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161. Default Began in 1891, but not officially incorporated until 1967. Comprises many kinds of libraries and librarians, including public, academic, school, multitype, and institutional. http://mnlibraryassociation.org/ | |
162. Silicon Valley Library System Home Page A cooperative system of the public libraries of Santa Clara county. Offers a search of all member libraries and information about the system. http://www.svls.lib.ca.us/ | |
163. Format Proliferation In Public Libraries Article that deals with the difficulties posed by multiple material formats for public library collections. http://www.libraryreference.com/format.html | |
164. The Histories Of Central Vermont's Libraries Accounts of public libraries in several small towns. http://www.badc.com/towns/library/ |
165. Canada Institute For Scientific And Technical Information Collections in the physical and life sciences, the health sciences, and engineering technology from published sources around the world. One of the largest research facilities in North America, its collections include more than 13,000 current serials, 700,000 books and manuscripts and over 2 million technical reports on microfiche. Much of the information is available to the general public and the Institute has an expanding web presence. Research affiliation Association for Research libraries. http://cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cisti_e.shtml | |
166. University Of Exeter Library - Library And Related Resources List of references indexed by topics like public, school and national libraries also includes sections about organisations and sience resources. http://www.ex.ac.uk/library/wwwlibs.html | |
167. Talis Home Page Supplier of computer systems to public and academic libraries in the UK and Ireland. With news, products and services. http://www.talis.co.uk/ | |
168. Librarians' Index To The Internet - Lii.org Primary financial support for lii.org (Librarians index to the Internet) provided by the US Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of http://lii.org/ | |
169. Ottawa Public Library MY LIBRARY What s in it for kids, teens and the rest of the world. GENERAL INFO Library locations, hours, loan periods, renewals and other important stuff. http://www.library.ottawa.on.ca/english/ | |
170. SAILOR, Maryland's Public Information Network SAILOR, Maryland's public Information Network, The Sailor web site focuses on Maryland information with links to other resources around the state, creating a virtual online library. http://www.sailor.lib.md.us/ | |
171. Librarians Apos; Index To The Internet Librarians apos; index to the Internet The Librarians apos; index to the Internet is a quot;searchable, annotated subject directory of more than 9 000 Internet resources selected and evaluated by http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://lii.org/&y=02D9E42B905B2239&i=51 |
172. NYPL, Science, Industry And Business Library Skip to Left Navigation Skip to Main Content. The New York public Library. About NYPL, News, Library Shops, NYPL Express. Español, Hours Locations, Ask Us, Search. http://www.nypl.org/research/sibl/ | |
173. NYPL, Cullman Center For Scholars And Writers Content. The New York public Library. Writers. The New York public Library, Room 225 Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street New York, New York, 100182788. http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/scholars/ | |
174. The Seattle Public Library: Seattle Public Library Home Page 2004 The Seattle public Library 1000 Fourth Ave., Seattle, WA 981041109. http://www.spl.org/ | |
175. Project Gutenberg - Welcome To Project Gutenberg Earlier News. Hosted by iBiblio. Thanks to ibiblio, the public s Library and Digital Archive, for hosting the main eBook distribution site and these Web pages. http://www.gutenberg.net/ | |
176. LCLCPLS - LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library System Home Page NEW WEBSITE ADDRESS FOR LEON COUNTY AND THE LIBRARY www.leoncountyfl.gov/library Please send comments or suggestions about this page to the Library Webmaster. http://www.co.leon.fl.us/library/ | |
177. Houston Public Library Houston public Library · 500 McKinney Street · Houston, Texas · 832393-1313. http://www.hpl.lib.tx.us/hpl/ | |
178. GPO Access Home Page Process  ÂA Work in Progress presented by Bruce R. James, public Printer of the United States at the Spring 2004 Depository Library Council Meeting. http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ | |
179. Provincial Information And Library Resources Board - Home Text Version. Ask a Question Electric Library Find a Library Library Events Search the Library Catalogue Search our Site Search the Internet. http://www.nlpubliclibraries.ca/index.php | |
180. York County Public Library  York County, Virginia LIBRARY HOURS. Tired of missed phone calls from the Library about reserved or overdue items? Now you can receive messages from the Library via email! http://www.yorkcounty.gov/library/ | |
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