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         Libertarian Political Party:     more books (22)
  1. The case against a libertarian political party by Erwin S Strauss, 1980
  2. The Libertarian Party and Other Minor Political Parties in the United States by Joseph M. Hazlett, 1992-01
  3. The Libertarian Reader: Classic and Contemporary Writings from Lao Tzu to Milton Friedman by David Boaz, 1998-02-04
  4. The Elephant in the Room: Evangelicals, Libertarians and the Battle to Control the Republican Party by Ryan Sager, 2006-08-25
  5. Bob Barr and the Libertarians: a former republican congressman joins a third party.(Column): An article from: Reason by David Weigel, 2007-03-01
  6. Libertarian Party at Sea on Land by Harold Kyriazi, 2000-06-29
  7. The Libertarian Illusion: Ideology, Public Policy and the Assault on the Common Good by William E. Hudson, 2007-12-03
  8. A New Dawn for America: The Libertarian Challenge by Roger Lea MacBride, 1976-12
  9. Freedom & Virtue: The Conservative Libertarian Debate
  10. Who deserves the libertarian vote? reason asks Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians why supporters of "Free Minds and Free Markets" should vote for their candidates.: An article from: Reason by Katherine Mangu-Ward, David Weigel, 2006-12-01
  11. What It Means to Be a Libertarian by Charles Murray, 1997-12-29
  12. The Great Libertarian Offer by Harry Browne, 2000-07
  13. Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement by Brian Doherty, 2007-02-12
  14. The rise of left-libertarian parties in Western democracies: Explaining innovation in competitive party systems (Working paper) by Herbert Kitschelt, 1986

101. Steven Hilton’s Blog » Political Parties Explained In One Sentence
have compressed the political philosophies of the three leading political parties into concise Libertarians Whatever the problem, the solution is less government
@import url( );
Small Government. Low Taxes. Individual Freedom. Vote Libertarian.

102. The Demographics Of Liberty
1120 years, 20%, 26%. 20+ years, 23%, 30%. What are the political beliefs of your current partner? 1988, 1998. active libertarian, 5%, 15%. quasi-libertarian, 24%, 27%.
Liberty Poll
The Demographics of Liberty
In 1988 and again in 1998, Liberty conducted a detailed poll of libertarians, asking them more than a hundred questions about their backgrounds, behavior, beliefs and opinions. Taken together these surveys offer portraits of libertarians taken a decade apart, and insight into how libertarians are changing. In the February Liberty we published a summary of the new survey's findings about libertarian opinion and belief, along with an analysis of the results. In this issue, we turn to the demographics of libertarians. As in 1988, we learned that most libertarians are male, white, heterosexual, monogamous, married, well-educated, with fairly high income. They are mostly first-born. Most were raised in a religious environment, but do not consider themselves to be religious today. They are more likely to work in technical fields or in private business than most Americans, and far less likely to be government employees. But in almost every way that libertarians varied from the norm for Americans in 1988, they varied less in 1998. In 1988, 100% of respondents were white; in 1998 only 95% were. In 1988, 95% were male; in 1998, only 90% were. In 1988, 59% hadn't attended church in more than 5 years; in 1998, only 41% had eschewed church for that long. Here are the questions we asked, along with the responses:

103. Harry Browne: Libertarian Politics, Articles, Books, & Speeches, And Investments
enthusiasm for Schwarzenegger and Clark by party hacks demonstrates how low politics has sunk Iraq violates a whole series of libertarian principles
New! Liberty A to Z by Harry Browne
872 libertarian soundbites you can use right now.
Click here
for details. Index of articles by topic Click here to see an Index by topic of articles on this website Feedback on Articles Click here for reader comments and Harry's responses. Saturday evening radio show Click here to listen on the radio or on your computer. Links Click here Archives of the radio show Click here to hear previous broadcasts. Why Government Doesn't Work Click here to download Harry's book to your computer. Click here to hear them on your computer. While Harry Browne supports the Libertarian Party and the American Liberty Foundation
his views are his own and do not represent the official policies of either organization. Recent Articles by Harry Browne

In Praise of the Libertarian Party

June 5, 2004 — Why the party is an important part of the libertarian movement, and why it runs a presidential campaign. How Much Is Hussein's Departure Worth?
May 27, 2004 — It's easy to say "the world is a better place with Saddam Hussein gone." But at what price? And there's only one price that has any meaning. We Believe in You
July 2, 2000 — With Libertarians about to choose their 2004 presidential candidate, Harry Browne's acceptance speech at the 2000 LP national convention is a reminder of what Libertarians stand for.

