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         Leukemia & Diet:     more detail
  1. One Day at a Time: Children Living With Leukemia (Don't Turn Away) by Thomas Bergman, 1989-10
  2. The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases by Rudolf Breuss, 1995-10
  3. Living Through Leukemia: A Journey to Health by Louis George Whitehead, 2007-08-27
  4. Childhood Leukemia: A Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers (2nd Edition) by Nancy Keene, 1999-10-01
  5. It's Good to Know a Miracle: Dani's Story: One Family's Struggle with Leukemia by Jay Shotel, Sue Shotel, 2008-04-01
  6. Quick FACTS Leukemia (Quickfacts) by American Cancer Society, 2008-07-20
  7. When Cancer CallsSay Yes to Life: The Story of One Mans Journey through Leukemia by Rusty Hammer, 2007-10-29
  8. Leukemia (Venture Book) by Dorothy Schainman Siegel, David E. Newton, 1994-08
  9. The Absence of the Dead Is Their Way of Appearing by Mary Trautman Trautman, 1984-08
  10. A Guide to good nutrition during and after chemotherapy and radiation by Saundra N Aker, 1976
  11. Bone Marrow Transplants: A Guide for Cancer Patients and Their Families by Marianne Shaffer, 1994-04-25
  12. Survivor: Taking Control of Your Fight Against Cancer by Laura Landro, 1998-10-02

61. Epidemiology And Hematopoiesis And Apoptosis By Martyn Smith, PhD
MDS and what I am going to try to convince you of in the next 10 minutes is that we should really look at the diet as a cause of MDS and possibly of leukemia.
October 30-31, 2000
Epidemiology and Hematopoiesis and Apoptosis Martyn Smith, PhD
University of California Slide 1:
Slide 2: Why should we think about the diet? You shouldn't be really too surprised that the diet is an area to look at. This is the causes of cancer death, the famous Doll and Pitot chart, with smoking responsible for about one-third of all cancers and this large green one here is diet, with poor diet being responsible also for about one-third of all cancers. So if you look at what may cause MDS, it is tobacco, alcohol and diet as the main factors with perhaps infection and viral agents also playing some sort of promotional role. TOP Slide 3: TOP Slide 4: A little bit about benzene and that is that benzene is metabolized to its two primary metabolites, phenol and hydroquinone and the pathway that appears to be important for benzene toxicity and leukemia induction is the transport of hydroquinone to the bone marrow, its activation to a quinone producing genetic damage and toxicity. Your main protection against this toxicity appears to be an enzyme called NQO1 or NADPH quinone oxidoreductase. TOP Slide 5: Together with Nat Rothman of the National Cancer Institute and colleagues in China, we showed that susceptibility to benzene hematotoxicity was related to a polymorphism in this enzyme NADPH quinone oxidoreductase or NQO1 and that people who lacked the activity of this enzyme were twofold to threefold more at risk of getting benzene toxicity than controls or people who had the normal levels of the enzyme. This suggested to us that maybe NQO1 is important in other forms of leukemia and hematotoxicity and

62. Your Animal's Health -- With Dr. Wendell O. Belfield
This immunodeficiency can be genetic, and/or environmental which includes diet. There is a controversy about the leukemia vaccine.
Volume 2
F eline Leukemia is perhaps the most devastating disease of domestic cats. The devastation is significant because the virus is easily transmitted from an infected feline through most body fluids. Fortunately, not all cats succumb to the invading virus; many can carry the virus their entire lives. Though these felines never become symptomatic, they can become carriers of the virus and are capable of transmitting the virus to other susceptible cats. Because of the carrier factor, many veterinarians recommend euthanizing the affected cats.
The Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) is categorized as a retrovirus, the same is true of the AIDS virus (HIV). Non-retroviruses such as the Panleukopenia virus infiltrate body cells to replicate. When the new viruses are formed, the cells die and these new viruses seek other cellular havens to invade and continue to divide and multiply. The Feline Leukemia virus differs greatly from most feline viruses in that it is most diabolical. This fiendish organism invades the cells of the immune system, the white blood cells, the primary components of the cell-mediated immune system. Unlike the non-retroviruses, FeLV does not destroy the cells it inhabits. It negotiates with cell's nucleus (which contains DNA), enabling the virus to control the action of the cells and a home to grow and prosper. This retroviral invasion diminishes the replication of white blood cells, specifically, the T-cells, the brain trust of the immume system, or "quarterback", if you will.

