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61. Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence legal system for victims of family violence. Written by Pat Flynn, Esq. Producedby the Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic violence Order This Publication http://www.mcadv.org/?section=publications |
62. IACP - Publications Clippings Press Releases publications Research Center Responding to School ViolenceIntroduction Prevention After a Crisis legal Considerations Recommendations http://www.theiacp.org/pubinfo/pubs/pslc/svindex.htm | |
63. Research And Statistics - Browse By Subject Hatemotivated violence(Full PDF) PDF Help (Executive Summary) (WD1994-6a-e). Morethan a crime A report on the lack of public legal information materials for http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/ps/rs/rep/202new8-e.html | |
64. LCAV Legal Community Against Violence To provide free research and legal support services Public officials, activists, communitygroups, and ordinary citizens and the issue of gun violence, you may http://www.lcav.org/ |
65. Faculty Research PublicationsâÂÂGun Violence As A Public Health Problem Research and publications. FACULTY RESEARCH publications Gun Violenceas a Public Health Problem . REDUCING GUN DEATHS IN THE UNITED http://www.jhsph.edu/gunpolicy/faculty_research_pubs_gvphp.html | |
66. VAWnet :: Virginians Against Domestic Violence (VADV) & Virginians Alligned Agai Domestic violence Programs and Sexual Assault Centers; Men of Vision Campaign; SexualAssault Awareness Month (SAAM); Technical Assistance. legal Public Policy http://www.vawnet.org/USMap/SC_VA.php | |
67. Bora Laskin Law Library - Finding Legal Help In Ontario mission is to work in the community to end violence against women SelfCounsel PressPublications. publishes various paperback books on a variety of legal topics http://www.law-lib.utoronto.ca/resguide/finding.htm | |
68. UNICEF - Gender Equality - Introduction women of the the power to make decisions, to earn a living and to be free from violence,abuse and exploitation. Often it deprives them of any legal protection http://www.unicef.org/gender/ | |
69. Community Response To Domestic Violence And Trafficking In Humans violence. Thus, the publication is based primarily on explaining these issues. Thebook has important practical advice, explanation of complicated legal terms http://www.winrock.org.ua/DOS/En/lpublic/ukrainian.php | |
70. Workplace Violence a legal manual setting out the legal principles of 3594 by mail @ Thomas InvestigativePublications, Inc on the emerging trend on worlplace violence check this http://www.pimall.com/nais/bk.wpv.html | |
71. Legal Momentum -- Issues -- Ending Violence Against Women 2002 public comment to HUD from legal Momentum, ACLU a section devoted to domesticviolence victims in manual, which applies to all public housing authorities http://www.legalmomentum.org/issues/vio/housingresources.shtml | |
72. Lawmap Legal Explorer - Domestic Violence Help Women s legal Service. Ph 131611 (4pm-9am plus weekends public holidays) Afterhours crisis support (violence and abuse, suicide, child protection etc). http://www.lawmap.com.au/Domestic.shtml | |
73. National Center On Domestic And Sexual Violence addressing domestic and sexual violence issues are available in the followingcategories. Click on any of the links to download the publication. legal, http://www.ncdsv.org/publications_legal.html | |
74. South Brooklyn Legal Services - Family Law Fact Sheet4 documented (be a citizen or legal permanent resident your rent will equal your publicassistance shelter However, victims of domestic violence are given priority http://www.sbls.org/flufs4.htm | |
75. Violence: Directions For Australia - Appendix B [Publications] Ms Gwen Blake; Mr Ben Bodna (Public Advocate of Ms Julia Cabassi (Federation of CommunityLegal Centres, Victoria Ms Ariel Couchman (Domestic violence and Incest http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/vda/vda-ap2.html | |
76. School Violence - Links To Legal Resources: Criminal Law: Juvenile Crime: School Criminal Justice Resources School Safety and violence Organizations and publicationsdealing with school violence from Michigan State University Libraries. http://mishpat.net/law/Criminal_law/juvenile_crime/school_violence/index.shtml | |
77. Family Violence The Legal Context For A Community Response family violence was provoked, and to blame the victim and these are attitudes seenless often in circumstances of public violence. While the legal system has a http://www.familycourt.gov.au/papers/html/nicholson1.html | |
78. BC Institute Against Family Violence - Projects legal Services for Women Who Have Been Battered , and Towards TransformativePublic legal Education for Women s Equality identified violence and abuse http://www.bcifv.org/hottopics/projects/leaf.shtml | |
79. Immigrant Victims Of Domestic Violence: Cultural Challenges And Available Legal are cultural, economic, practical as well as legal. and effectively brought awarenessof domestic violence in immigrant communities to the public. http://www.vaw.umn.edu/documents/vawnet/arimmigrant/arimmigrant.html | |
80. NOW Legal Defense And Education Fund Issues -- Ending Violence Against Women public comment to HUD from NOW legal Defense, ACLU of a section devoted to domesticviolence victims in manual, which applies to all public housing authorities http://www.nowldef.org/html/issues/vio/housingresources.shtml | |
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