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41. High School Social Studies Lesson Plans the validity of any public policy debate, bill, law, etc Gets the Job? The purpose of this lesson is for Why a mock Trial?- While learning the details of trial http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/history/highschool/ | |
42. The Ohio Center For Law Discuss in historical and currentday context, and learn how to create lesson plans relative to the First Ohio Âs law-Related Education mock Trial Advisors! http://www.oclre.org/ | |
43. Law Related Education to better understand the law, court procedures and our legal system; to LRE resources include books, lesson plans, mock trial scripts, and audio visual aids. http://www2.state.id.us/isb/gen/lre.htm | |
44. Classroom Activity: Mock Trial An Educator s Reference Desk lesson Plan (see Source about Specific areas of law; Courtroom procedures; Through participation in mock trials and analysis of the http://www.courts.michigan.gov/lc-gallery/class_material/purpose_jud/mock_trial. | |
45. Arkansas Bar Association | Mock Trial Program | Overview the law. Benefits of mock Trial Registration. Teams will have access to a list of resources available from the mock trial office, including lesson plans for http://www.arkbar.com/mocktrial/mocktrial_details.html | |
46. Teaching Street Law As Part Of The Curriculum In South Africa (ALT Bulletin 107) The street law students are then graded according performance in the examination, the lesson plans and school reflective journals, and their mock trial package http://www.lawteacher.ac.uk/bulletin/107e.html | |
47. Courts In The Classroom the functions of the courts of law in governments such as simulated public hearings, mock trials, and debates This lesson plan was written by Elizabeth R. Osborn http://www.in.gov/judiciary/education/lessons/structure_of_indiana_courts.html | |
48. Law Related Education Resources - CT Judicial Law Libraries laws and to encourage lawabiding behavior. ; National Constitution Center  lesson plans - The National National High School mock Trial Championship - The http://www.jud.state.ct.us/LawLib/education.htm | |
49. Lesson Plans with an interest in teaching about the law and the To find lesson plans, click on Parents Teachers mock Trial The Titanic The site was designed for teachers http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/plans.html | |
50. Law Week 2004 A Lawyer Or Judge In Every School April 26-30 3. Visit the law Week website at www.lawweek.org You can choose from simple lesson plans on the website, which or create your own program, such as a mock trial. http://www.wsba.org/media/publications/lawweek/flyer.htm | |
51. March 2001 Victoria Vreeland recounted Putting on a mock trial with a abundance of information, including sample lesson plans and sign for you on the WSBA law Week Web http://www.wsba.org/media/publications/barnews/archives/2001/mar-01-school.htm | |
52. Social Studies Lesson Plans And Resources A Violation of the Sedition law A lesson mock Trial The Titanic Interesting lesson plan for trying the Project Vote Smart lesson plans Nine lesson plans on http://www.cloudnet.com/~edrbsass/edsoc.htm | |
53. Canadian Government Lesson Plans - Elementary School Teachers lesson plan for a simplified mock trial for grades 13 based on a classroom incident. From the Access to Justice Network and SchoolNet. Did Jack Break the law? http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/cangovlessonsel/ | |
54. LearnCalifornia.org - The Right To Education For California's Minorities And Imm Immigrants Online lesson Plan An online lesson examining the immigrants and the development of law relating to participate in a series of mock trials to gain a http://www.learncalifornia.org/doc.asp?id=974 |
55. LearnCalifornia.org - The Right To Education For California's Minorities And Imm Immigrants Offline lesson Plan An offline lesson examining the immigrants and the development of law relating to participate in a series of mock trials to gain http://www.learncalifornia.org/doc.asp?id=973 |
56. Teacher Lesson Plan - To Kill A Mockingbird The Scottsboro Boys trials. Southern Poverty law Center. Writing Connection create a town poem based on photographs in lesson II. http://memory.loc.gov/learn/lessons/98/mock/intro.html | |
57. Social Studies Lesson Plans Police , activity to promote respect for law (612 balances (10-12) sst54.txt mini lesson on porn topics (8-12) sst107.txt Government, mock Trial information (11 http://www.col-ed.org/cur/social.html | |
58. Urban Dreams | Lesson Plans | Insanity | Lesson Plan lesson Plan. John Hinckley ( ReaganÂs attempted assassin) http//www.law.umkc.edu mock Trial the next exercise is designed to allow students to experience the http://www.urbandreamsproject.org/lessonplans/insanity/lessonplan.html | |
59. Law-Related Resources For Teachers the Public and the Illinois lawRelated Education mock Trial Cases mock trial cases (viewable via crf-usa.org, including lesson plans, publications, program http://www.illinoisbar.org/Sections/lawrelateded.html | |
60. Pennsylvania Bar Association |K-12 Education Programs Constitution, Project PEACE, law Day, mock Trial and Stepping resource for educators in lawrelated education. It provides actual lesson plans, links to grant http://www.pabar.org/educationprograms.shtml | |
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