63. WHNT-TV, Huntsville, AL: Genetic Tests Show Promise Against Leukemia
Institute ( ) or the leukemia and Lymphoma Society ( Get Healthy Improve your eating habits with diet tips and delicious recipes.

64. St. John's Wort Weakens Leukemia Drug
For more on leukemia, visit the American Cancer Society ( ). Get Healthy Improve your eating habits with diet tips and delicious recipes.

65. Leukemia & Lymphoma Issues
Lymphoma Society (800)9554LSA, formerly leukemia Soc of Am, Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia LINK to GrannyBarb Art s site -the Neutropenic diet and more.
Leukemia, 12/01
BMD, then Vit D Therapy

Stop High-Caffeine Foods, Add Exercise

Antileukemic Activity of Resveratrol

Int'l J Cancer, 6/20 Also see link to Chinese Med information
J Molecular Cancer Thera, 4/03
Cancer Epidem, 6/03
AACR Abstract #LB-108, 2003
Br J Cancer, 8/03
(800)955-4LSA, formerly Leukemia Soc of Am Various Abstracts from 2003 Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research AACR Articles, LINKS Ridiculous article on Diffuse large-B-cell Fatigue in Long-term Survivors of Hodgin's Lymphoma Subclinical Late Cardio Problems w/Doxorubicin: Lymphoma Am Soc of Hematology, 12/03 Clin Infect Diseases, 2/04 Blood, 3/04 Remember Ann is NOT A Doctor and has NO medical training.

66. Kushi Institute
fairly easy for Doug, since he saw immediate results from changing his diet. Now, eight years after being diagnosed with leukemia, Doug believes that getting
Leukemia Recovery
The Doug Blampied Story
The summer of 1982 was a typical one for Doug Blampied, an insurance executive from Concord, N.H. There was only a slight hint of being a bit more tired and run down than usual. Doug's end of summer plans were capped off with a sailing trip around Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard with his wife, Nancy. The trip was enjoyable, and Doug felt rested and refreshed. When he returned home, however, he couldn't quite get his energy level back. Coming down with what he thought was a flu or virus, he went on with work as usual. But his fever wouldn't go down, so he finally decided to see a doctor. After a routine checkup, he got dressed and returned home to bed. Six hours later the phone rang. It was the doctor's office, and the message was urgent - get to the hospital immediately! With questions and fears racing through their minds, Doug and Nancy quickly packed and headed for the hospital, where a battery of tests was performed, including a painful bone marrow extraction. The tests showed that Doug had acute myologenous leukemia. Cancer of the spinal fluid was also discovered. Soon afterward, he started chemotherapy. A Hickman catheter was implanted into his chest. It consisted of a plastic tube that was inserted into a vein leading to the heart. It allowed the chemotherapy to be administered and blood to be withdrawn without repeated injections.

67. Leukemia Recovery By Christina Pirello
could think of, after which they came up with the diagnosis of chronic mylocydic leukemia. drastic I meet a friend of his who ate this strange diet that was
Leukemia Recovery
By Christina Pirello My mother and I were very close. When she was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1982, I thought nothing worse could happen. Then when she died in 1984, at forty-nine, my life was rocked to the core. Her illness and death, ironically, set me on the path I follow today. I watched as conventional methods of treatment hastened her deterioration. Watching her suffer more with each treatment strengthened my resolve to seek out alternative treatments should I ever find myself in a similar situation. My maternal family history is checkered with diabetes, cancer, and anemia, so it was no surprise when as a child I was diagnosed with Mediterranean anemia. Every female member of my family was plagued with this disease. Throughout my teenage years, I seemed relatively healthy, but always had the hardest time healing cuts and scratches. Bruises seemed to appear from nowhere. Stamina was always a problem as well. My menstrual cycle was irregular, and so doctors began hormone treatments which would last for over fifteen years. At the age of fourteen, I decided to become a vegetarian. I continued to eat lots of dairy, sugar, and refined foods. After my mother died, my fatigue worsened. I thought it was just an accumulation of exhaustion from over two years of taking care of her and dealing with my grief. I felt drained all the time. As the months after her death wore on, it seemed my condition worsened - bruises were appearing everywhere. I felt as though my insides were on fire.

