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81. Restitution Legislation
for damages to be paid to victims as a and more states are passing laws which automatically legal issues. In American Parole and Probation Association and

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T he practice of requiring an individual who has harmed another to repay the victim for the harm caused has been at the heart of jurisprudence in the civilized world. In fact, throughout most of history, the concept of repayment or restitution was inseparable from principles of crime and punishment. But as the power of the state grew, and as the interest of monarchs to intervene in an effort to quell violent settlement of disputes also grew crimes against individuals became "crimes against the state." Statutory Rights to Restitution
While victims have always had a common law right to restitution for criminal harm inflicted, virtually all states have, at this point, adopted laws that codify those rights in some form. A vast majority of states allow courts to make payment of restitution a condition of probation and/or parole. Most importantly for victims, at least 23 states have passed laws requiring that restitution be ordered in all cases or that the court state on the record its reason for failing to do so (Beatty, 1991). In almost half of the 29 states that have passed a constitutional amendment for victims' rights, language which mandates restitution is included in the amendment. As part of their broad-ranging authority over the issue of sentencing, courts have had a great deal of discretion concerning matters of restitution, despite statutory mandates and guidelines.

82. Criminal Justice Web Sites
to gauge current correctional trends, issues and policies cases (1894present), governmental resources, international law. If you re into legal information this
Welcome to the Law and Justice Links page RESEARCH RELATED OJJDP Publications (Including BARJ for Restorative Students): Restorative Information: National Criminal Justice Reference Center A must site. Access to the NCJRS catalog of books and periodicals (one of the largest in the world). Links to criminal justice sites and dcouments. Access to bureau of justice statistics information. Bureau of Justice Statistics An excellent site. Many research reports available pertaining to current and recent research. Correctional, court, police trends and many more. Updates on program evaluation. A must see. Sourcebook for Criminal Justice Statistics Another excellent site. A must have for anyone interested in criminal justice. The Sourcebook contains hundreds of tables depciting trends and information on the system, public opinion, victim information, personnel management and countless other pieces of information. If you were to only check out one link this should be the one. You may also need to download Adobe Reader the site will walk you through the download. National Archive of Criminal Justice Data:

83. Law, Legislation And Government
on and links to - Canadian issues and law legal Foundation The Criminal Justice legal Foundation is a nonprofit public interest law organization dedicated
Home Search Networks Contact ... Site Index - Text Version
Law / Legislation / Government
International Resources Canada United Kingdom United States ... Related Documents
International Resources
Comparative Criminal Justice Resources : A deceptively small looking index page leads to hundreds of links dealing with criminal justice, law and government around the world. Cyberlaw Encyclopedia : A vast resource of information on law, technology and the Internet. This site is based in Canada and some information may not be applicable in your jurisdiction; always consult with a local professional in the applicable field. International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy : The Centre is an independent, non-profit institute, officially affiliated with the United Nations. They are dedicated to making a substantial contribution to national and international efforts to reduce crime and improve justice. This site contains publications, occasional papers and reports, an events/conference listing and on-line forum facility, plus links to affiliated organizations. Internet Legal Resource Guide : Listing over 4000 sites in 238 nations and with more than 850 stored page and downloadable files, this is a very comprehensive source of information on law around the world, though mainly focusing on the USA.

84. AZVICTIMS Victims Rights Page
Legislative Session, laws were passed allowing victims of crime their right to be present at legal and court The law requires that employers who have fifty or
Home About Members Arizona DPS FIND BY CATEGORY Child Abuse
Coping as a Victim

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In 1990, Arizona voters passed Proposition 104, a ballot initiative that amended the State Constitution, providing for a Victims’ Bill of Rights. In 1991, the Arizona Legislature passed statutes to define and implement the rights accorded to victims of crime under Article II, Section 2.1 of the Arizona Constitution. These rights impact the victim at every stage of the criminal justice process...from the initial report to the parole process. Special thanks to the Arizona Attorney General’s Office of Victim Services and MADD Arizona State Organization for contributing to this section of our website
Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights
A. To preserve and protect victims' rights to justice and due process, a victim of crime has a right:
1. To be treated with fairness, respect and dignity, and to be free from intimidation, harassment or abuse, throughout the criminal justice process.
2. To be informed, upon request, when the accused or convicted person is released from custody or has escaped.

85. From Tears To Hope - New Beginnings - Victims' Constitutional Amendment - Opposi
Victims issues. Crime victims deserve and evoke legal sympathy. According to the latter, federal law enforcement agencies must treat putative victims with

