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1. TekMom's Search Tools For Students An easyto-use, one-page reference desk for students. Kids' search engines, encyclopedias, biographies, images, dictionaries, maps, more. Enter full name, first name or last name. Children's literature Web Guide http://www.tekmom.com/search | |
2. Encarta Reference Library Educator's Edition and Research tools With Dictionary Thesaurus, literature Guides, Homework Startersand more. The innovative Encarta learning tools help students learn more http://www.microsoft.com/products/encarta/products/encarta_ee.asp | |
3. MSNBC - Students Set To Hit The Latest E-books Tech tools. students set to hit the latest ebooks. Notebook computersto contain textbooks, literature and art. By Caroline Humer. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4846005/ | |
4. Tools Of The Trade For The Study Of Roman Literature tools of the Trade for the Study of Roman literature. Lowell Edmunds and Shirley Werner. This bibliography is oriented toward English speakers, though it is not confined to works in English. Other bibliographies are 1. 1988. Useful for students. RUTGERS PRINCETON http://classics.rutgers.edu/tools.html | |
5. Rutgers University Libraries: Library Instruction And Tutorials: Learning Tools Learning tools for students. For an overview of library tools and services, take a Introductionto Spanish literature (940207), Resources for Spanish literature http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/lib_instruct/instruct_tutorials.shtml | |
6. ÃCLAT: The Essential Comparative Literature And Theory Site Literary Research tools on the Net these two sites are loaded with so much that a brief list past or present graduate students in comparative literature and literary theory at http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/Complit/Eclat | |
7. Adolescent Literature of a Hyperstudio reading portfolio system in which students...... new tools such as Hyperstudio. learnweb.harvard.edu/2821/w2000_4.cfm. Spin Me aStory http://www.literacymatters.org/adlit/assessment/portfolios.htm | |
8. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle Marist College English Web Reference Research tools for Humanities (Tom Goldpaugh the curriculum of advanced literature graduate students by familiarizing them with research http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=3 |
9. Homework Helper Refdesk.com Project Gutenburg Fine literature digitally re-published most appropriate for elementarythrough middle school students. collection of online research tools. http://www.refdesk.com/homework.html | |
10. Computers & Texts 12: Robertson make available for students of English literature are the Mosaic as browsers, andsimple HTML authoring tools. In our context, where students already use Word http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ctitext2/publish/comtxt/ct12/roberts.html | |
11. African Languages And Literature, UW-Madison of analytical and methodological tools that will enable students to work effectively and languages, linguistics, oral traditions, and literature; students who will assure the future http://african.lss.wisc.edu/all | |
12. Making Meaning In Literature  Assessment Using many different assessment tools provides a rich By tracking what students arereading, teachers can as readers and help them choose literature that is http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/makingmeaning/makingmeaning/assessment/ | |
13. 4th & 5th Grade Student Research Resources- Literature And Writing Sources This site is designed for the busy student who does not have time for a full search of the web Language Arts Resources. literature Resources. Grammar and Writing written by high school students and available in PFD format Poetry Forge great ideas and tools to use to enjoy and http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/6617/stures.html | |
14. Technology Tools: Enhancements Literature Review: Curriculum: Research & Solutio computerbased outlining programs as study tools. academic achievement of academicof secondary students. of the quantitative research literature on learner http://www.cast.org/ncac/TechnologyTools1668.cfm | |
15. Internet Reference Tools For Students Internet Reference tools for students. Grades 612 Internet publisher of literature, reference, and verse providing students, researchers, and the intellectually http://freenet.vcu.edu/education/etohc/studentresearch.htm | |
16. Archived - Table Of Contents tools for Schools. School Reform Models. Supported by the National Institute on. the Education of AtRisk students Talent Development Middle School Student Team literature Program http://www.ed.gov/pubs/ToolsforSchools | |
17. Literature Lesson Plans productivity tools in just minutes Lab Tool WebQuest Tool Weekly Assignments 12 ofat least 19 INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN literature students will be http://lessonplancentral.com/lessons/Language_Arts/Literature/ | |
18. Elementary Theme Pages By Jim Cornish literature circles provide a way for students to engage in role sheets (see below)as the students learn to These sheets can also be used as evaluation tools. http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/lang_lit_circles.htm | |
19. Old English - Beowulf - Unit Three- English Literature unit in the full course sequence for English literature. interactive online quizhelps students evaluate their here may be effective teaching tools apart from http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/seqlps/sudspres.asp?SUID=217&SSUID=214&SSTitle=English |
20. Middle English: Canterbury Tales - Unit Five - English Literature unit in the full course sequence for English literature. use of two interactive quizzes,students practice word here may be effective teaching tools apart from http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/seqlps/sudspres.asp?SUID=219&SSUID=214&SSTitle=English |
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