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101. NMBAR | Home Organization and purpose, officers and committees, code of ethics, compensation survey, CLE requirements, newsletter, membership information and application, and upcoming events. http://www.nmbar.org/Template.cfm?Section=Legal_Assistants |
102. Ethics An international journal of moral, political, and legal philosophy. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/Ethics/home.html | |
103. Center For Medical Ethics And Health Policy Develops teaching and research programs that address the moral, legal, and public policy questions raised by health care and the biomedical sciences. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/ethics/ | |
104. Integrity Interactive Corporate Ethics And Compliance Training Webbased corporate compliance training, business ethics courses, and on-line legal information about compliance risks. http://www.integrity-interactive.com | |
105. PALE Journal Special interest group focusing on teaching conditions, legal issues, ethics, and research affecting language education. http://www.debito.org/PALEJournals.html | |
106. School Of Law Information about studies at the University of Newcastle School of Law, including the Centre for Health Law, ethics and Policy, and the Centre for legal Education. http://www.newcastle.edu.au/school/law/ | |
107. Nebraska State Bar Association Offers Nebraska legal information concerning member search, ethics, legal services, legal links, The Nebraska Lawyer, court opinions and continuing legal education. http://www.nebar.com/ | |
108. Phi Delta Phi International legal fraternity that offers law students a rich tradition promoting higher standards of professional ethics and culture both in law schools and the legal profession at large. http://www.phideltaphi.org | |
109. Dallas Area Paralegal Association DAPA is a voluntary nonprofit corporation composed of paralegals working in all areas of the law, who are interested not only in furthering their own development, but are also dedicated to the advancement of the paralegal profession as a whole. The goals of DAPA are to promote the professional objectives and goalsof paralegals; encourage, promote and conduct programs of continuing legal education and professional development; adopt codes of ethics and standards of conduct governing its members; and promote the advancement of professionalism for paralegals. http://www.dallasparalegals.org/ | |
110. Mississippi Association Of Legal Assistants, Inc. MALA's main purpose is to promote the profession of the legal assistant or paralegal. MALA supports, encourages and maintain high standards for the service, conduct and ethics of legal assistants. MALA members have the opportunity to further their education through MALA sponsored meetings and seminars. http://www.mslawyer.com/mala/ | |
111. Greater Dayton Paralegal Association Home Page Founded in 1984 by paralegals in the Dayton, Ohio area. It was established to provide a forum for the exchange of information for members; educate members and inform attorneys and students as to paralegal uses and roles; act as a liaison between bar associations and the paralegal community; and maintain a high level of professional standards and ethics among its members and within the legal community. http://www.paralegals.org/GreaterDayton/home.html |
112. State Bar Of Michigan Includes links to ethics opinions, recent news stories, and other legal information. http://www.michbar.org/ |
113. Kennedy Institute Of Ethics, Library And Information Services A specialised collection of books, journals, newspaper articles, legal materials, regulations, codes, government publications, and other relevant documents concerned with issues in biomedical and professional ethics. The world's largest collection related to ethical issues in medicine and biomedical research. http://www.georgetown.edu/research/nrcbl/ |
114. Welcome To Scott County Bar Association Daily Court Schedules, Court Notices, legal News and Information, legal Resources and Links, Displinary and ethics Information, County Bar Association Membership News, Information and Schedules. http://www.scottcountybar.org | |
115. Broward County Bar Association Lawyer referrals, member database, officers, and articles.The Broward County Bar Association, a notfor-profit organization, was founded in 1925 to foster courtesy, ethics, and professionalism among lawyers, to educate the citizens of Broward County on their legal rights, and to provide necessary legal services to Broward County's residents. http://www.browardbar.org/ | |
116. California District Attorneys Association CDAA provides continuing legal education and advocacy for California prosecutors; its site includes attorney rosters, training information, and information on an ethics hotline. http://www.cdaa.org/ | |
117. Attorneys Hunziker, Jones, Caserta, Romer & Champion, P.A. Wayne New Jersey NJ B Providing legal representation for banking, business, criminal, elder, employment, estate, ethics, litigation, personal injury, real estate and taxation. http://hjcrlaw.lawoffice.com | |
118. Integrity Interactive Corporate Ethics And Compliance Training Webbased corporate compliance training, business ethics courses, and on-line legal information about compliance risks. http://integrity-interactive.com | |
119. Tisinger, Tisinger, Vance & Greer, P.C. - Office: Villa Rica Tisinger, Tisinger, Vance and Greer, P.C. was established in 1922 as a fullservice law firm. We have extensive experience in litigation and corporate transactions and vigorously represent a wide variety of clients throughout the state of Georgia. Our firm prides itself in the delivery of reasonably priced, high quality legal services coupled with high standards, professionalism, efficiency and ethics. http://ttvglaw.com/office_villa.htm | |
120. Residential Construction Toxic Mold Matters Attorney Richard I. Diamond, P.A. Mi legal practice offering services in the areas of alternative dispute resolution, business and commercial law, employment law, ethics and professional responsibility, and litigation and appeals. http://www.ridiamondlaw.com/ | |
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