86. Constitutional, International And Comparative Law Perspectives On Reparation - S
tended to blur the distinction between the three legal concepts of Steiner Alston, 1996; Harvard law School, 1997) have been concerned with issues such as
From Rhetoric to Responsibility:
Making reparations to the surviviors of past political violence in South Africa
Chapter 5
Constitutional, International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Reparation
by Shadrack Gutto Shadrack Gutto is project head of Land Rights Law at the Centre for Applied Legal Studies The legal basis for reparations to the survivors of gross human rights violations that were committed before 10 May 1994 in South Africa, or in neighbouring countries, by either the functionaries or agents of the apartheid regime or by the operatives of the national liberation movements, is a complex one. It requires an appreciation of the negotiated political agreements reached between the main protagonists, the representatives of the colonial apartheid regime and the representatives of the main liberation movements, especially the African National Congress (ANC). The reason for this is that even if one does not accept some of the major issues that were agreed upon, especially the Interim Constitution, the overwhelming majority of the population has demonstrated a willingness to be governed by the outcomes of the agreements. The matter has evolved from being only legal and political to include the sociological. In fact, the Final Constitution of 1996, is, itself, based on the broad principles that formed part of the Interim Constitution. Acknowledging this historical reality is important for a meaningful understanding of the protracted debate around reparation, and the applicable legal norms and principles. This, of course, does not and should not mean that critical appreciation of the past agreements and their impact should be precluded.

87. Legal Terms Dictionary!
Bill (Also Called a No Bill), A legal procedure to evidence to charge the defendant with violating a law. and the defense attorney to clarify issues and, where
For research purposes, has built a directory for criminal and DUI information. Abstract of judgment Accessory Acquittal Action ... Witness Abstract of Judgment A certification from the U.S. District Court clerk that a judgment of restitution was entered against the defendant owing to the victim. If the defendant inherits, owns, or sells real property or holdings, these assets can then be attached at the state and local levels as well. Accessory One who incites, aids, or abets a lawbreaker in the commission of a crime but is not present at the time of the crime. Also called accessory before the fact.
One who aids a criminal after the commission of a crime, but was not present at the time of the crime. Also called accessory after the fact. Acquittal A legal finding that the criminal defendant has not been proven guilty of the charge beyond a reasonable doubt. Action The case, cause, or controversy before the court. Affidavit A written statement of facts made under oath before a notary or court officer. Affirmed A legal finding by a higher court that the ruling or order of a lower court is valid and left to stand.

88. Department Of Criminal Justice
Examines myths about violence, victimoffender characteristics and will be given to legal issues often confronted Laws dealing with the juvenile justice system
Quick Links Page Quicklinks: Quicklinks Page Undergraduates
Advanced Undergraduates

Graduate Students Only

Courses for Undergraduates CJUS 1100. Introduction to Criminal Justice. (3) Components of the criminal justice system are reviewed and their interrelatedness assessed; law enforcement, corrections and courts discussed; studies of the functions of the system reviewed. ( Fall, Spring, Summer CJUS 2000. Introduction to Law Enforcement. (3) An overview of law enforcement in the United States. ( Fall, Spring CJUS 2101. Ethics and the Criminal Justice System. (V)(3) Ethical issues in the administration of justice. ( Fall, Spring CJUS 2120. Juvenile Justice. (3) Intensive analysis of the administration of juvenile justice within the Unites States. Particular emphasis on decision making and procedures of police, courts, and correctional agencies for juveniles. ( Fall, Spring

89. Steps In The Legal Process
not necessarily appear if the proper legal documents have jury on the law, defines the issues and instructs sentence up to the maximum allowed by state law.
If a defendant is arrested and unable to post bond, he or she is entitled to appear before a judge within 24 hours. At First Appearance, the defendant is informed of the charges for which he/she was arrested and is advised of his/her rights. The Judge reviews the law enforcement reports and may raise or lower the amount of the bond, or may release the defendant on his or her own recognizance.
When the State Attorney’s Office receives a formal complaint from a law enforcement agency, an Assistant State Attorney, assigned to the case, will review the reports and may interview witnesses. It is important to cooperate with this office to ensure that all the information about the crime is provided.
This review of the case will determine if there is sufficient evidence to pursue criminal prosecution, and if so, the attorney will file the formal charging document, called an "Information" with the court. You will be notified by letter of this decision.
If there is not sufficient evidence to file criminal charges, the attorney will generate a document indicating no charges will be filed.

90. Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Kyl/Feinstein Crime Victims' Rights Constitu
that, even in states with strong legal protections for he held that it could address issues of possible on the application of the new law, concluding that his

Privacy Notice
Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Kyl/Feinstein Crime Victims' Rights
Constitutional Amendment
September 4, 2003
Washington, DC - The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved a constitutional amendment sponsored by Senators Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that would guarantee victims of violent crime the rights to be notified, present, and heard at critical stages throughout their case in criminal proceedings.
Specifically, the amendment would guarantee that victims of violent crime shall have: the right to reasonable and timely notice of any public proceeding involving the crime and of any release or escape of the accused; the right not to be excluded from public criminal proceedings relating to the crime committed against them; the right to be reasonably heard at such public proceedings, including pleas, sentencings, reprieves, and pardon proceedings; and the right to decisions in proceedings that consider the victim's safety, interest in avoiding unreasonable delay, and just and timely claims to restitution from the offender. The following is the prepared text of Senator Feinstein's statement:
"Today's action is one small step forward for victims' rights in what is a long and difficult road. This amendment will rise and fall on the floor of the House and the Senate based on victims weighing-in in support. Sixty-seven votes are difficult to obtain. We have worked hard over many years on this measure. Now the Senate must hear strongly from the victims across this great nation.