104. Manitoba Political Parties Annual Financial Statements
Annual political party financial Statements for 2000. Annual political party financial Statements for 1999. Annual political party financial Statements for 1998.
Election Financial Returns 1995 - 2000
Political Parties Annual Financial Statements Constituency Association contributions Campaign Deficits Reimbursement Spending Limits Political Parties' Annual Financial Statements -
1995 to 2000
A registered political party must file annually an audited financial statement within 3 months after the end of every calendar year. Where an election occurs in a reporting year, the annual financial statement must exclude the financial activity of the registered political party for the party's campaign period. The party reports the election financial information separately on an audited financial statement. A registered political party must also file annually within 3 months after the end of every calendar year a detailed list of contributors and amounts contributed of $250 or more. This detailed list must include all such contributions to the party including those received in an election campaign period. tatements and returns are made available for public inspection as they are received. Where a review for a particular return has not been completed, the information available for inspection may not be complete. When the review is complete, a final version is placed in the public inspection file along with the statement and return as originally filed.

Official Candidates Looks Aren't Everything The Parties Party Logos ... Contact POLITICS BY DESIGN Every political party needs a logo, a symbol that will inspire supporters and live on in the memories of all who look upon it. We've assembled the logos of most of America's political parties and placed them on a single page so you can look them over and vote on which party has the best aesthetic sense and the coolest graphic designer - never mind their politics. Be forewarned - this is a page with a lot of graphics. Unless you've got a super-fast connection, it's going to take a long time to load. And if you're still using a 14.4 modem, we suggest you go make some coffee while it's loading.





106. Political Compass
With mainstream Social Democratic parties adopting reluctantly or enthusiastically - the new economic libertarian orthodoxy (neo-liberalism), much of their
Take the test


"The Extreme
Political Compass

(an amusement)


Reading List

Media Coverage
A Few Words about "The Extreme Right"
Once you accept that left and right are merely measures of economic position, the "extreme right" refers to extremely liberal economics that may be practised by social authoritarians or social libertarians. Similarly, the "extreme left" identifies a strong degree of state economic control, which may also be accompanied by liberal or authoritarian social policies. It's muddled thinking to simply describe the likes of the British National Party as "extreme right". The truth is that on issues like health, transport, housing, protectionism and globalisation, their economics are left of Labour , let alone the Conservatives. It's in areas like police power, military power, school discipline, law and order, race and nationalism that the BNP's real extremism - as authoritarians - is clear. This mirrors France's National Front. In running some local governments, they reinstated certain welfare measures which their Socialist predecessors had abandoned. Like similar authoritarian parties that have sprung up around Europe, they have come to be seen in some quarters as champions of the underdog, as long as the underdog isn't Black, Arab, gay or Jewish ! With mainstream Social Democratic parties adopting - reluctantly or enthusiastically - the new economic libertarian orthodoxy (neo-liberalism), much of their old economic baggage has been pinched by National Socialism. It's becoming the only sort of socialism on offer. Election debates between mainstream parties are increasingly about managerial competence rather than any clash of vision and economic direction.