68. Zinc In Leukemia
in children recovering from proteinenergy malnutrition, whereas a normal high energy diet does not cause 7). Excessive zinc excretion occurs in leukemia (Ref.
Zinc in Leukemia
first on out of 40,000 articles on zinc and leukemia
(c) by var name = "george.eby"@; document.write ("George Eby"); , Austin, Texas - December 1982.
Introduction. RATIONALE FOR STUDY AND SUMMARY OF FINDINGS In a case of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)in a 3-year-old white female treated with CCG protocol 161, regimen 2 a bone marrow remission from 95+% blast cells to an observed zero blast cell count (not M-1 but M-0) occurred within 14 days of treatment.
In the child's remission, zinc at 1-2 mg/pound of body weight was not observed to cause an increase in lymphocyte count, but may have improved T-cell immune function. Zinc may have aided in restoring normal growth while using corticosteroids in a monthly pulse protocol. Zinc is known to stimulate effector T-cell function and increase the number of effector T-cells, even in leukemia, which may have aided in the destruction of residual leukemic cells, through amplification of the plaque-forming cell function of T-cells. Zinc is the body's only T-cell lymphocyte activator. In studies to ascertain the practical role of zinc in related hematological functions, zinc was found effective in increasing immunity to upper respiratory viruses and infections in general in normal people and leukemic children, management of Type I allergy and growth restoration in both normal and leukemic children. Therapy of the common cold with zinc yielded extremely rapid recoveries which strongly suggested that a zinc-viral antigen complex was highly stimulatory to interferon induction, and/or that the direct inhibition of rhinovirus by zinc may be highly practical and effective in vivo. Identical responses to zinc supplementation as an adjunct to standard treatment occurred in about one dozen children when zinc treatment was started with standard treatment between 1985 and 1997.

69. Leukemia Research
disease. Doctors are also always looking for ways to prevent leukemia through medication and changes in diet and exercise. Still
Leukemia Research offers a wealth of information on leukemia research. Click here to access information on leukemia research and other information on leukemia. Other features available on include live chats, news, events, and more. helps you sort through all of the information on leukemia research by offering:
  • Specific information on leukemia research The latest news and feature articles that discuss leukemia research Information on leukemia risk factors, diagnosis, and treatments
Doctors constantly receive more information on leukemia research to share with their patients regarding ways to improve their care such as treatment options. Leukemia research gives people hope. Through leukemia research, doctors and researchers across the world are learning more about what causes leukemia, and better ways to detect and treat this disease. Doctors are also always looking for ways to prevent leukemia through medication and changes in diet and exercise. Still much more leukemia research is needed to develop better treatments and a cure. For more information on leukemia research

70. MD Anderson Cancer Center - Living With Leukemia Resources
Your body needs extra calories and protein when you have leukemia to build strong new cells. This is not the time to go on a weight loss diet!

71. HON - News : News For Neoplasms
Cancer in its Tracks (12/02/2003, HealthDay) Western diet Link to HONselectleukemia. Genetic Tests Show Promise Against leukemia (04/14/2004, HealthDay) Green
All Web sites HONcode sites HONselect News ... I J K L M N ... P Q R S T U ... W X Y Z
Browse archive:
M A M ... S News for Neoplasms HONselect: News: Bladder Neoplasms Lawn Chemicals Can Cause Cancer in Some Dogs (04/30/2004, HealthDay)
Studies Find Little Link Between Acrylamide and Cancers
(03/29/2004, HealthDay)
Making the Tough Choices With Bladder Cancer
(03/14/2004, HealthDay)
No Cancer Risk Found in Food Chemical
(01/28/2003, HealthDay)
Cancer Suppression Gene Identified
(11/15/2002, HealthDay)
Selenium May Cut Bladder Cancer Risk in Ex-Smokers
(11/01/2002, HealthDay)
Bladder Cancer and Smoking Link Studied
(10/05/2002, HealthDay)
Bladder Cancer Keeps Coming Back
(09/23/2002, HealthDay)
Bone Neoplasms Beating Multiple Myeloma (02/24/2004, HealthDay) Stem Cell Transplant Should Be Tried First With Multiple Myeloma (04/09/2003, HealthDay) Thalidomide Fights Multiple Myeloma (04/04/2003, HealthDay) New Hope for Kids With Bone Cancer (01/10/2003, HealthDay) New Generation of Thalidomide Shows Promise Against Cancer (12/10/2002, HealthDay) Cancer Drug Scores Again (11/22/2002, HealthDay)