91. 8th Annual Meeting - ACJ Standing Issues - Report From Forum Members - Indonesia
Report from APF Members on Standing issues Indonesia. To guarantee the law enforcement in the settlement of does not only stipulate the legal punishment to

Annual Meetings 8th Annual Meeting Meeting Papers
8th Annual Meeting
Kathmandu, Nepal, 16 - 18 February 2004
Advisory Council of Jurists - Report from APF Members on Standing Issues - Indonesia
MS Word and PDF file] Report prepared by the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights 1. Trafficking women and children Rapid growth of the Indonesian population which is not supported by the availability of the working opportunities has been a factor in relation to increase the women and children trafficking. It is triggered by the collapse of some companies in Indonesia as a consequence of the prolonged economic crisis, so that it has an impact on the increase of the number of the unemployed people. Based on the data available at the National Commission for Anti-Violence Against Women shows that the number of women trafficking in 2003 increases drastically - in 2002, there was 320 cases of women trafficking and in 2003, the number keeps increasing to be 800 cases. This is only a reported figure and it is estimated that the unreported figure is much higher. The cases of the women trafficking relate to the migrant labors (Tempo Interactive, January 29, 2004).

strength and whether or not legal issues will result in makes arguments concerning facts and laws to support Reviews and evaluates victim impact statements to
MESA COUNTY General Employment Position Announcement JOB TITLE: DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY II DEPARTMENT: DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FLSA STATUS: E REPORTS TO: CHIEF DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY HIRING RANGE: $4300 to $4945/month POSITION CLOSES: MAY 21, 2004 JOB SUMMARY (All incumbents may not perform all job functions) Participates in the prosecution of criminal law violations in the judicial district. Conducts criminal felony trials. Drafts and responds to legal motions. Researches legal issues. Analyzes cases for their prosecutability Prepares and presents witnesses at preliminary hearings. Reviews criminal cases for proper disposition. Presents facts to support appropriateness of sentencing. Prosecutes probation violations on behalf of the State. Represents the State on post-conviction remedy motions. Researches and prepares appellate briefs for the Colorado Court of Appeals and the Colorado Supreme Court. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS (All responsibilities may not be performed by all incumbents.) Meet with defendants and victims of domestic violence to review evidence, analyze the facts, and determine if the case should go to trial. Analyze self-defense claims for credibility of witnesses and other facts in case; make plea offers.

93. The National Center For Victims Of Crime - Library/Document Viewer
the child’s parent or legal guardian may of domestic violence when determining child custody issues. communication within their stalking or harassment laws.

94. Libertarian Party: Program On Crime
Libertarians would repeal waiting periods, concealed carry laws, and other For more background on these issues, read the PRIVACY POLICY AND legal TERMS.
Begin to learn more about the Libertarian Party from our Introduction
The basic political philosophy of the Libertarian Party is stated in its Statement of Principles
The elaboration of these principles into positions on a wide range of specific issues is contained in our comprehensive Platform
The LP Program is a statement of the Party's legislative recommendations on several issues of current concern.
In presidential election years, the convention adopts the National Campaign Platform of its presidential candidate.
Other official LP positions are stated in the form of resolutions adopted by the LNC (Libertarian National Committee).
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Libertarian Party Program On Crime
Highlights and Summary of
The Libertarian Party's Solution to America's Crime Problem
An approach to criminal justice and crime control that is smart, compassionate and tough. An approach that will make our streets safe again. America suffers from an epidemic of violence and crime, victimizing one family out of four every year. There is a murder every half hour, a rape every five minutes, and a theft every four seconds. Despite decades of tough talk, the anti-crime policies of the Republicans and Democrats have clearly failed. The Libertarian Party believes a fresh approach is needed. That's why we're offering this five-point plan for making America's streets safe again:

95. President Calls For Crime Victims’ Rights Amendment
the federal government, have passed legal protections for However, those laws are insufficient to fully recognize Victims of violent crime deserve the right to
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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 16, 2002
Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice
Washington, D.C. Policy in Focus: Victims' Rights
President's Remarks
listen 10:15 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Well, John, thank you very much for inviting me to this beautiful room, and thank you all for coming today. Justice is one of the defining commitments of America. In our war against terror, I constantly remind our fellow citizens we seek justice, not revenge. We seek justice for victims. We seek justice for their families. And for justice to prevail in our struggle for freedom, we must rout out terrorist threats wherever they exist. And that's exactly what this country is going to do. (Applause.) And while the war goes on, and while our fight for freedom continues, we will continue to work for justice at home, including justice for the victims of violent crime. I appreciate John Ashcroft's leadership, his stand on principle, and his wise counsel during my time as President. I appreciate so very much Senator Feinstein and Senator Kyl carrying this cause that I'm here to support. I want to thank the Chairman, and I want to thank the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee for coming, as well, Senator Leahy and Senator Hatch. I want to thank all the members from the United States Congress for being here (applause) Congressmen Barrett, and Chabot, and Wicker.

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