107. The Political Parties
ballot; Continue to elect more Libertarians to public The Natural Law party stands for government that prevents problems before they start, politics free from
The Political Parties
When you sign up to vote, you choose whether you want to join a political party. A political party is a group of people who share the same views about how the government should be run and what it should do. There are 8 political parties in California. We asked each party what they stand for and what their priorities are. Party What They Stand For Top Priorities American Independent The American Independent Party stands for traditional moral values and the God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This party believes government should uphold the United States Constitution, including protection of life and property and a strong national defense.
  • End Federal income tax
  • Do away with the Federal Reserve which increases the national debt
  • Bring back parent and local control of children's education This party has about 277,000* members in California. For information, visit
  • 108. Recognized Political Parties
    RECOGNIZED political PARTIES. The Republican, Democratic, Constitution and libertarian parties are recognized political parties in South Dakota.
    RECOGNIZED POLITICAL PARTIES The Republican, Democratic, Constitution and Libertarian parties are recognized political parties in South Dakota. New political parties may form by filing new party formation petitions signed by 8364 registered voters in South Dakota. The petition deadline for the 2004 elections was April 6, 2004. A political party's gubernatorial candidate must obtain at least 2.5% of the vote for governor to remain a recognized party. Contact Information Constitution Party of SD PO Box 703 Sioux Falls SD 57101 Phone 605-332-5125 or 605-361-3094 SD Democratic Party 207 E Capitol Ave 2nd Floor Pierre SD 57501 Phone 605-224-1750; Fax 605-224-1759 SD Libertarian Party SD Republican Party PO Box 1099 Pierre SD 57501 Phone 605-224-7347; Fax 605-224-7349 SD Home Feedback ... Help last updated 04/30/04.

    109. Political Activism Resources
    The AMERICAN NAZI party is a legally based politicaleducational organization dedicated to the preservation of the White Race, the Aryan Republic, and our
    Political Activism Resources
    An independent, non-partisan, FREE web on political activism - since 1996
    Political Information Search
    Current Issues/Hot Links
  • Daybreak Anarchist Collective - Daybreak is an anarchist collective in the Twin Cities. We focus mostly on doing basic outreach, helping to inform people who wouldn't otherwise have heard about anarchism.
  • Minnesota Anarchists - The purpose of this site is to spread and promote the ideas, values, and projects of anarchists and anti-authoritarians in Minnesota.
  • DÉMOCRATIE SOCIALISTE - Qui, aujourd’hui, s’intéresse au socialisme ? Identifié tantôt au « socialisme » de Mitterrand, tantôt au « socialisme réel » de Staline, parfois, mais rarement, c’est vrai, au national-« socialisme » de Hitler, au mieux il n’éveille que scepticisme ou indifférence, au pire il provoque rejet et hostilité. On le comprend d’ailleurs. Après tout, qui peut s’enthousiasmer pour des gouvernements « socialistes », pour le moins difficiles à distinguer de leurs homologues « libéraux », ou pour des régimes de terreur politique, de répression policière et de crimes de masse, responsables de la destruction de millions de vies humaines?
  • DemStore
  • United Native America - United Native America was formed in 1993 as a nation wide grass roots movement to bring about a federal national holiday for Native Americans. The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma fully supports this issue with resolution 91-93. United Native America resolution 1-1 calls on the federal government to stop using our tax dollars to pay for Columbus Day. Columbus does not rate a federal tax paid holiday in this country.
  • 110. World's Smallest Political Quiz
    you may be surprised at what you find. Politics on the Net by Bill Mann More quotes about the Quiz. Advocates for Self-Government The Liberty Building 213
    World's Smallest Political Quiz The ORIGINAL Internet Political Quiz Take the Quiz now and find out where you fit on the political map! Also see Personal Issues (Choose Y if you agree, M for Maybe, N if you disagree.)
    Y M N Government should not censor speech, press, media or Internet
    Military service should be voluntary. There should be no draft
    There should be no laws regarding sex for consenting adults
    Repeal laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs
    There should be no National ID card
    Economic Issues (Choose Y if you agree, M for Maybe, N if you disagree.)
    Y M N End "corporate welfare." No government handouts to business
    End government barriers to international free trade
    Let people control their own retirement; privatize Social Security Replace government welfare with private charity
    Cut taxes and government spending by 50% or more What They're Saying about the World's Smallest Political Quiz "The Quiz has gained respect as a valid measure of a person's political leanings."

