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81. Attractions And Things To Do the best golf courses on the east coast, the Currituck 12 near the Whalehead Club and Currituck Beach Lighthouse. and leisure boats along the us Atlantic coast http://www.co.currituck.nc.us/leisure/attractions/ | |
82. Fort Point National Historic Monument, San Francisco, California The present lighthouse was used from 1864 until 1934 the fort s cannon were moved to Battery east on the Soldiers for from the 6th us coast Guard Artillery were http://www.pashnit.com/roads/cal/FortPoint.htm | |
83. The Delaware River Region, NJCOA Oldest rodeo on the east coast, competition every Saturday Open ocean tank in the us, 230 seat Finns Point Lighthouse Supawra Meadows National Wildlife Refuge http://www.beachcomber.com/Nj/Camping/dela.html | |
84. The City Of Rockland breakwater protects Rockland Harbor and lighthouse making it recreational boating harbors on the east coast of the info@ci.rockland.me.us ©2004 please read http://www.ci.rockland.me.us/ | |
85. BBC - Legacies - Architectural Heritage - England - Northants - Northampton's "L here He even suggested that the east coast was eroding that the Government had commissioned the lighthouse ready for own articles, chat, and tell us what the http://www.bbc.co.uk/legacies/heritage/england/northants/article_1.shtml | |
86. Vacation Rentals, USA-Florida/East Coast, Daytona Beach usAFlorida/east coast Vacation Rentals Contact us Daytona Beach Billiards Table To Do International Speedway, Ponce Inlet Lighthouse, LPGA Golf http://www.a1vacations.com/daytonaluxuryrentals/ | |
87. Elderhostel : Search Results Join us on Cape Breton Island for a week of Travel to Canada s east coast with its miles of rugged shoreline Exploring The Lighthouse Route, program 11455. http://www.elderhostel.org/Programs/search_res.asp?Type=A&StateCode=NS |
88. ModernBride.com - Wedding Planning: Reception Sites: Destination Weddings: U.S. and make their way to the upscale eastEnd communities away as Seattle and Switzerland find us on the pictures by the sea, perhaps at a historic lighthouse. http://www.modernbride.com/sites/?wr_eastdestmbcsp01.html |
89. The History Of The Coast Guard In Strathmere New Jersey The Corson's Inlet coast Guard Station. ( please click on images for larger views) Before 1915, the U.S. coast Guard was known as the U.S. Life Saving Service. built along the east and west coast http://www.strathmere.net/coastguard.html | |
90. SHORE VILLAGE MUSEUM NEWSLETTER No. 2-98, November 18, 1998 on October 20, 1953 by an inbound us Steel freighter Head taken from the channel edge; June east Quoddy Head a small photo of a different lighthouse on every http://www.lighthouse.cc/shorevillage/298/298-7.html | |
91. Ballofdirt He also gave us a tasty, freshly caught crayfish for lunch. to Gisborne, stopping off to visit the east Cape, the to the top of a hill to visit a lighthouse. http://www.stimulus.co.nz/entries/377/5479.html | |
92. Homework Center - Ancient & Classic Cultures the Mediterranean Sea to discover the Pharos Lighthouse, one of the Central Asian desert, and what they tell us about the connections between east and West http://www.multcolib.org/homework/anchsthc.html | |
93. Quoddy Loop -- Other Information Sources International Historic Site us Interior Department Stage east, eastport, Community theatrical productions. New England and elsewhere) lighthouse information and http://www.quoddyloop.com/info.htm | |
94. ~ { C A V A L I E R H O T E L } ~ The old lighthouse is open for visitors to climb and gain a view of Virginia Beach and the Chesapeake Bay. In Fort Story. 4 miles east of us 13 via us 60 http://www.cavalierhotel.com/amenities.asp?p=6 |
95. Elie In East Neuk Of Fife - Wonderful Sandy Beaches On The Fife Coastal Path Elie Lighthouse First Lighthouse in east Neuk. Lady s Tower It s a very small lighthouse compared to the majority on Scotland s coast. http://www.scotland-flavour.co.uk/elie.html | |
96. IPL Kidspace htm Print out and color drawings of us landmarks while The Colossus of Rhodes, and The Lighthouse of Alexandria. building from New York s Lower east Side and http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/browse/amm2000/ | |
97. Coastal Antiques And Art - Arts Briefs TYBEE LIGHTHOusE GALLERY 1213 E. us 80, on 223 W. River St., 10 am530 pm Information (912) 236-7280 east END GALLERY This cooperative gallery rings in http://www.coastalantiques.com/archives/februaray2001/ANTbriefs.html | |
98. About Us Let us introduce you to more than two dozen sites, all and about three miles to the east, Cape Porpoise old Maine port with its pier, lighthouse and fishing http://www.visitthekennebunks.com/Pages/about.html | |
99. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print of all three most of us would admit The International Association of Lighthouse Authorities selected these http://www.powells.com/subsection/ArchitectureBarnsandBridges.html | |
100. St Augustine Condos Crescent Beach Florida For Sale sea. St Augustine s historic downtown is famous for its shopping, cultural events, architecture and historical significance. Whether http://www.eastcoastcondos.com/ | |
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