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61. Colorado Literacy Connections Welcome to literacy Connections! This is a new resource brought to you by theColorado Department of EducationÂs literacy Consortium. What Is literacy? http://www.cde.state.co.us/literacy/ | |
62. Bridging The Gap Between Literacy And Technology This paper discusses using hypermedia to eliminate the language barriers that limited English proficient (LEP) students experience in the school settings. http://www.ncbe.gwu.edu/miscpubs/jeilms/vol14/bermudez.htm |
63. Laubach Literacy Nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to helping adults of all ages improve their lives and their communities by learning reading, writing, math and problemsolving skills. http://www.laubach.org |
64. HSPMC: Training Guide-Emerging Literacy: Linking Social Competence To Learning ( Training Guides for the Head Start Learning Community Emerging literacy LinkingSocial Competence to Learning. Handout 27 Emerging literacy Planning Web. http://www.bmcc.edu/Headstart/Trngds/Literacy/ | |
65. National Institute For Literacy (NIFL) An independent federal organization leading the national effort toward a fully literate America in the 21st century.ÃÂ http://novel.nifl.gov/ | |
66. PROJECT GUTENBERG OFFICIAL HOME SITE - INDEX -- Free Books On-Line - free online electronic books, much of the world's great literature http://www.promo.net/pg | |
67. The Literacy Home Page--Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center, Gallaudet Only in literacy. literacy Site Map. http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/Literacy/ | |
68. New Mexico Media Literacy Project Provides training programs and materials in support of media literacy, especially in children. Products include examples of the use of subliminal messages and other forms of manipulation. http://www.nmmlp.org/ |
69. Literacy In The Information Age Syllabus A capstone course that draws on students' experience throughout their undergraduate program to discuss a series of themes such as community, the political sphere and education which have been impacted by the new information technologies. http://leep.lis.uiuc.edu/spring98/chp295/Y2Kweb/syllabus.html | |
70. Northumberland Teaching And Learning Resources and activities for teachers and pupils covering most curriculum areas. Online activities for literacy, numeracy, design and technology, as well as information on creating school web sites. http://ngfl.northumberland.gov.uk/ | |
71. ReadWriteThink: Literacy Engagements literacy Engagements, literacy Engagements Across the Day. LEARNING LANGUAGE Usinglanguage and other sign systems as ways of making meaning. ENGAGEMENT. PURPOSE. http://www.readwritethink.org/literacy/ | |
72. Newswise : Citizenship : Literacy Subscriptionbased service designed to improve literacy and critical thinking and encourage discussion using newspaper stories. Six free issues available online. http://www.dialogueworks.co.uk/newswise/ | |
73. ReadWriteThink Calendar. Calendar, Find classroom activities and online resources associated withevents in literacy and literature. New Lessons. Graphic Map. literacy Engagements. http://www.readwritethink.org/ | |
74. Reading The Image, Main Page Helps teachers teach about the function of images and symbols in society. Using museums students learn about concepts, techniques and people in exhibitions of contemporary and historical artworks. http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/departments/NAM/RTI/ | |
75. Cook With Lyle Over 50 free readyto-use activities for literacy, numeracy and ICT are featured, all based on food and recipes and fully referenced to the British National Curriculum and the National literacy and Numeracy Strategies. http://www.cookwithlyle.co.uk/ | |
76. ED426818 1999-01-00 Language And Literacy Environments In Preschools. ERIC Diges ERIC Digest discusses the research on preschool literacy environments and their contributions to reading skills development. http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed426818.html | |
77. Welcome To FL2010 - Promote Financial Literacy! Fight Financial Illiteracy! Campaign helping teachers improve the personal finance knowledge of high school students. http://www.fl2001.org/ | |
78. Literacy Services - Oklahoma Department Of Libraries Oklahoma literacy Resource Office, Main Navigation Column. The Oklahoma literacyResource Office. Oklahoma Dept. go to article about literacy Decade. Members of. http://www.odl.state.ok.us/literacy/ | |
79. SAGE Publications - Journal Of Early Childhood Literacy New peerreviewed research journal that serves as a research publication forum for studies. Published three times a year. Subscription information, about the journal, reviews, advertising details, indexing and abstracting, editorial board and instructions for authors. http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journal.aspx?pid=105634 |
80. Literacy literacy. Welcome to the Greater Boston Jewish Coalition for literacy!Did You Know? 40% of American 4th graders read below grade level. http://www.jcrcboston.org/literacy/ | |
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