    111. World's Smallest Political Quiz
    World's Smallest political Quiz. The ORIGINAL Internet political Quiz. Quiz FAQ. Polling firm gives Quiz to America. Print a copy of the Quiz (PDF) Quiz for your Palm! Personal Issues (
    World's Smallest Political Quiz The ORIGINAL Internet Political Quiz Take the Quiz now and find out where you fit on the political map! Also see Personal Issues (Choose Y if you agree, M for Maybe, N if you disagree.)
    Y M N Government should not censor speech, press, media or Internet
    Military service should be voluntary. There should be no draft
    There should be no laws regarding sex for consenting adults
    Repeal laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs
    There should be no National ID card
    Economic Issues (Choose Y if you agree, M for Maybe, N if you disagree.)
    Y M N End "corporate welfare." No government handouts to business
    End government barriers to international free trade
    Let people control their own retirement; privatize Social Security Replace government welfare with private charity
    Cut taxes and government spending by 50% or more What They're Saying about the World's Smallest Political Quiz "The Quiz has gained respect as a valid measure of a person's political leanings."

    112. CBS News | Bush's Third-Party Threat | May 24, 2004 12:43:08
    the BushCheney campaign should still “watch out.” “The Libertarians will impact and possibly the nation’s preeminent expert on third-party politics.
    Home U.S. Iraq World ... FREE CBS News Video May 24, 2004 12:43:08 The Early Show CBS Evening News 48 Hours 60 Minutes ...
    Section Front

    E-mail This Story Printable Version
    Bush's Third-Party Threat
    NEW YORK, May 21, 2004
    Bush Support Wavering?

    (Photo: CBS/AP)
    "The Libertarians will impact Republicans more than Nader will impact Democrats."
    Lawrence Jacobs, director of the 2004 Elections Project at the University of Minnesota
    Libertarian Party presidential candidates Gary Nolan, left, and Aaron Russo. (Photo: CBS)
    The latest from CBS News reporters and analysts on the 2004 campaign: Tenet's Departure Changes Little By David Paul Kuhn Mr. Orwell's Neighborhood By Dotty Lynch Lone Ranger Bush By Dick Meyer Campaign Blogs Outlive Candidates By Bonney Kapp More campaign news: Primary Results Washington Wrap CBS News Polls Interactives: Campaign 2004 Democrats Decide Photo Essays Video Coverage (CBS) By David Paul Kuhn, Chief Political Writer While Democrats fret over the possibility of Ralph Nader causing them to lose another election by stealing votes on the left, President Bush may face an even greater third-party threat from the right wing. The Libertarian Party nominee could cost Mr. Bush his job in 2004. With conservatives upset over the ballooning size of the federal government under a Republican White House and Congress – and a portion of the political right having opposed the war in Iraq from the outset or else dismayed at how it's being handled – the Libertarian nominee may do for Democrats in 2004 what Nader did for Republicans in 2000.

    113. Directory Of Politics And Political Parties Help Wanted From Free-Market.Net: Th
    A portal for Politics and political Parties Help Wanted FreeMarket.Net The Freedom Network, the world s most comprehensive source for information on liberty.

    map news channels ... find you are here: Free-Market.Net Find Directory by Category Help Wanted Politics and Political Parties
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  • Northwestern US
    United States
    LP of Oregon Seeks Paid Interns
    Source: Libertarian Party of Oregon
    Author: Jerome J. Cole
    City: Portland, State: OR, Country: United States
    The Libertarian Party of Oregon is seeking interns for campaign work. Interns will be involved with media relations, developing campaign plans, and all other aspects of campaigns. Posted 9/12/99
    ezDelegates Needed Source: Country: United States E-mail:
    Libertarian Party seeks writer/editor Source: National Libertarian Party City: Washington, State: DC, Country: United States E-mail:
    National LP seeks writer/editor to help produce LP News and lead other writing projects. Ideal candidate would have English/Journalism degree, experience in field and commitment to LP ideals. Send resume and writing samples (two examples each of news, feature, and opinion pieces) to: Libertarian Party, ATTN: George Getz, 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC, 20037.
    LP Indiana seeks development coordinator Source: LP IN City: Indianapolis
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