htm | |
7. LOBBYING in the tariff or in the railway or banking laws, which seriously affect special interests lobbying in this sense is legitimate, and may almost be regarded http://25.1911encyclopedia.org/L/LO/LOBBYING.htm | |
8. LOBBYING RELATIONS WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WRITE THE LAWS GOVERNING of relations with people who write the laws in lobbying really might be rephrased as something like What cant allow anyone else to affect or influence what you think your http://www.harnesstracks.com/2002annualmeeting/Lobbying.pdf |
9. What Are The Campaign Finance Laws That Affect Internet Politics? By What Are the Campaign Finance laws That affect Internet Politics?by Scott E purpose is business, lobbying or educational activitynot influencing electionswould not have to http://www.brookingsinstitution.org/gs/CF/ThomasFEC.PDF |
10. CLPI: MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR YOUR CAUSE IN 3 HOURS PER WEEK lobbying, advocacy and playing an active role in the public relationships with government and help shape laws and policies that affect its mission by http://www.clpi.org/three_hours.html | |
11. Testimonials new book for students studying state government and for citizens wanting to affect Illinois laws. lobbying Illinois is virtually without parallel. http://cspl.uis.edu/InstituteForLegislativeStudies/Publications/Channel1/Testimo | |
12. Primer On Federal Tax Rules Pertaining To Lobbying c)(3) organizations. Federal laws, apart from tax, also affect lobbying. For the most part, these laws are not discussed herein. http://www.exempttaxlaw.com/CM/Articles/articles15.asp | |
13. Inc.com | Copyright Law Changes That May Affect You Law Changes that May affect You. Congress passed new copyright laws in 1998 that may surprise legislation in 1998, reflecting the lobbying efforts of many special interest groups http://www.inc.com/articles/details/0,3532,ART19033_CNT56,00.html | |
14. New Lobbying Disclosure Law Will Affect Emory Lobbyists compiles the records of University lobbying activities, two new laws went into effect on Jan. 1 that affect not only activities construed as lobbying, but also http://www.emory.edu/EMORY_REPORT/erarchive/1996/April/ERapril.15/4_15_96new_lob | |
15. BECAUSE IT AFFECTS THE ISSUES THAT AFFECT YOU The tobacco industry is a potent force in Albany. One of its priorities is to keep smoking legal in public places in New York State. A new poll shows 84% of New Yorkers surveyed disagree. ConservativeBECAUSE IT affectS THE ISSUES THAT affect YOU Common Cause/NY * 39 West 32nd Street redhanded in several instances of violating NYSs lobbying laws. Through a http://www.commoncause.org/states/newyork/NY_CTD_Tobacco.pdf |
16. How New Labor Laws Affect You How New Labor laws affect You Bill Teague The revisions in proposal form were released over a year ago and were controversial, prompting lobbying by the AICPA http://accountant.intuit.com/practice_resources/accounting/articles/bt_hownewlab | |
17. Grassroots Lobbying - UAW CAP 2004 influence those who make policies that affect our lives Grassroots lobbying can involve a letterwriting or telephone Because you have the power to change laws. http://www.uaw.org/cap/04/polact/polact02.cfm | |
18. Laws Guides To Lobbying The most basic form of lobbying your MP is to on any one particular subject it does affect there stance and edited by Gary Hills National Secretary, laws (25/7 http://www.labouranimalwelfaresociety.org/articles/Guide to lobbying.htm | |
19. FindLaw: Copyright Law Changes That May Affect You - Attorney, Attorneys, Lawyer Copyright Law Changes That May affect You. You may find a few surprises in the new laws. of copyright legislation in 1998, reflecting the lobbying efforts of http://cobrands.business.findlaw.com/intellectual_property/nolo/ency/F64C2692-B1 | |
20. MN REALTORS® | Laws & Regulations Whether it stems from new state laws or agency regulation hard representing the interests of the industry lobbying issues that will affect your business. http://www.mnrealtor.com/laws/laws.html | |
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