72. HON - News : News For Therapeutics
John s Wort Weakens leukemia Drug (03/26/2004, HealthDay) Herbal Supplements/Meds Dangers Downplayed on Internet (08/14/2003, HealthDay) diet Supplement Fails
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Browse archive:
M A M ... S News for Therapeutics HONselect: News: Acupuncture Acupuncture "Minimally" Helpful for Breathlessness (06/01/2004, Reuters Health)
Acupuncture Calms Moms' Pre-Surgery Jitters
(10/15/2003, HealthDay)
Morning Sickness Sufferers Get a Helping Band
(06/30/2003, HealthDay)
Acupuncture Helps Children Handle Pain
(06/29/2003, HealthDay)
Acupuncture a Salve for Colorectal Cancer?
(03/11/2003, HealthDay)
Doctors Using Acupuncture On Children
(12/20/2002, HealthDay)
Acupuncture as Stroke Medicine?
(09/10/2002, HealthDay)
Alternative Medicine More Patients Using Medical Marijuana Than Thought (06/08/2004, HealthDay)
Most Americans Use Alternative Medicine
(05/28/2004, Reuters Health) White Tea Kills More Germs Than Its Green Cousin (05/25/2004, HealthDay) Herbs May Work When Drug Fails Against Hepatitis (05/19/2004, Reuters Health) Heart Patients Sought for Alternative Therapy (05/14/2004, HealthDay) More Kids Are Using Alternative Meds (04/30/2004, HealthDay) Fertility Supplement Shows Promise (04/29/2004, HealthDay)

73. Chapter 5
The researchers concluded their study suggests that diet is important to leukemia risk and that reduced consumption of hot dogs could reduce leukemia risk.
The Risky Business of Public Health Research
by Steven Milloy
Chapter 5
Mining for Statistical Associations
Once you've collected your data, how do you find the risk that's your ticket to stardom? There are two tried-and-true techniques virtually guaranteed to turn up something.
Disease Clusters and the Texas Sharpshooter
One of the best techniques is called the Texas Sharpshooter method. It goes something like this: The Texas Sharpshooter sprays the side of an abandoned barn with gunfire. He then draws a bull's eye target around a cluster of bullet holes that occurred randomly. He then can say, "See what a good shot I am!" Basically, you can be your own sharpshooter if you find a cluster of disease and then shout "Aha!" or "Eureka!" or something to denote you've discovered the mother lode. Clusters are easy to find; they're everywhere, in fact. Epidemiologic studies of hazardous waste sites and electromagnetic fields are famous for clustering and the Texas Sharpshooter technique. For example, a study of a Woburn, Mass., site associated a cluster of 20 childhood leukemia cases with the site. It was very convincing. It didn't even matter that none of the contaminants at the site causes leukemia. That's the power of a cluster! Consider, for example, one out of every three people in the United States will develop cancer sometime during their lifetimes. We call this the background risk or "natural" rate of cancer. It's yours by virtue of your birth. Now, if you do an analysis of cancer rates by geographic region or state or county or city or neighborhood, you will likely find that some areas will have a cancer rate of exactly 1 in 3. But most areas will have cancer rates that greater or less than 1 in 3.

74. The Bryan-College Station Eagle
a selftaught nutritionist, died of lacerations to both forearms in February 1985, shortly after his leukemia came out of remission. His diet reduced the
Home Classifieds Subscribe ... Restaurant Monitor Site Sections Agriculture Announcements Classifieds Columnists ... Weather April 21, 2004 The Great American Diet Quiz By Jeanne McManus
The Washington Post Answers For Answers to this quiz, scroll to the bottom of this story or click here Sure, sure, sure. You've lost so much weight on your Atkins or South Beach diet that you can't imagine returning to your old ways of eating rice, potatoes and bread. You'll never abandon your high-protein regimen, right? This is it: You're low-carb for life. Well, consider some of the diets that have previously held Americans in their thrall. They were created by prestigious doctors, well-meaning nutritionists or quacks; menus required daily deliveries from the banana boat, a mere cup of spinach per week, a watery soup every night or steaks the size of catcher's mitts; dieters were directed to eat lots of fat, lots of carbs or lots of protein. Whether through plans, pills, capsules, cans, magic, science or sheer starvation, the plump among us were promised happiness, health and thinner thighs.
Where are these diets now? And isn't just quite possible that low-carb mania will join them?

