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81. FAO: Agriculture 21 Food and Agriculture Organization's agriculture website. Includes a news magazine plus guides and links to information on livestock, biotechnology, land/water development, crop production, plant protection, agricultural support systems. http://www.fao.org/ag | |
82. Province Of Manitoba | Manitoba Conservation Home. Cottage Lot Draw 2004. Copyright Disclaimer. Operation CleanFarm. livestock Stewardship 2000 Discussion Paper. The CanadaManitoba http://www.gov.mb.ca/natres/ | |
83. Midwest Livestock Specializing in hog, dairy, and poulty construction and equipment online catalog and ordering, FAQs, Services and a trading room for used equipment. http://www.midwestlivestock.com/ | |
84. J & J Livestock Equipment livestock handling and feeding equipment. http://www.angelfire.com/biz/webangeljj/ | |
85. Welcome To The Canadian Satellite Livestock Auction Homepage Offering livestock producers the advantage of North American buy access combined with the local participating market. http://www.cslauction.com/ | |
86. Livestock And Grain Reports To better serve your needs, we have redesigned our website. The new site can befound at http//www.ams.usda.gov/lsmnpubs. Please update your bookmarks. http://www.ams.usda.gov/lsg/mncs/ | |
87. LIVESTOCK MANURE HANDLING - Tutorial Menu Developing an effective waste management plan which reaps the benefits and helps reduce the risks associated with the use and disposal of animal wastes. http://danpatch.ecn.purdue.edu/~epados/farmstead/yards/src/main.htm | |
88. Livestock & Grain Market News Home Page Text Version livestock and Seed Program. Link to livestock Grain Market News MainPage. Reports by Commodity, livestock and Grain Market News Logo. Publications. http://www.ams.usda.gov/lsmnpubs/ | |
89. U Of MN Extension - Agriculture, Food And Environment Educational programs for agricultural systems that produce, market, or consume animal products. Information on aspects of livestock, poultry, and dairy production (including nutrition, genetics, animal health, and breeding, as well as finance, environmental management, and other related topics). http://www.extension.umn.edu/farm | |
90. Jeffers Livestock - Livestock Vaccines, Cattle Supplies, Goat Supplies, Fencing Offering livestock vaccines, sheep and goat supplies, fencing supplies, and other products. http://www.jefferslivestock.com/ | |
91. Pearson Livestock Handling Systems At Work Chutes and gates. http://www.pearsonlivestockeq.com/ | |
92. Valentine Nebraska Cattle Livestock Market VALENTINE livestock AUCTION MARKET. Your source for feeder cattle replacement stock from ranches in the Sandhills of Nebraska. 1800-682-4874. 126 N.Government. Valentine, NE 69201 http://www.valentine-livestock.com/ | |
93. Agriculture & Livestock: Horses, Cattle, Exotic Animal Classifieds Advertising for agriculture, farming, livestock, exotic animals, equine and western art, all horse breeds and all cattle breeds. http://www.pitchfork.com/ | |
94. LNC Sells Feed And Feed Ingredients For Livestock, Cows, Horses, Calves, Cattle, Producer of feed and feed ingredients for livestock, cows, horses, calves, cattle, goats, sheep, and provides free livestock nutritional information. Located in Guthrie, Oklahoma. http://www.LNC-online.com/ |
95. LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOGS Some interesting links and pictures from around the world. http://www.angelfire.com/fl/lgd/ | |
96. Ranch Vision Computer Software For Cows, Sheep And Goats. Ranch management software that brings the technology used by Fortune 500 companies, to the grazing livestock industry. http://www.ranchvision.com/ | |
97. American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC) A nonprofit membership organization working to protect nearly 100 breeds of cattle, goats, horses, asses, sheep, swine and poultry from extinction. http://albc-usa.org/ | |
98. ALVETRA U. Werfft AG Your Partner For Animal Health And Nutrition Produces pharmaceutical products, feed supplements and additives, as well as premixes for livestock and pets. Includes company and product information. http://www.alvetrawerfft.com | |
99. Logical Livestock Marketing - Leaders In E Livestock Business livestock Marketing Specialists in Australia http://www.logicallivestock.com |
100. Flying W Livestock Equipment Manufacturers livestock equipment. http://www.flyingwlivestock.com/ | |
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