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81. AFRICA - Teacher Tools: Eco-Challenges Lesson Plan Three Africa Through Art literature The purpose of this activity is for studentsto explore different elements of Africa through art and literature. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/africa/tools/eco/activities2.html | |
82. JRULM: Subject Information: Applied Social Science: Literature Searching APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCE literature SEARCHING. In databases. The principalsearching tool for students of applied social science is. ASSIA http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/appliedsocial/socplite.html | |
83. Reading Curriculum For Home Schooling LIFEPAC Gold British literature intended as a supplement semesterlong course introducesstudents to important a Teacher s Manual, Teaching tools, and Student http://www.homeschooldiscount.com/hsp/literature.htm | |
84. About This Project students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technologyenhancedmodesl, preparing publications, and producing other creative works. http://comsewogue.k12.ny.us/~ssilverman/bunnies/about.htm | |
85. Concept Mapping Bibliography Iuli, R. Meaningful learning A collaborative literature review of Taking studentsthrough the mappign and vee diagramming as metalearning tools in science http://users.edte.utwente.nl/lanzing/cm_bibli.htm |
86. WEB-ARTS - DRAMA,LITERATURE & FILM Sites On The Internet 2. Links to literature, Drama Film Sites on the links here make it quicker for studentsto reach supplements to classroom curricula, as research tools, and in http://www.netspace.net.au/~aflutist/ARSCHOOLS.html | |
87. COMPARATIVE LITERATURE students examine selected literary, scientific, and philosophical texts of oral traditionas a tool of social C LIT 350 Themes in World literature Parents and http://www.washington.edu/students/crscat/complit.html | |
88. College Of Literature, Science, And The Arts College of literature, Science, and the Arts. provides forums for expression and educationaltools for adolescent of the program s faculty and students, the LSA http://www.lsa.umich.edu/lsa/facultystaff/lsadmc/portfolio/ | |
89. Heath Anthology Of American Literature 4/e - Heath Orientation The Heath Anthology of American literature may well logical connection between thetools of electronic access by instructors and students unanticipated just a http://college.hmco.com/english/lauter/heath/4e/students/heath_orientation/ | |
90. Anything Southern: Books And Literature SOUTHWATCH A resource tool for students of Southern literaturefrom the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Flannery O http://www.anythingsouthern.com/listing.asp?CategoryID=61 |
91. Featured Subject: Mythology And Children's Literature Bringing children s literature to your workshop, conference and both a reporting deviceand a research tool. Because many students have trouble relating events http://www.carolhurst.com/newsletters/24bnewsletters.html | |
92. French Literature COLLECTION LITTÃRAMA Clefs is designed for students who want to Clefs lays out thetools necessary for text volumes furnish a panorama of literature from each http://www.continentalbook.com/catalog/french/frliterature.html | |
93. ENC Online: Bringing Literature Into The High School Math Class mathematics classes (see Where Does literature Fit?), but generally, I begin by helpingstudents improve their is Reading Reminders, Tips, tools and Techniques http://www.enc.org/features/focus/archive/mathlit/document.shtm?input=FOC-003237 |
94. Literary Resources -- Classical And Biblical (Lynch) Index of literary resources available on the Web, focusing on those of interest to scholars. Searchable and organized by period and topic. best collection of classical literature, with extensive http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/classic.html | |
95. Naugatuck School's Literacy And Technology Workshop category and Children s literature category. QuizLab an online quiz tool to helpyou in creating interactive quizzes and keeping track of student performance. http://www.lite.iwarp.com/naugtck.htm | |
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