75. EVitamins : Gene Might Trigger Leukemia, Lymphoma
mice with overactive HMGI genes quickly developed cases of leukemia and lymphoma consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or

76. Re: Studies On Soy And Leukemia
Re Studies on soy and leukemia. However, one study published in 1994 showed that, in mice, a diet supplemented with 2 grams of wtersoaked soybeans per day
Re: Studies on soy and leukemia
Tue, 12 Aug 1997 12:01:24 -0500
Unfortunately, no human studies have been published, either controlled clinical intervention trials or epidemiological studies. In animals, most studies have focused on mammary, colon, or prostate cancer because these types of cancers are estrogen-depend
ent and the soy isoflavones have been shown to act as antiestrogens. However, one study published in 1994 showed that, in mice, a diet supplemented with 2 grams of wter-soaked soybeans per day, enhanced the inhibitory effect of calorie restriction on lym
phoma development. But, these mice were subjected to calorie restriction by 40-45%very extreme dietary conditionsin addition to consuming soybeans.
So, there is really very limited research addressed at the question you asked, but it certainly couldn't hurt to incorporate some soy foods into your diet at moderate levelsoverall, it would be a positive dietary change and may provide additional benefi

77. STLtoday - Life & Style - Health & Fitness
a selftaught nutritionist, died of lacerations to his forearms in February 1985, shortly after his leukemia came out of remission. His diet reduced the amount & Style/Health & Fit

used to treat cancer and other diseases, human Tcell leukemia/ lymphoma virus I head trauma, loud noise, and N-nitroso compounds in the diet, cigarettes, and
CANCER RISK FACTORS Cancer is a group of more than 100 different diseases, each with their own set of risk factors. The risk of developing cancer increases as we age, so age along with gender, race and personal and family medical history, are risk factors for cancer. Other risk factors are largely related to lifestyle choices, while certain infections, occupational exposures and some environmental factors can also be related to developing cancer. On the basis of strength of evidence in the scientific literature, we distinguish below between known and possible risk factors by site.
Mouth Tobacco and alcohol usage accounts for most mouth cancers. Another risk factor is a diet low in fruits and vegetables and possible risk factors are poor tooth development and oral hygiene, trauma due to ill-fitting dentures or jagged teeth, use of mouthwashes with high alcohol content, and iron-deficiency anemia. Digestive System Colorectal Risk factors are personal or family history of colorectal polyps or inflammatory bowel disease, certain rare hereditary conditions, and a diet high in fat and/or low in fiber, fruits and vegetables. Possible risk factors are physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, obesity, and smoking. Risk may be reduced by estrogen replacement therapy, non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. aspirin, ibuprofen), dietary calcium and vitamin D.

79. Nutrition And Diet Therapy: Interactive Glossary Definition For 'Leukemia'
Header Text Nutrition and diet Therapy SelfInstructional Modules, Fourth Edition, Interactive Glossary definition for leukemia .

80. Citizen Petition Seeking Labeling Of Nitrate-Preserved Hot Dogs
Processed meats and risk of childhood leukemia (California, USA) ; Ibid. Reis, L. et al., Maternal diet and risk of astrocytic glioma in children, 17787.
About CPC Contact Us Glossary Related Links ... Search
Citizen Petition Seeking Labeling of Nitrate-Preserved Hot Dogs for Childhood Cancer Risk April 25, 1995 David A. Kessler, M.D.
Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration, Room 1-23
12420 Parklawn Drive
Rockville, MD 20857 The undersigned submits on behalf of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, Inc. (CPC), Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., Chair, and on behalf of the Center for constitutional Rights, Michael Deutsch, Esq., Legal Director. This citizen petition is based on accumulating scientific information on excess risks of childhood brain tumors and leukemia from the consumption of hot dogs containing nitrite preservatives. The undersigned submits this petition under 21 U.S.C. 321 (n), 361, 362, and 371 (a); and 21 CFR 740.1, 740.2 of 21 CFR 10.30 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to request the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to label hot dogs that contain nitrites with a cancer risk warning. A. Agency Action Requested This petition requests that FDA take the following action: Immediately require nitrite-containing hot dogs to be labelled with warnings such as hot dogs containing nitrites have been shown to pose risks of childhood cancer. Pursuant to 21 CFR 10.30 (h) (2), a hearing at which time we can present our scientific evidence.

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