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61. Children And Young Adult Literature and selection of young adult literature for use the juvenile collection and bibliographic/referenceresearch tools. students involved in field studies such as http://www.lib.vt.edu/info/colldev/coll_dev_policies/CHILDLIT.html | |
62. Technology Transfer Information Center - TTIC tools for Technology Transfer Professionals and Practitioners. Technology Transferto Small Manufacturers A literature Review SBA publication examines the http://www.nal.usda.gov/ttic/students.htm | |
63. Dr. Karen Droisen And Dr. Michael Stit: The World Literature Hypermedia Project a powerful tool for teaching literature to undergraduates Once these tools are developed,faculty will effectively to develop their students capacities for http://www.unlv.edu/faculty/droisen/wlhp.htm | |
64. Literary Resources -- Romantic (Lynch) Index of literary resources available on the Web, focusing on those of interest to scholars. Searchable and organized by period and topic. and Romantic literature ( Laura Mandell connect teachers and students to the wealth literature which flourished in England from 1764 to 1820. This site is intended to provide students http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/romantic.html | |
65. Engaging With Literature: A Video Library, Grades 3-5 Teacher tools Whether you are a classroom or preservice often find it useful to havestudents keep an ongoing record of their responses to literature over a http://www.learner.org/channel/libraries/engagingliterature/signposts/tools.html | |
66. Virtual Reality/Simulations: Enhancements Literature Review: Curriculum: Researc traditional instruction on students achievement A literature Review Enhancementsliterature Review. http://www.cast.org/ncac/VirtualRealitySimulations1667.cfm | |
67. ClassZone.com Island of the Blue Dolphins describes how Karana makes the tools and weaponsnecessary for her survival. students can make models of these items using http://www.classzone.com/novelguides/litcons/dolphins/guide.cfm | |
68. ProQuest Learning: Literature - Online Curriculum Teaching Resources For English ProQuest Learning literature is an invaluable tool for teaching and learning. Itsuggests activities and provides opportunities for students to investigate http://www.proquestlearning.co.uk/literature/ | |
69. ProQuest Learning: Literature - Online Curriculum Teaching Resources For English ProQuest Learning literature has been designed as a dynamic and progressive toolfor preparation opportunities it offers teachers and students in relation to http://www.proquestlearning.co.uk/literature/ideas.htm | |
70. Education World ® : Curriculum: Literature Circles Build Excitement For Books! AN EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR ATRISK students. Can literature circles help improve thereading skills and enjoyment of at-risk students such as ESL (English as a http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr259.shtml | |
71. Heinemann:Â Tools For Thought a workbook that s a real workhorse, providing tools to spark student thinking that Thesetools range from annotations and literature circle notes http://www.heinemann.com/shared/products/E00464.asp | |
72. Productivity Tools For Researchers Shown At Macworld By ISI ResearchSoft by over a million researchers, students and librarians to help users evaluate referenceliterature. valueadded information, software tools and applications to http://www.endnote.com/pr-macworld04.asp | |
73. Doing Successful Literature Reviews Lesson S7 Other Search Toolsfor finding literature in Lesson A-2 Assessing theliterature review that informed and will be available to students only at http://www.gwu.edu/~litrev/ | |
74. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Literature & Language Arts Tool search by various fields to find out bibliographic information on booksin Spanish for students. Chico High School English Language and literature http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/arts/artlit.html | |
75. English: Literature And Film - Prentice Hall Catalog literature, Film Creative Writing Instructors can click on tool you can give yourstudents for writing a minihandbook, course management tools, self-graded http://vig.prenhall.com:8081/catalog/academic/discipline/0,4094,251074,00.html | |
76. Books For All Times: Teaching Literature because good literature distills from life its essence by concentrating only onthe relevant. Consequently, it can be a dynamic learning tool for students and http://www.bfat.com/lit.htm | |
77. Distance Learning And The Internet: A Review Of The Literature and retrieve information and as a tool to manipulate For example, in a computermediatedliterature course, the instructor can ask the students to search http://papyr.com/learning/ii2.htm | |
78. Multimedia And Response-Based Literature Teaching And Learning Both the instructor and the students responses to program and its responsebasedtools offered a and interesting environment in which to explore literature. http://www.albany.edu/ltl/mltlp/tofc.html | |
79. Database & Research Tools Remote Access Home Databases Research tools. to use and designed specifically for students andnon http://www.santaclaracountylib.org/cgi-bin/dbid.pl?ipaddr=$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}&am |
80. EDUCATION PLANET - 1166 Web Sites For Literature culture and shows the significance for students who read a all of the Teacher WebTools AND Lesson buy from socialstudies.com, American literature Period Posters http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Literature | |
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