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61. The UK Public Libraries Page An exhaustive list of libraries, compiled by Sheila and Robert Harden with sites that make 'an effort to use the medium imaginatively' marked. http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/square/ac940/ukpublib.html | |
62. Province Of Manitoba | Manitoba Culture, Heritage And Tourism Provides access to the holdings of Manitoba public libraries, for use as cataloguing source or to initiate interlibrary loans. http://maplin.gov.mb.ca/cgi-bin/zform.cgi?MAPLIN |
63. Hong Kong Public Libraries ?800x600 Internet Explorer 4.0 ?Netscape 4.0 ? Copyright Hong Kong public libraries. All rights reserved. http://www.hkpl.gov.hk/chi/ | |
64. Hamilton Library -- Home Information on the library and online catalogue. http://www.hpl.govt.nz/ | |
65. Hong Kong Public Libraries This site is best viewed at 800x600 resolution with Internet Explorer 4.0, Netscape 4.0 or above. Copyright Hong Kong public libraries. All rights reserved. http://www.hkpl.gov.hk/ |
66. Library Name Hennen s American public Library Ratings HAPLR ratings are based on data from the US FederalState haplr-index.com 6014 Spring Street, Racine, WI 53406 USA. http://www.haplr-index.com/HAPLR100.htm | |
67. GeoWeb -- Home Page Includes search function by title, author and subject. http://opac.library.gov.mt/ | |
68. Indian River County Public Library System founded. For more information about the public libraries in Indian River County, visit the County s web site indianriver.lib.fl.us. http://indian-river.fl.us/library/ | |
69. Exempla - Consumer Health Libraries Provides medical information for patients and relatives as well as resources for staff and students of St Josephs Hospital. Open to the public. Denver, Colorado. http://www.saintjosephdenver.org/yourhealth/libraries/ | |
70. Georgia (VT) Public Library @ Www.georgia.lib.vt.us Serves the community of Fairfax, Vermont. Site features library news and events, reference links and links of local interest, reader's advisory, and information about the library. http://www.state.vt.us/libraries/g29 | |
71. PACS-L publicAccess Computer Systems Forum, dealing with end-user computer systems in libraries. http://info.lib.uh.edu/pacsl.html |
72. Index Of Public Libraries In Southern Ontario / Index Des Bibliothèques Publiqu Organized alphabetically, lists public libraries in Ontario, with addresses and contact information, http://www.library.on.ca/directory2/ | |
73. Harrison Regional Library System - Shelby County Public Libraries Information on library locations and hours, books by mail, computer centers and calendar of events. http://shelbycounty-al.org | |
74. Welcome To Victoria's Virtual Library Locate your local public Library, its hours of opening and special services. Links to the Library's homepage, email contact and online catalogue where appropriate. http://www.librariesvictoria.net/ | |
75. Tennessee Public Library Internet Directory Search for libraries by region. http://www.state.tn.us/sos/statelib/publib | |
76. Government Information Resources A site designed to assist the Internet public in locating and using Government Information in libraries and on the Internet. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6274 | |
77. Calvert County Public Libraries Includes branch information, calendar of events, library catalog and resources, and account information. http://www.somd.lib.md.us/CALV/Libraries/ | |
78. Internet Public Library: Books public Library Internet public Library. Home Books. This collection. Books. Rather than continuing to maintain its own index of online http://www.ipl.org/div/books/ | |
79. CROLIST - Integrirani Knjiznicni Informacijski Sustav Searchable database of titles in National University Library and other major Croatian libraries http://nskcrolist.nsk.hr/ | |
80. Internet Public Library: Dictionaries and Abbreviation Server http//www.ucc.ie/acronyms/index.html An index of over can identify which language a given text is written in), a library of language http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/ref28.00.00 | |
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